Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

Colljoe, I don’t know older posts? FarmMom mentioned ways to go back on google and all things are not deleted all the old posts stay, somewhere on the internet graveyard. I’m not technical enough to know or even care about that stuff.

Why is GulfWaterlady being brought up to? Some don’t post all the time. Even MaeWest would be gone for days too. So why are the “Mysterious 2” posting like crazy. I know FarmMom would frequently. Who knows.

I’m ready for a few glasses of wine NOW!
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

That does not sound AT ALL like MaeWest. From what I recall, she had stated she does NOT have any computer know how to do this...whatever they claim they did.
So, may I suggest we post like hel l's :twisted: a blazin' ... I already started. :lol:
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

GemfarMooom (dumb spelling by the way)made a comment to me on the forum that she gave her horses a hug from me (I would always tell FarmMom to do that) So she tried to play that she is in fact really FarmMom. Just plain weird stuff. I’m going back to my wine!
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

Already noticed both are picking and choosing certain phrases towards posters. But, what was said to me, was WAY OFF. So both have already tripped up.
Noticed they did so with Greeneyesblue and Lacy too. What a bunch of hooey! This must be taking up a lot of their time. Aren't they supposed to be Hosting or something like that?
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

Colljoe, I noticed that with Greeneyesbluesighs and Lacy too. Then where is the “real” FarmMom and MaeWest? Show yourselves!
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

Maybe those two have been booted. :o So these two imposters come in. Ya never know. But those that work with Shop LC would. Uh huh!
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

Yeah I was thinking that too, but I never seen anything that would have caused it. Mae hadn’t posted for awhile. I do have a way to send a message to FarmMom though… I think.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

I sent FarmMom an email but the email address said invalid. I do have a phone # as well but I really don’t want to do that, and maybe it’s no good as well. I’ll do a wait and see.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

And do you really think MaeWest would come up with a name like Penelope-Pit-Stop?
Does not sound like that would be her first choice. And then FarmMom exposing it is her. Why bother changing it only to expose it? And really, how? A different computer is the only way.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

I don’t even think you could with a different email even set up a second account with a different name. The ip address would be the same.

Why they would be banned is still strange, but with some deletions I think you’re maybe right it could be an employee or x employee. Supposedly Stacy no longer works for Shop LC. After she posted and commented about some old not so nice posts about herself she wrote a nice paragraph or 2 about all her trials and tribulations working for Shop LC. I responded nicely and told her I wished her the best of luck and that she was a strong person and so did others. Thats when Miamigs posted she was a Shop LC model or x model for them and stuck up for Stacy (understandably)and then gave her name which I called her out on as a no no, then all h#$$ broke loose and the deletions started. Also neither FarmMom or MaeWest have posted anything in almost a week.

I’m still enjoying my wine though!
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