Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Greeneyesbluesighs » 9 months ago

Bella wrote:
9 months ago
Not being upfront to people and passing yourself off as someone else for starters.I feel like I’m in Junior High School! I’m wondering what your former name was on the forum back in the day. Being deceitful and playing games is no way to make friends on any forum.
Would you like me to tell you? Because if I do it will most certainly be my last post.

And not trying to play games and be deceitful to you all but simply have the ability to interact here.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Bella wrote:
9 months ago
I sent an email but the email address said invalid. I do have a phone # as well but I really don’t want to do that, and maybe it’s no good as well. I’ll do a wait and see.
I'm taking a guess that you didn't input the e-mail correctly. To prevent bots from spamming my e-mail I never type it all the way out. "at" is actually @ in the line. But calling works too, or text. I'm on EST so before 5pm is usually best as I'm running chores after 5 ;)
But you did pretty good if you got that far.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

Bella wrote:
9 months ago
Not being upfront to people and passing yourself off as someone else for starters.I feel like I’m in Junior High School! I’m wondering what your former name was on the forum back in the day. Being deceitful and playing games is no way to make friends on any forum.
I so agree BELLA. What, exactly was the point here? Causing all this confusion and mistrust in this Community Forum? Again, not bright, and NOT funny! That is just my own opinion. Because I like everyone on here and I guess I am a bit disappointed in all of this Tomfoolery.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

To add to my last post...Rolltide started this post stating most on here are employees. Then suddenly there was all these new names popping up which was odd. That Mia and Stacy was odd enough. Rolltide has a good point.
Then, for our own Community members to join in this mess, is just, IDK, weird! Why now?
What caused all this? Which caused us to believe you all are employees. And I am still not so sure you aren't. What do you expect? You all created this mess.
I think we have had enough of Hosts, family members of hosts, fake posts that were actually employees "chastising us" for our opinions and TRUTH of; The Girls handing out, bad hair, terrible nails, suggestive clothing, twitching body movements, sloppy hosts, screaming, bad and wrong information, Etc...OUR TRUTH. Of which we have the right to express. And of which they promptly deleted. Ugh! What Ever! May I suggest we just carry on and let the chips fall where they may .
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

I wholeheartedly agree Colljoe! I never intended to offend or see anyone be banned only to try and figure out what was going on.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

Guys: This is what I posted on "These boots are made for walkin'" :

Bottom line guys, I think it's the timing. Because it happened right when Rolltide brought up the Lies post. Of which he/she is correct.
You have to admit, that created the atmosphere that you all were/are employees. Don't blame us for being suspicious and trying to put two and two together.
If you are past peoples, we are sure happy that you can come back and join in. It's just the way it was done. This too shall pass.
Like I said before, "who's nails look like crapp today"? :lol:
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