Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

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Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Rolltide » 9 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 9 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

I have no doubt there are some, but approx how many "regulars" would you say are employees?

I've been catching on pretty quick. Some are very easy to spot.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

Stacy and Mia are x employees so they say… no one has a crystal ball. I’m less inclined to be so suspicious. I guess Shop LC doesn’t want x employees on the forum. Giving out your name may be enough to have a post deleted, who knows.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Spinoza » 9 months ago

I have the feeling I missed a great post or maybe an entire thread that has since been deleted because I don’t understand what prompted this thread. But I got a good laugh out of the title so I had to check it out! 😁😂 Carry on, good people, carry on!👍✌️
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Rolltide wrote:
9 months ago
Don’t know why I chose that title, just love the song, I guess. I am sure most of the old group caught on way before me, but nearly ALL of these people on here are employees, which makes some of this stuff told on here even worse. I don’t subscribe to it, so….Hasta le pasta, baby!🍀🤮

Couldn’t resist-and anyone in that other group who was disappointed that I wasn’t “missing” harmed or booted, this is what I think of you-😆🤣

I think I am understanding some of this cute post but the confusion lies with your last paragraph :(
Why would yu go "missing" or booted? YIKES :(
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

Sometimes the “higher ups” at Shop LC will” ban or boot people off the forum for things said they don’t like. Lately they just delete it, I guess their too lazy to do anything else. It’s not complicated.
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Hi again Bella ....... :) :) ;) ;)
Hmmmmm, interesting
I have seen some terrible comments made against members here and they still remain, go figure
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Penelope~Pit~Stop wrote:
9 months ago
Hi again Bella ....... :) :) ;) ;)
Hmmmmm, interesting
I have seen some terrible comments made against members here and they still remain, go figure
:lol: :lol: :lol: Are you referring to the fiasco that was "TP"???
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

Oh, let’s not go down that road again!
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Re: Lies, lies, lies, ye-ah!

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Bella wrote:
9 months ago
Oh, let’s not go down that road again!
Hi Bella,

It's no surprise but you will soon discover "that road" got reopened once again this past week.....stay tuned ;)
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