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Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

Really Michele? Surely you can come up with something better than pulling it all back in a shabby ponytail. Come on GURL! May I suggest a pixy haircut? That would look adorable on you. 😘
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Post by Gulfwaterlady » 9 months ago

I totally agree. She is such a nice looking woman and had a career putting make-up on celebs. Why does she let her hair look like a greasy mess?
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Post by Lacy » 9 months ago

I get what your saying. But, maybe she just has to grow it out because it is so thin and straight. I have the same type of hair. I let mine grow really long and it looks better. It took a while though. For me, extensions are painful. Maybe she is experiencing the same thing. She has said, she only has 7 strands of hair on her head, Joking IDK. There was one time I saw Michelle with a wig on. It was bad. I'd rather the little pony tail or bun that she wears. One night I saw Michelle with her hair down. It may have had a few clips in it. It still looked thin, but nice. I am sure she is aware and I am sure she will figure it out.
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Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Lacy wrote:
9 months ago
I get what your saying. But, maybe she just has to grow it out because it is so thin and straight. I have the same type of hair. I let mine grow really long and it looks better. It took a while though. For me, extensions are painful. Maybe she is experiencing the same thing. She has said, she only has 7 strands of hair on her head, Joking IDK. There was one time I saw Michelle with a wig on. It was bad. I'd rather the little pony tail or bun that she wears. One night I saw Michelle with her hair down. It may have had a few clips in it. It still looked thin, but nice. I am sure she is aware and I am sure she will figure it out.
I have seen her with GOOD hair days, even my husband commented she looked nice on those days. I would think by the time I'm her age I'd have my hair thing figured out. I'm with you Lacy, I've done glue in extensions and while I loved them, made working less 'workable" because I didn't want to get them dirty (tractor grease), and they slowly slid their way down and it cost too much $$$ to keep having them re-done. I switched to washing my hair only 2x a week and limit my brushing. It's slowly getting healthier and longer, albeit still thin. It's so fine a slight breeze makes it float like spiderwebs!

But in this host's case, she KNOWS how to do it (I've SEEN it), she just doesn't care to...
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Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

Everyone can have a bad hair day, of course. Even public figures. But to look like you just rolled out of bed and came to work, like just about every single time you're on. Not a good look. She just is, looks, unkept, and needs to get it together. I agree with GemfArMooom...no excuses for her, considering her background.
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Post by Lacy » 9 months ago

I feel for her, it is tough with thinning hair. I think she has a pretty face and with thin hair, there is nothing wrong with her hair pulled back. Saying that, If I were on TV, I would add a pony tail clip that looks natural. The new night owl host Carrie does. Don't hate on me because I sympathize.
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Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

Lacy Who is "hating" on you because you sympathize? I didn't see any hating on here. It's all our own opinions.
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Post by Vickyh2 » 9 months ago

well the hair I can get past but the constant "Uhmmmmmm, Uhmmmmm, Uhmmmmm, BAYNS, Uhmmmmm, Uhmmmm, ummmm, ummmm, BEANS, ummmmm" OMG, did she EVER take a broadcasting or public speaking class??????? "Uhmmmmmm" constantly says "I don't know what the f%ck to say, so I'll fill this dead air time with my thoughts outloud". So lacking of any polish or class. :oops:
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Post by Druid » 9 months ago

After a couple of minutes I am bored to death with all the hosts’presentations.Never again!
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Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Lacy wrote:
9 months ago
I feel for her, it is tough with thinning hair. I think she has a pretty face and with thin hair, there is nothing wrong with her hair pulled back. Saying that, If I were on TV, I would add a pony tail clip that looks natural. The new night owl host Carrie does. Don't hate on me because I sympathize.
to be fair, I've really only watched once, and caught her twice. How do you know Carrie has a pony tail clip? You mean like the fake pony tail, right?

@Vickyh2 UGH. Cannot stand the beans. First time I saw it, it was cute. Now it's annoying. I think there is a time and place for theatrics. Night owl, on a set by yourself. With a maniquin. Or a blow up doll (in clothes), or one of those creepy robot humans. Now you've got a show that will keep the late nighters awake and wanting more!

Kick out Daniel and I'll take over. I'll put Michelle only on night owl and we'll roll with her quirks and amplify them by 100 and sell 20x more product!

OMG. I had the best idea! The earlier days of Saturday night Live they made mock-ups of different TV shows or news or events. We need one JUST for shopping channels! Bad hair, bad nails, flirting and screaming :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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