Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

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Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

I was NOT going to post about this but I was curious if any of you were watching Michele and Hunter at 5:15 p.m. Pacific Time?
What in the world is he on? !!
He was virtually acting ridiculous and poor Michele is trying so hard to present the items but can't get through a presentation because of his antics :roll: :roll:

This is NOT a post to say bad things about a Host, it's a plea in hopes that he will read this and STOP the craziness !!
He virtually is not in tune with most of us customers when he started telling us that we need to be stocking up on Terahertz
But wait, he didn't stop there with the pushiness in verbal form

Hunter got up and proceeded to go to the side and grab two red pouches, then throw them on the table and brag that these are his, he keeps a stash of them around "IN CASE ONE OF THEM BREAKS"
He started to tell us how he gave one to an employee earlier and to strangers, then he just kept talking and screaming so loudly :(

All this time Michele is talking, trying to work and sell the item and she virtually lost her train of thought during that fiasco and other times before I wrote this!!!
Sure she tried to laugh it off and tell us she has known him for over 10 years etc.
Ok.....but if a professional Host is getting confused and her thoughts are jumbled because he is such a distraction what do they think how the viewing customers feel like?

Sadly both of my Terahertz bracelets broke this past week :(
I can't repair them or should I have to!!
My hands can't do that kind of work and I am not good at repairing jewelry
Maybe some people can afford to "stock up" on this stuff but I can't, and I am dismayed that now I have none of it or will I buy another piece of that
Why should I purchase an item that is going to break within 4 weeks?

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Re: Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Oh gosh, I'm sorry Penn. That's not fair for them to BOTH break.

And incredibly callous of Hunter to PUSH so hard to buy extras KNOWING they will break. I fully get "buy one as back-up", but as a precaution, not a GUARANTEE that it WILL break. UGH.

I did see the show last night. My husband had never seen the stuff presented before and got excited about it. I kept trying to talk him into shungite or hematite, but he was determined to get terahertz. Luckily they sold out, lol.

He was able to find it CHEAPER online elsewhere too (half the price) and with free shipping. I mean, if it's going to break ANYWAY, you don't take a BIGGER risk with a lower price, lol.

But curiously it didn't mention a LICK about taking away pain or suffering on the other sites. Only that it helped mental clarity and blood circulation.
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Re: Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

Post by Koalagirl » 9 months ago

Something should be done about Hunter. I can't even watch him with his shouting and thinking he is so funny. The other day he shouted his smack, smack, smack down and then pounded on the table. Who does that. I have to turn him off. Shameful he is on almost everyday too.
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Re: Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

Post by BostonIrish » 9 months ago

Penelope Wow both broke! I would send them back. They must use cheap string. I would be really pppppp off! I would call and tell them there on there way back to Austin. I hope they replace them for You. I bought the big bead necklace and bracket the one with squares its too big for my wrist so I would put it over NY foot were my arch is. The necklace I have not worn due to the clasp is not right go figure I will have to add a loop or something. I am not sure of this stuff. I due believe in suing its I purchased slot over the years the pillows bracket necklace and gave to people with pain. I hope they replace it for you🤗
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Re: Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

Post by BostonIrish » 9 months ago

Was watching H is he🍷
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Re: Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Hello GemfArMooom, Koalagirl and BostonIrish.....

GEM.....So your husband found some great deals online huh?
Go figure! especially when the listing only mentioned mental clarity and blood flow but nothing else
The way these Hosts go on and on about the healing factor etc. is great but it would be nice to see ratings from the customers who it didn't help
Terahertz did work some for me but not as major as it is for Hunter and Michele

Have you seen the video where Michele is showing from her cellphone how her finger was twitching and now it's healed since she started wearing all those bracelets?
I am glad that she is not suffering anymore
Hunter shared a story about a family member who was suffering from something more major and he went in to this slight "teary eyed" testimony how since she is wearing one of the pieces her gave her she is almost 100%

Koalagirl.....I know exactly what you mean !
Why is ShopLC allowing this sort of behavior? They claim to be such professionals
Sadly I have to miss a program every time he is presenting....geez he makes Mr. C look like a cakewalk :lol:

BostonIrish.....Ugh, they both broke while I was wearing them, and when they fell apart the beads rolled so fast when they hit the ground
One was in a store and the other was in the parking lot and the beads rolled out of my site
I was left with half of the beads that I could grab :x
However I am going to go with your idea of a return by calling them and explaining how they both fell apart and were good as gone
THANK YOU for that suggestion :)
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Re: Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

BostonIrish wrote:
9 months ago
Was watching H is he🍷
I can't stop laughing :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 9 months ago

Saturday night, Hunter and Michele are selling Terahertz. I just tuned in when I heard Michele say she was talking about William. I think she meant on the host live messages. Was that you, William our friend on the forum?
They moved on to a gold bracelet. As Michele is presenting gold, Hunter is still reading messages about Terahertz. He didn't want to stop. I think his enthusiasm is real.
I changed the channel as soon as I saw gold.
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Re: Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

Post by Lanai » 9 months ago

I may be in the minority but I also can't stand to watch and listen to him and Yes, he seems to always be ready to fill in at anytime, as well, as his regular shifts. Wonder sometimes if the apartment that he had said he found, is actually the ShopLC Hosts Break Room, where he, himself, has mentioned many times about how that he was asleep on the Host's Room Couch prior to coming on Air. All I can think when I watch this Shopping Network is that it reminds me of the Original Seinfeld Shows. Lol
Ridiculous the way, not only him, but several others act. He is just by far the
loudest!!! American Steve So Obnoxious, Rude, Never Stops Talking and always asking the Producers how many of any Items that he is interested in is left. A couple days ago, when Hosting the MIDNIGHT TLV with Heather, he said he purchased 3 Buy Alls, choice of (3 piece Jewelry Sets of Niassa Ruby, Kyanite, Chrome Diopside & White Topaz) right away and then kept asking how many was left, saying he had told some of his jewelry designer friends to tune in and start buying the jewelry and then redesign them with the calibrated cut stones and sell the semi-mounts. I have heard him say things like this numerous times. So Unprofessional!!! But on this particular night, he then actually said, that when they got off at 2AM and he got back to his Hotel Room, that he was going to check and he didn't care about what jewelry sizes or type of stones were left, he was going to clean the rest out. Disgusting. Feel so sorry for Dionne and Heather when they have to work with either one of them. Jessica handles her own with them and continues to talk about whatever they are presenting. I know it surely gets on her nerves though, she already has Tony and Dan a lot. That should be enough for anyone. The way Hunter throws his glasses, yells and pounds the desk is like some kind of the Wrestling Organizations on TV.
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Re: Earth to Hunter!! Most Customers Can't Afford to Buy Multiple Terahertz!!

Post by Lanai » 9 months ago

BostonIrish wrote:
9 months ago
Was watching H is he🍷
Gotcha and think your probably right, I have wondered the same at times.
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