Comfy Things

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Re: Comfy Things

Post by Druid » 9 months ago

@Penelope~Pit~Stop Hi PPS,
I have a 10 months golden retriever and a mix lab with ??? that we adopted some years ago , the poor guy was in a pitiful state brought from Korea where he was to be sold on the meat market. The golden retriever puppy is full of energy and they both play a lot but also give us full hands…what with retrieving and chewing all kinds of wood and stones from the garden, digging wholes,etc. So, we need to watch him all the time.It’s fun but also tiresome, we can’t leave them alone at home more than 2 hours so, we have to limit our outings.Do you have any pets?
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Re: Comfy Things

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Oh how darling Druid....

I can imagine how much fun that big oaf is when playing outside in your yard, my friend took on a Golden Retriever puppy several years ago :P
She was constantly running after her, replacing her toys that she loved to chew up, replacing flower beds and grass that got trampled etc.

Linda was so exhausted all the time and said it was like raising a child all over again but of course the love she had for Misty was overwhelming and the love and giggles that Misty gave her was worth it
Misty is going on 4 years old now and a wonderful companion, she took to her training as yours will :)

I can't believe how cute they are when in the puppy stage, the paws are so cute cause with Misty they were big and yet she was a puppy!
You have a lab mix and how fabulous that you rescued that dog!
Poor baby, he must have been so frightened being in Korea with those conditions :cry:

You are an Angel for rescuing him and I bet he is darling :)
Wish we could post fur baby pics here so we could see them both
I use to have dogs way back in the day but now I live in a small apartment
Since I love Cats I had a couple of them but they both passed away to Rainbow Bridge
Don't want to get another animal because I can't afford the Vet bills and care so I feed the strays that are in the area :)
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Re: Comfy Things

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

You all write such nice things. I enjoyed reading them. My compliments. 😍
PPS I too take care of ferals and have a feeding station for them. Have trapped, neuter and release, with fellow neighbors who do the same. Love them, they are so beautiful. 💖
I so enjoy a big sweater, a heating pad for the feet, and oh yes...those jammies...curled up on couch and watching a zombie movie...and eggnog with a shot of brandy in it, x 2. :lol:
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Re: Comfy Things

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Hey Colljoe....

Thanks for the compliment and I have to ask, what is your feeding station like?
Sure wish I could do that but I am not allowed to feed strays in the complex where I live so I have to do it "on the sly"
Our patio areas don't have fences but I am blessed to have lots of nice plants surrounding in the ground planter boxes and within the patio there are big flower pots
This way others can't see what is going on ;)
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Re: Comfy Things

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

@PPS. Oh! I am sure they love finding the nuggets amongst the plants. Great idea! I put an 8x8 dish with water half way up then bowl inside with the dry. The water prevents the ants from getting at it. Same with the wet. There are 3 other neighbors who also have a feeding station. We also set up two cameras and we can see the videos of who came during the night, and wee hours of the morning. The catch, neuter, release has really kept the colony down, so really, no new ones of lately. The neighbors that think it's okay to let their cats out at night, they come over too. The food always tastes better in someone else's yard.
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Re: Comfy Things

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

LOL Colljoe....

I do the same thing with the cat bowl in regards to the water tray underneath the bowl
Learned that years ago with my dog bowls outside so of course I knew it had to be with the cats too ;)
Thanks for the tip though :)

Wow, you do feed a happy clan of felines
I do know that I am feeding several cats that come in once in awhile, it all started with a simple plain kitten and her mom but they look to have been fixed cause of the ears being clipped......Thankfully no Raccoons even though in the past I have seen some

When watching TV I have a good view of the area so I can see who is coming around to visit :)
None of my neighbors have any Pets but I have seen other cats near their places too....maybe they are feeding them also
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