Do You Actually WEAR It??

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Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

I was at a wedding a few weekends ago which was a big deal since I never get to look nice or dress up, so I gleefully pawed though my new collection of jewelry to find the winning combo: a large stunning madeira citrine with topaz bagguette halo, diamond chip earrings and a large Nurieite pendant I had done a so-so job of mounting.

Finally, I'm going to look put together!

But when I wandered the party, complementing ladies on their jewelry, one after another after another shocked me. All the "gold" was mystery metal, paperclip chains borrowed from their daughters. The gemstones they either had NO clue, or simply didn't CARE what it was, they just plucked it out and put it on.

Now this WAS a more casual wedding . . . but STILL . . . I couldn't believe it. Growing up, my Dad ALWAYS bought my mom some sort of gold necklace or earrings -- she wasn't a fan of gems. My farming grandpa however, bought my Grandmother TONS of gemstone jewelry (I never saw a lick of it when she passed . . . would have been nice to have ONE item to remember her by..).

What has been your experience wearing jewelry?

*** I already told my daughter my stuff is to be allocated out to all the daughters when I die, and the wives of the sons ****
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by lah2001 » 9 months ago

I try to wear my jewelry often, almost daily. I even wear it around the house or when I'm painting (I'm an artist). I wear it mainly because I just like to wear it. With the stash I've managed to amass, I'll probably never get to wear all of it. But I try!

Interesting that the women you met were so blasé about their jewelry. That's foreign to me. I always notice other people's jewelry, and know what I'm putting on myself. Of course, jewelry is an interest of mine, so no judgment of them. It's just interesting.

My twin sister was attending a wedding recently, and I helped her outfit herself with a jewelry wardrobe to match her dress. It was fun.
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Hi GemfArMooom and Lah2001,

First I have to say that I would have been noticing that sort of drab jewelry myself Gem, so I get your curiosity about why they just didn't care
Not that I judge everyone as I am no fashion Maven but I try to make sure I am dressed appropriately at an occasion and the adornments go with my outfit :D

So Lah2001....I am a Twin and she is the same way, she wears her jewelry around the house all the time :)
I go more places than she does so I can wear mine more often but I still haven't wore some of the pretty "statement" rhinestone pieces that I have gotten from ShopLC
(2 years ago)

Some of the items I wore a couple of times and then sold them at the flea market, they were well taken care of and wiped down :)
My gosh I didn't know you are an Artist....very cool
Bet you have some pretty jewelry!!
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Penn -- how did I not know you had a twin sister?!

Lah -- is 2001 the year you graduated? Or the year you were born (just curious, hahah)

Also, I thought you had mentioned this previously, but that avatar photo, is that an item you made or you bought? It's lovely!
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by lah2001 » 9 months ago

Penelope--That's so cool that you're also a twin! Identical or fraternal? We're fraternal, but we look and sound very much alike for fraternal twins.

Yes, I'm an artist. I've been trying to focus on my painting more the past few years. I've also been caring for some family members, so it's been challenging.

Gem--2001 is neither, it's just a year that was good to me. :) And the necklace I'm holding in my avatar is something I purchased. I was recently thinking of putting one of my paintings up as my avatar.
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Ohhhh, that would be fun! You could do a new one each week and really show off your work :D
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by lah2001 » 9 months ago

Self promo!
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Hello Lah2001 and GemfArMooom.....

Yes I have a Twin sister and we are fraternal but in high school most people couldn't tell the difference
Even now some think we look the same in many ways
We sound the same, are both near sighted and left handed and like basically the same thing except for, let's just say I'm Red blooded if you get my drift :lol:

So that is cute Lah, that your Twin is almost the same as you
Mine is the oldest and of course the bossier one (first born are the bossy one)
I like GemfArMooom's idea about showing different avatar's of your stones and art work
Bet there is some nice pieces to share with us!!!
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 9 months ago

This is a true statement. Since about 1985 I have been wearing genuine gemstone jewelry. I know what the gemstone is and love to know what country it was mined in although that is not always authentic info.
I can only think of about ten times that I was asked what gemstone I was wearing. I say ten times since 1985 because it is virtually never. I have so much jewelry, so many different gems. I have had compliments but no one ever asks what the stone is. If I say what the gemstone is and I begin to say something like the country it is from or that it's no longer being mined, I can always tell the person isn't interested.
I truly believe most women could care less. They like receiving a gift of an expensive gemstone. They know ruby, emerald, or blue sapphire but they have no interest in what country it is from. They have no idea what AAA means or a mm size. They do seem to know what a one carat diamond is!
Once I was wearing a spessartite garnet ring. Someone said it was pretty. I started to tell them it was a garnet and all the colors of garnet. They said they just liked the color. I recently wore an emerald ring. A woman asked me if it was an emerald. I said yes and added it was from the Kajem mine and began to talk about emeralds. She asked what was the big difference, they all look the same.
I realized long ago that some people are gem geeks or gem snobs but the vast majority of people just like it because it's pretty.
I like to look at what jewelry women are wearing. I see layered chains and hoop earrings, usually one ring. I have a huge amount of rings. I like rings because I can see them. I always wear 4-5. Once in a while I will see a young woman with lots of silver rings on. But, most women take casual dressing to mean very little jewelry.
I rarely attend formal events. When I do, I wear my gemstones. I wear them because I like them. Whether I was young or old no one ever noticed. So, I highly recommend buying because you like it, not to impress someone.
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Very good info Gulfwater!

You are probably correct, most just don't care, and others are more on point with the current trends (such as the paperclip chains). I think if something has a great story behind it, that can play a factor as well (like many don't want blood diamonds).

I see permanent gold jewelry is trending right now, can't understand why other than two girls can go get them done and it's prettier than a tattoo, lol.
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