Do You Actually WEAR It??

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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by Druid » 9 months ago

I wear my pieces of jewelry everyday, sometimes I change them several times a day based on my envies or intuitive appeal to wear certain stones. I have a preference in rings for simpler designs with one center stone or some hallo little stones, band gem studded rings.I am for less is more, never more than one ring on each hand and just one bracelet. I may layer some dainty gold or silver chains, wear necklaces or pendants with stones that have certain properties that I feel I need on certain days. The stones inspire me and I wear what I feel I need.I may even sleep wearing some pieces until I feel the “ call” of another stone. I don’t care about compliments and don’t bore people with information about my pieces of jewelry. Only once, one of my students asked me if my jewelery was “ real”. I don’t like the fashion trend of anything paper clip bracelets or chains nor the big rings baroque style or animal design.I also have some costume jewelry pieces that look elegant ,some classic other fantasy styles.My two pieces advice is : don’t wait for special occasions but enjoy wearing your jewelry everyday, even at home ( I do ) just for your sake.This brings you a well being state of mind and brightens your days.
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by Spinoza » 9 months ago

I wear my jewelry a lot simply because I like it. What others think about it really doesn’t matter to me. Anyway, every so often my friends and I get together for a “jewelry-a-thon”. We bring all the jewelry pieces we no longer wear/like and trade them with each other, or sometimes just give the pieces to whoever wants them. (I’m not talking about really expensive jewelry!) It’s a fun night for all with lots of laughs, “oohs and aahs”, “thank you’s” and plenty of adult beverages! I always come home with a few new pieces of jewelry I can’t wait to wear and my friends go home with pieces of my jewelry collection that were just taking up space. :D
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 9 months ago

I know that some gems have qualities in the metaphysical world. But, I did not know, until Druid mentioned it, that people feel the benefits of certain pieces of jewelry, so much, they know what gemstone to wear because of how they are feeling. I have never had any feeling from a gemstone. I wish I did.
Spinoza, I have never been to a jewelry exchange party. It sounds like fun. You must have really close friends to do this though. Also, you all must have similar taste. I can't even get friends to talk about jewelry!
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

I agree with you GWL, my friends don't talk jewelry either :(

But I DO think an exchange party sounds like fun! SLC had some awful gaudy rings on last night and it made me think of your party idea, and thought, "What if you had an ugly ring contest party?" hahahaha!

And Druid, I love your reason for wearing something. I don't think I have enough mounted gems to warrant a feeling from them, but my Nurielite was the only gem right off the bat I noticed having an effect on me. The same feeling I get watching the sun pass behind the clouds and they light up and glow and send sun rays down, or in the evening when they buzz with various shades of pinks and purples. I have a few favorites that "call" to me more than others, and keep them in a specific pattern on my desk. They give almost a euphoric feeling . . .
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by joshuatheemerald » 9 months ago

If we were allowed to share names etc., it would be so fun to do like a White Elephant gift exchange amongst those of us who have been around for awhile.
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

joshuatheemerald wrote:
9 months ago
If we were allowed to share names etc., it would be so fun to do like a White Elephant gift exchange amongst those of us who have been around for awhile.
That would be awesome!

I went back through old posts from 3 years ago, back during covid a member went "missing" and everyone feared the worst. They begged SLC to get a phone number but SLC claimed they couldn't . . . I don't know if they every found out what had happened. Very sad :( It never would have been an issue if people were allowed to actually connect (I dont understand the big deal!)
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Re: Do You Actually WEAR It??

Post by lah2001 » 9 months ago

Penelope~Pit~Stop wrote:
9 months ago
Hello Lah2001 and GemfArMooom.....
I like GemfArMooom's idea about showing different avatar's of your stones and art work
Bet there is some nice pieces to share with us!!!
Penelope, I tried to put one of my artworks up as an avatar, but the avatar size is so small, it sort of distorted the painting. Too bad, it would have been fun to do.
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