10k Gold vs 24K gold fauxpax

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10k Gold vs 24K gold fauxpax

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

We hear about gold all day and all night.

We've HEARD the spiel "gold prices right now are at just under $2,000 an ounce! You are only paying ______ for ______ grams of this 10K gold!"

The other day they presented 24K gold at 3.3grams for $500. Except this one came back to bite them in the butt (and why correct presentation is SO important instead of trying to spit out anything you can think of to sell an item). She started to talk about "gold prices right now are at just under $2,000/ounce" and MUST have gotten a look from someone because she quickly realized her mistake . . .

Anyone running the numbers for 24K gold would see that it would only be $200 worth of gold . . . for $500 . . . and she quickly went on to try to recover her speech by saying "you also have manufacturing costs, etc".

But in that BRIEF moment, anyone could see how POOR of an investment this would have been. How long would it take that $200 of gold to become $500? Possibly a lifetime.

As far as manufacturing and design costs, it's next to nothing for them. They do it in China and India. Really you are paying for the big warehouses and the staff that produce the TV show. Jewelry DOES always have an upcharge, and I'm sure that same pendant would have been 2x the price somewhere else.

But to keep claiming it's an investment, well, they just stuck their foot in their mouth on that one . . .
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Re: 10k Gold vs 24K gold fauxpax

Post by Druid » 9 months ago

“They stuck their foot in their mouth” most of the time. The selling pitches are never to be believed : they sell dreams that are expensive and in most cases worthless. Buy only if you like something, don’t let yourself be pushed by would be investments, there is not such a thing in jewelry.
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Re: 10k Gold vs 24K gold fauxpax

Post by Lanai » 9 months ago

Finally, I am so glad that someone else has brought this to light. I tried to several times in the past. I'm pretty sure some of the posts were removed. No way their gold jewelry will ever get to a price for it to EVER be considered an ""Investment". It's just a complete lie to sell 10k, 14k, and even 18k as Investment Grade Metal also. All anyone needs to do to easily understand is to view the Spot Price of Gold, themselves, not listen to Hosts, whose job it is to sell. No Investment Profit to be made on their 24k Gold Pieces Either. Possibly some resell profit on their items if purchased at a good enough price. Any Legitimate Wall Street/Stocks/Trading Websites easily have graphs to break everything down from Gold Purity/Gram Weight/ Trading Price. All Metals that are traded. Even if Gold ever got to $5000+ a Troy Ounce like they have claimed more times than I can count, the normal consumer still would make VERY LITTLE to NO PROFIT from what they paid for jewelry pieces purchased, and that would only be if High Purity Gold. It takes High Purity Gold/Shares and lots of it to make it Profitable. For "some" Hosts to constantly talk to the Customers about how "all though they are not financial advisors"
those same ones continue to strongly urge for Customers to make purchases and imply these items are Financial Legitimate Trading Opportunities is so deceptive and unethical. Is there nice , pretty jewelry items offered at a decent price at times??? Yes, for a jewelry item but that is exactly all it is, not as an Investment Opportunity.Decorative items to wear, gift, hand down. Makes me sick that they constantly talk about Low Grade Gold being an Investment Opportunity and to buy, buy, buy before their not able to sell Gold anymore. Please. Thank You for Speaking Out. I totally agree and support you!!
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Re: 10k Gold vs 24K gold fauxpax

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

THANK YOU GemfArMooom, Druid and Lanai for providing SUPER information, exposure and downright fibbing and shell games that are being played on ShopLC regarding the Gold that they are selling!!

In the last couple of days I have been watching a few of these shows, especially at Night and there are two Hosts who have become overwhelming with their presentations :(
The male Host can't stop sounding like a car salesman and telling us that "this is the first time I have ever seen such a deal, this is the first time I have ever had the opportunity to sell this at such a ridiculous price" and I could go on!!

Then the female Host is just a robot who continues to use the same phrases over and over again, and tells us that she wears her Gold layered ALL THE TIME and proceeds to show the audience what she owns and how she is buying Gold for family members as an investment
WHAT ?????
How can 10kt (mostly what she wears) or 14kt be considered a great investment?

Lanai has it correct when she states in her comment "No way their gold jewelry will ever get to a price for it to EVER be considered an "Investment"
All the wealth of information GemfArMooom and you have shared with us is proof that this over zealousness in selling Gold is "they sell dreams and are expensive and in most cases worthless" (quote from Druid)

Every time I am watching a show and then Gold comes on I am rolling my eyes because they are so insistent that they are GIVING US the best prices in the world
I remember some posts about the difference in the grades of Gold too Lanai and I do believe they were removed
My opinions are not mean but what I see and hear when watching ShopLC

Sadly I have to change the channel after watching a few presentations (hoping they go on to another piece of jewelry) and I just hope many will look into what investment Gold will look like and what it entails
Thankfully you ladies have given us a very good education on such matters!
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Re: 10k Gold vs 24K gold fauxpax

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Beware.....there is a sneaky snake among us
I had a game called that and it was fun, back in the 60's
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Re: 10k Gold vs 24K gold fauxpax

Post by Lanai » 9 months ago

Penelope~Pit~Stop wrote:
9 months ago
Beware.....there is a sneaky snake among us
I had a game called that and it was fun, back in the 60's
I think your right about that. Think there probably always has been. More than one, perhaps a den. Rarely is there a Single Snake. Dealing with
a Company, who knowingly is deceptive, in numerous ways. In yet, another blatant, show of unethical selling practices is the Terahertz products. What they know is very cheaply made Terahertz Necklaces and Bracelets, that is not a question of if, but when, these items will break but yet having the Hosts continue to sell these items while instructing the Customers to go to a Hobby/Craft Store and purchase stronger jewelry string and restring this Company's Defectively Made Products, themselves. That is, of course, if enough beads/pieces can be found after the items that were purchased just Snap, for No Apparent Reason, leaving Customers to crawl around on the ground/floor trying to find and
collect the beads/pieces so then, they uthemselves, can spend the time and gas money to drive to a Store to purchase stronger jewelers string to attempt to re-assemble a product that was knowingly sold to them defective, that is, if enough of the Terahertz pieces are found. Hunter, as well as other Hosts, have given this advice basically every presentation. A Direct Message concerning this Exact Topic was sent to Hunter, recently, after he recounted, yet again, his story of crawling around on the floor of Walmart trying to find the Terahertz pieces of a Necklace that broke while shopping, posing the question as to "Why it should be the Customers responsibility, to fix products, that were knowingly being sold defective, with the Hosts actually giving instructions of what was needed to fix the product and wasn't that a QC issue that needed to be addressed and resolved by the Company, not the Customers??" There was no response, of course. There certainly would have been if I had sent a message praising him and/or their cheaply made products though. Seems fair that they should be paying the Customers to take these poorly made products off their hands since they are always having "Clearance Sales" because of the much needed Warehouse Space. They obviously aren't putting any money into making sure they are selling quality products, just trying to sell them for as much as they can, as fast as they can, to get rid of them. Hosts, reading the Same Old Recycled Questionable Testimonials, again and again, acting as if they are new, just like with Opatra Products, Shungite and Tanzanite. That should tell everyone what this Company thinks about their Customers and how much they "appreciate and love you friends"
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Re: 10k Gold vs 24K gold fauxpax

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago


Once again you have me cracking up :lol: :lol:
So I am one of those customers that lost both Terahertz bracelets :x
WOW!!! I had no idea that Hunter claimed he crawled around looking for lost/fallen beads from his jewelry.....good grief!
That was a complaint of mine in another thread how I lost most of the beads cause it fell so fast from my wrist and those bad boys rolled so rapidly on the store floor :(

No way was I going to bother folks by trying to retrieve them and this idea on how these certain Hosts keep telling us how "easy" it is to just take a trip to the Hobby store and get stronger string is pure craziness !!
Why should I have to repair it? I am going to be calling ShopLC in hopes of getting a refund or free replacement

Sadly this Terahertz thing has become a "cult" and you are right again, the same ole "testimonials" are a huge red flag
The stories from some of the Hosts are so outrageous and totally border on Medical advice even though they state a "disclaimer"

As for the S.S, that one appeared in the last 24 hours....just saying ;)
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Re: 10k Gold vs 24K gold fauxpax

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago


I will say, IF you are a jeweler AND doing all your own work, THEN it is an investment. You buy it cheap now and sell much higher later. The markup is already high, and when you sell a lot you will stand to make a lot. The fact IS, when you CAST an item in gold, were you to have someone else do it for you, it's only a few dollars over market price (if market price/gram is $50 they might charge $53). You sell that gold item now for $300 - you've already made $250 off that gold, without ANY price change on the gram.

Don't get me started on the beaded necklaces . . . they were selling "rare gem beads" for $10,000 . . . . no joke.
Soooo, we buy a VERY expensive necklace for 10K and HOPE the beads stay on? I don't even think it was knotted! All I could picture was some poor soul chasing around $10k worth of gemstones all over the floor. UGHHHH!

The terehartz is bonkers. You go to any other site and NONE make the claims SLC does. PLUS, their info on how/why it was made is not even correct! It was never made for humans! It was created as a new type of technology to transmit data. The Chinese who love making big profits off "healing items" saw this as an opportunity to make some nice cash and turned it into stones to be polished for jewelry with some crazy claims behind it.

but they had my husband convinced and he insisted I get him one. I wasn't going to drop $$ on something that would break so I bought one elsewhere for 1/3 of the cost. He later tells me has hasn't noticed any change in his pain. But he did like how it looked.
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