Last Saturday night with Michele

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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by lah2001 » 9 months ago

GemfArMooom wrote:
9 months ago
Half the time I think those guys are stuffed into their phones because the camera almost never shows what the hosts are trying to show, and it's always 4 seconds delayed IF it even attempt a new shot.
Omg, so true. Don't get me started on the camera people. They take so long to switch shots, zoom in when necessary, zoom out when necessary, or do any shot a host may be requesting that I get frustrated watching!
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by RoseyRuby » 9 months ago

I think that she's highly stressed, working with a disability (I understand that her hearing is poor), having her family thousands of miles away in another state and I heard her mention that her grown son is developmentally disabled living with her husband, so I can just imagine how much she is dealing with! I like her, because she is REAL. She doesn't so the phony baloney, soft speaking stuff/same old descriptive words, like I've seen on the other shopping channels.
I don't watch any of them as much, because frankly with this economy I have very little extra money to blow on myself. I did buy the silicone Infrared FDA approved Face Mask and so far, I've been happy with it. I also have a load of Opatra devices which I use daily. But as for jewelry, I have plenty and not a whole lot of places to wear any of it.
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by Tina » 9 months ago

GemfArMooom wrote:
9 months ago
Sadly, I think she is like all other hosts, spinning a tale. I would be pretty freaked out to hear someone speaking in arabic on national TV . . . Spanish, not so much. French, well I guess. But Texas doesn't strike me as having a big arabic population, not to mention HOW AWSOLUTELY RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL.

I don't care WHAT language you speak, talking to one person in a different language in a group of people is RUDE. If someone is in the conversation and doesn't know english well, interpreting for them is perfectly fine. But to have a "secret" conversation with someone in plain view of others is NOT COOL.

If she was BS-ing to try to get Hunter back on track, that's the PRODUCERS JOB, not hers. CUT HIS MIC. Half the time I think those guys are stuffed into their phones because the camera almost never shows what the hosts are trying to show, and it's always 4 seconds delayed IF it even attempt a new shot.
Why would someone speaking Arabic freak you out? Hmmm...this comment sounds interesting. But someone speaking Spanish...'not so much'.
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Tina wrote:
9 months ago
GemfArMooom wrote:
9 months ago
Sadly, I think she is like all other hosts, spinning a tale. I would be pretty freaked out to hear someone speaking in arabic on national TV . . . Spanish, not so much. French, well I guess. But Texas doesn't strike me as having a big arabic population, not to mention HOW AWSOLUTELY RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL.

I don't care WHAT language you speak, talking to one person in a different language in a group of people is RUDE. If someone is in the conversation and doesn't know english well, interpreting for them is perfectly fine. But to have a "secret" conversation with someone in plain view of others is NOT COOL.

If she was BS-ing to try to get Hunter back on track, that's the PRODUCERS JOB, not hers. CUT HIS MIC. Half the time I think those guys are stuffed into their phones because the camera almost never shows what the hosts are trying to show, and it's always 4 seconds delayed IF it even attempt a new shot.

Why would someone speaking Arabic freak you out? Hmmm...this comment sounds interesting. But someone speaking Spanish...'not so much'.

It's a basic logistical comment my dear.

Canada is to our NORTH, primary languages spoken are French and English (a bit of Chinese), Mexico to our south, primary languages spoken are English and Spanish.

We have Spanish emersion schools here in MI, our #1 taught second language is Spanish, followed by French, and everything on our food labels is in English and Spanish, sometimes in French.

SOOOOOOOO YES, those two "other" languages while it would be a bit of a surprise, would NOT be a shock considering they are somewhat commonplace.

PLEASE do explain to me WHICH Arabic country we border???
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by joshuatheemerald » 9 months ago

RoseyRuby wrote:
9 months ago
I think that she's highly stressed, working with a disability (I understand that her hearing is poor), having her family thousands of miles away in another state and I heard her mention that her grown son is developmentally disabled living with her husband, so I can just imagine how much she is dealing with! I like her, because she is REAL. She doesn't so the phony baloney, soft speaking stuff/same old descriptive words, like I've seen on the other shopping channels.
I don't watch any of them as much, because frankly with this economy I have very little extra money to blow on myself. I did buy the silicone Infrared FDA approved Face Mask and so far, I've been happy with it. I also have a load of Opatra devices which I use daily. But as for jewelry, I have plenty and not a whole lot of places to wear any of it.
I have heard bits and pieces of Michelle’s plights as she has lamented on the air or it’s been discussed here and definitely feel for her.

However, may I just propose the following idea: as a broadcast personality in the medium of shopping, her job is to sell you the product. Just as your local news anchor’s job is to report the news, or the celebrity chef demonstrates a recipe. There are moments where any of these people on TV can insert a personal story or remark to tell the story or make themselves relatable, yes! But in my opinion, Michelle uses her time on LC as if it’s the Michelle Show. There is very little actual content she is sharing. Yes the little odd sayings are cute and endearing. But if this is how she treated her on camera presence at other jobs as she’s mentioned on LC or we forum members have recounted, no wonder she no longer works at those positions. Dont get me wrong, I think LC has many hosts who pull focus away from the presentation and onto themselves, but Michelle should move back to California if that’s where her family is and the distance seemingly creates a stressful situation for her. She’d have a better shot at becoming a talk show host or YouTube personality in Hollywood than in Texas and wasting her more natural abilities on a shopping channel.
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by Koalagirl » 9 months ago

No different than Diana .lamenting how her disabled son is costing her a lot of money. She's horrible.
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Koalagirl wrote:
9 months ago
No different than Diana .lamenting how her disabled son is costing her a lot of money. She's horrible.
Hello Koalagirl....

Who's Diana? and what shift does she work mostly? thanks
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by RoseyRuby » 9 months ago

Is it Dionne or something similar? The lady who's married to someone in the military? I haven't seen her on in ages--but then again I usually just flip it on in the a.m. when I first get up. I haven't seen Stacey on, either. I did see that Daniel Green (the guy with the British accent) is back on the MN channel. He didn't last too long in Texas.
Maybe that's why Michele has kept her job for so long, not too many people stay. At any rate, I find her entertaining and endearing. I can't say that AT ALL for the snobs on the PA channel nor the FL either. Although I do buy from them, but usually off of the website.
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

joshuatheemerald wrote:
9 months ago
RoseyRuby wrote:
9 months ago
I think that she's highly stressed, working with a disability (I understand that her hearing is poor), having her family thousands of miles away in another state and I heard her mention that her grown son is developmentally disabled living with her husband, so I can just imagine how much she is dealing with! I like her, because she is REAL. She doesn't so the phony baloney, soft speaking stuff/same old descriptive words, like I've seen on the other shopping channels.
I don't watch any of them as much, because frankly with this economy I have very little extra money to blow on myself. I did buy the silicone Infrared FDA approved Face Mask and so far, I've been happy with it. I also have a load of Opatra devices which I use daily. But as for jewelry, I have plenty and not a whole lot of places to wear any of it.
I have heard bits and pieces of Michelle’s plights as she has lamented on the air or it’s been discussed here and definitely feel for her.

However, may I just propose the following idea: as a broadcast personality in the medium of shopping, her job is to sell you the product. Just as your local news anchor’s job is to report the news, or the celebrity chef demonstrates a recipe. There are moments where any of these people on TV can insert a personal story or remark to tell the story or make themselves relatable, yes! But in my opinion, Michelle uses her time on LC as if it’s the Michelle Show. There is very little actual content she is sharing. Yes the little odd sayings are cute and endearing. But if this is how she treated her on camera presence at other jobs as she’s mentioned on LC or we forum members have recounted, no wonder she no longer works at those positions. Dont get me wrong, I think LC has many hosts who pull focus away from the presentation and onto themselves, but Michelle should move back to California if that’s where her family is and the distance seemingly creates a stressful situation for her. She’d have a better shot at becoming a talk show host or YouTube personality in Hollywood than in Texas and wasting her more natural abilities on a shopping channel.
As usual Joshua, excellent insight! A TALK SHOW HOST would be utmost IDEAL for her! She's probably KILL it too. I get that she likes jewelry, but her personality DEMANDS the spotlight, and honestly she's quirky enough to have earned it . . . in the right FIELD.

There's always Tiktok . . . I've seen a few 'crazies" on there that make LOADS of $$$ by just saying stupid annoying stuff and being as irritating as possible. She could be a classier version of that . . .

It's kinda odd . . . she moved OUT of CA to be on TV, where most people move IN to CA to be on TV :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by Koalagirl » 9 months ago


Sorry, meant Deanna.
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