Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Good morning Koalagirl....

I have to now disagree with you with all due respect :)
No way has Hunter ever shown up with the following description of what C always wears!
Mr. C showed up always wearing a dressy Jacket with plain light shirts with a boutonniere on the lapel and a fancy silk handkerchief in the left pocket!
I had never seen any male Host dress so fancy on ShopLC
To me C always bordered on very dressed up Suits as though he was attending an after 5 party

Never have I seen him wearing casual shirts in the Western style that Hunter started wearing....(even when he decided to go casual on a Friday once in a while)
I too have been watching a long time and the first thing I noticed about C was how he "dressed to impress" along with his Rolex and diamond ring

Then comes Hunter with these good looking casual shirts he wears EVERYDAY with all different plaids and somewhat colorful designs
Next thing I see is Mr. C starting to wear the same kind of shirts like Hunters....no coincidence there :lol:
Just my opinion but it was surely noticeable when it started ;)

I remember seeing quite a few shows where Hunter was getting all kinds of compliments about his shirt etc. and that is when all of a sudden C started coming in without his dressed up apparel and copying Hunters "look"
It was so obvious in my opinion :)
Last edited by Penelope~Pit~Stop 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Do you think the guys get all catty, trying to out-do the other to gain the attention of the female hosts??

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I guess I don't understand that . . . aren't there MORE women than MEN in that age bracket? Or do men that age find it a struggle to catch the eye of the single women around them because the women are just happier on their own???
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 8 months ago

GemfArMooom wrote:
9 months ago
Do you think the guys get all catty, trying to out-do the other to gain the attention of the female hosts??

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I guess I don't understand that . . . aren't there MORE women than MEN in that age bracket? Or do men that age find it a struggle to catch the eye of the single women around them because the women are just happier on their own???

I can't answer how many men there are in comparison to women but oh heck yes Men are chatty kathy's!!
They talk about women being jealous but I can see that behavior on ShopLC between a few of them :lol:
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

@Koalagirl @Penelope~Pit~Stop

I wasn't watching when everyone arrived, so I can't speak of anything more than what I myself noticed day to day.

Chuck always wore the fancy suit outfit with a pin, flower or silk hankerchief tucked into his left pocket, and looked best with his hair long and dapper. Then he cut it and made his face look extra chubby. UGH. Honestly, if my dad were selling jewelry on SLC, he'd look 99% the same as Chuck, with the exception of throwing out all sorts of flirty comments to the female hosts :lol: :lol:

Hunter from what I remember, always had the western shirts, and while they looked good on him it was a strange site for someone that age to be wearing unless they came from a ranch in their earlier years and just always kept the theme.

Actually, I DO recall Chuck wearing some sort of hideous polo type shirt one day, again, something like my dad would pull out from the 1990's, lol, but I don't recall either host dressing similar to the other, or at the very least I don't recall Hunter donning a fancy suitcoat.

But REALLY, as long as no one has their chest hanging out, I don't care enough study their clothing :lol: :lol:
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