Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

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Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Hi everyone and hope you are having a good week
I am wondering if someone else saw Lolo on the Night Owl shift this morning
Never have I seen her work so late and I was going to write in and ask her why she was there but I remembered that she doesn't read messages

Her co-host was Hunter and she did okay with him....she held her own in the hour or so that I was watching before I fell asleep
She had on the prettiest Pink sweater with faux pearls around the top, I can't wear sweaters like that because they are constricting for me but it was darling

I was thinking perhaps she was filling in for Becky but usually that other Host does that....ugh
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by Koalagirl » 9 months ago

Lolo always works with Hunter on Friday's so she is use to his stupid antics. Very surprised she was on the night owl show though.

Still am not able to create a new topic and wanted to say that today is FREE SHIPPING!
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

@Koalagirl: Right under here 👇 where it says in little letters "go to General Conversation" ... click on that. You are now at the General Conversation page and it says "Post a new Topic"...
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by Koalagirl » 9 months ago

Hey, thanks Colljoe. Will try that.
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Hi Koalagirl.....

I don't watch much during the day so I didn't know she has worked with Hunter, thanks for sharing that :)
Also since I haven't turned on the TV yet I didn't know about the Free Shipping, thanks for that heads up :)
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

I also saw the free shipping, nice touch!Q Glad to see them trying to reach out a bit! Of course I'm always wondering if maybe the price went up by about $4, lol.

I saw Lola on this morning and Hunter made a comment about him not being as rude as ____ host and Loala stepped in and said something like she's worked with hunter before and they work well together. I was chasing puppies so didn't catch it, but sounded like someone wrote in and said something.

She was filling in, but not sure for who.

Then again.... maybe it was for the host who got kicked out of the store on live SLC broadcast and is now in trouble??? It sounded like a very impromptu fill in....
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by Tina » 9 months ago

Yes I saw her. I believe she mentioned several times that she wasn't working her 'regular' shift. Who knew?? Her whining is a bit much for me these days. I have to mute her and read the close caption. I love Hunter...he's humble and down to earth. Lolo is too impressed with herself. She and Dionne are too much for me. I'm not going to be mean, but the hair thing is too much. One of the hosts REALLY needs to get the hair thing together. ShopLC isn't the 'Housewives of....' you fill in the blank. I don't watch half as much as I used to because the bragging about LV, Chanel and Tesla are a bit much.
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Tina wrote:
9 months ago
Yes I saw her. I believe she mentioned several times that she wasn't working her 'regular' shift. Who knew?? Her whining is a bit much for me these days. I have to mute her and read the close caption. I love Hunter...he's humble and down to earth. Lolo is too impressed with herself. She and Dionne are too much for me. I'm not going to be mean, but the hair thing is too much. One of the hosts REALLY needs to get the hair thing together. ShopLC isn't the 'Housewives of....' you fill in the blank. I don't watch half as much as I used to because the bragging about LV, Chanel and Tesla are a bit much.
@Tina ....

Hello.....I am with you on Lolo's voice as she can be hard to listen to when she talks like a little girl, I don't understand why she does that :(
I must have walked away when she mentioned her reason for working that late shift however I did watch her with Cheryl yesterday and I DID hear her announce that she will be working the Night Owl shift again this week several times
Lolo said it was due to folks being on vacations

Ok, I am with you about not being mean about "hair" but I was shocked to see a certain Host working with Mr. C and I was blown away at how HUGE her weave was....OMG!
I hate to say anything cause we all have a right to wear our chosen styles but that was extreme and took away from her beautiful face :(

One thing I do like about Hunter is his very nice wardrobe!
He pulls it off with no struggle and I always laugh when I started noticing Mr. C copying Hunter's shirts :lol:
I felt that was going to happen cause he wants to be the center of attention and perfect dresser
Sorry C....there's a new Sheriff in town! :lol:

On the bragging issue, I also concur with you ;)
It is out of control and the Hosts seem to forget that they are supposed to be working at a Liquidation channel with the best deals in town so why is it so important to try and make the inventory look as if it compares with those designer's merchandise :roll:

We are there to buy and find some great deals, not listen to all their resumes, how many thousands/millions of dollars they have sold at other previous employment, how much jewelry and gold they own and all the other name dropping silliness that comes out of a few of their mouths!
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by Lacy » 9 months ago

I am of another opinion of H. I wasn't a fan when he started. Then he calmed down. He was ok. Now he's very comfortable. And Loud again, talking continuously over the co host. To me yelling is not a good selling tool to encourage sales. Or talking so fast that no one can understand a word. While he looses his train of thought then makes absolutely no sense. I can't listen to him anymore. Buy all, I want more sold, more meals, buy all and give them away to strangers as I do, he says. (Are we all rich)? The smack it down, smack it down and laughs as he is pleased with himself. Screaming at 3am. Nevermind his Terahertz rants which he says he breaks his bracelets all the time but (don't worry about the quality) Buy them, it's no big deal restring it yourself. Ugh. I liked Michelle's terahertz presentation better when she was alone. He also insults female hosts that he's friends with then says. Just kidding haha. I only watch overnight when I see Becky and Michelle. Chris, UK Steve.
Happy Halloween 🎃 everyone.
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Re: Did Anyone Else See Loretta a.k.a LOLO Working the Night Owl Shift Last Night?

Post by Koalagirl » 9 months ago

Sorry, wil have to disagree with you. Hunter copied Chucks way of dressing, not the other way around. Remember, C was here long before H. Will agree with you about Lolo being egotistical. When she gets on her baby voice, I hit the mute button. Agree with Lacy, Dionne is egotistical too.
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