B is solo

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B is solo

Post by Lacy » 9 months ago

I am happy to see Miss B solo for night owl show. She is such a good host, keeping things moving.
They don't need 2 hosts.
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Re: B is solo

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

I think the focus would be on the jewelry more . . .

On a side note, one of the female hosts made an awful display last night -- they were selling rings with matching pendants and she had ALL OF THEM covering her hand. It was a pure mess. All your eye saw was a hoard of jewelry, not individual items :shock: :shock: :shock:

I have seen hosts layer a FEW rings and do it in a way that look decent, but this was like stuffing the car for a road trip . . .

If they only had one, I don't think she'd have the TIME to sit there and layer 100 items onto her hand :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: B is solo

Post by Lacy » 8 months ago

I believe if the hosts were trained, they could handle multiple items and work solo. Plus give them more time to show it. When they do the live feeds, they're alone. Why not when their on air.?

This is new, that they are putting all the rings on 1 hand instead of showing them individually. (Btw it's a bad idea) Even with a co host with them they do it.

I don't like the endless banter between 2 hosts which has nothing to do with their presentation. 1 host is so much more professional.

They probably all need training to work alone except for a few. B should train them. I hope they change the format to it some day. It would be so much nicer to watch. Other channels have been doing it for years.
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Re: B is solo

Post by Sea » 8 months ago

I have seen that lately too, they keep saying air time is expensive. I’m thinking that’s why they put everything on at once to move thru more products faster. Not a fan of that kind of presentation.
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Re: B is solo

Post by joshuatheemerald » 8 months ago

Sea wrote:
8 months ago
I have seen that lately too, they keep saying air time is expensive. I’m thinking that’s why they put everything on at once to move thru more products faster. Not a fan of that kind of presentation.
If air time is so expensive, think of all the wasted time on the mindless banter between K + C, the reciting facts off of printed papers by Steve or Cheryl, etc. Big fail!
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Re: B is solo

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 8 months ago

Lacy wrote:
9 months ago
I am happy to see Miss B solo for night owl show. She is such a good host, keeping things moving.
They don't need 2 hosts.
@Lacy.....I watched that show and it was so relaxing, moved along nicely and no drama
Thank you for posting this subject

Last night the show was a mess with all kinds of giggling and sharing NUMEROUS times how a certain host kept telling us they are from Florida
We get it !!! who cares????
I lost count how many times I heard the word Florida
Something is definitely missing in a person's life
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Re: B is solo

Post by William » 8 months ago

Becky is GREAT & SO Professional !!!!

By the way --- In the old "LC" days --- there was ONLY one host ---
Everyone worked alone

Much Better !!!!! They actually presented the product & discussed it ---
No wasted "banter"about stuff that I---& Probably a LOT of other viewers----Don't care about

I Hope everyone are well & I Hope yoiu ALL have a nice weekend !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks All ----------------------------------------- William
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Re: B is solo

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

It SEEMS like many of the hosts are going solo now . . . except for those than can't stand the idea of being alone, hahaha

I agree that Becky does a nice job, always very classy!
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Re: B is solo

Post by Quette » 8 months ago

I enjoy Becky alone but I also enjoy her with Steve, Aussie Steve.

Most of the older hosts are more than capable of carrying a show alone. My best examples of that other than Becky are Jessica, Dionne, Marva, Craig, Katie, and Loretta. A couple of others are iffy - don't seem to have the confidence or the knowledge. I purposely left the screamers off and also those who appear remotely.
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