Loose gemstone packaging: Can’t open it!

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Loose gemstone packaging: Can’t open it!

Post by Spinoza » 8 months ago

I bought a couple of small loose gemstones (shungite, quartz, nothing expensive) on the Dollar Auctions and can’t open the little see-thru plastic cases they came in! The cases are taped shut with strongest clear tape I’ve ever run across! I’m going to have to “carefully”smash the little cases with a hammer in order to get the gemstones out! I’ve bought diamonds (not from SLC) that weren’t packaged so securely! Sheeeeeesh! Anyone else have this problem??? (I’m glad I only spent a few dollars on the stones because they may forever be entombed in their cases, never to be touched or used as I intended. ☹️)
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Re: Loose gemstone packaging: Can’t open it!

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

yep, been there too!

The trick is to blast the tape with hot steam, like over a boiling pot or a steam blast from an iron, then carefully use a sharp kn1fe to peel it back (if you cannot manage with finger nails).

next, use something like a flathead screwdriver or a butter kn1fe to pry between the two lids. there should be a slight indention where you "pry" them apart. The more you open them, the looser they get, so maybe pull the gem out and try closing it back up, then work the screwdriver around a bit and test the fit. or a thin film of vaseline around the inside edge....

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Re: Loose gemstone packaging: Can’t open it!

Post by Spinoza » 8 months ago

Thanks! That has to be the most ridiculous packaging ever!
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Re: Loose gemstone packaging: Can’t open it!

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

Spinoza wrote:
8 months ago
Thanks! That has to be the most ridiculous packaging ever!
When we bought our first Tanzanite, it actually came in a special flip-top, padded case, so that was definitely appreciated :lol: :lol:
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