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Post by Lacy » 8 months ago

I've noticed that when Mallory is modeling. They put her in snug sizes when there are larger sizes available. Don't get me wrong. Shes adorable. I just don't understand why they wouldn't put her in sizes that are more flattering. She does a great job for what they give her to wear. I just don't get it.
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Re: Model

Post by Lanai » 8 months ago

Lacy, I completely agree. They do put her in clothes at least 1 size, if not more, to small. She's very cute and seems to have a sweet , easy going personality. I also can't understand why they just don't dress her in the proper size. Personally, I wish they would do away with most items being labeled as "One Size Fits Most", not true. Wish if they seriously wanted to regularly offer Clothing, that they would at least get proper sizes available for all body types.
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Re: Model

Post by Lanai » 8 months ago

Is anyone else having a problem Posting a New Topic?? I can't seem to be able to start a new post, site just goes directly to "Page can't be found" , check back later message, for the past 3 days. So I apologize for changing the subject but I just wanted to offer some advice to please Check the Prices of Perfumes, Colognes, any type of Name Brand "Designer" or well known fragrances prior to purchasing from LC. I have always found them to extremely deceptive in the "Normal" everyday price that other Department Stores or Fragrance Houses sell the same product for and I have never found LC to be any cheaper than what it can be purchased just about everywhere else and then you also don't have to worry about it being old product that's been stored in Hot Warehouses, for who knows how long, especially every time a scent is Presented, it's always portrayed to be the final amount available, yet, a year or more later, they are still selling that same product. Any that I ever purchased from them , certainly didn't smell like I knew it should have, smelled putrid when opened and there was no real savings, from the price, it could be purchased from at any other Retailer and/or Directly from the Companies Website. It was a convenience purchase only as an add on to another order being placed, and of course a mistake, just as l felt it was going be prior to ordering. Heed with Caution, is my advice.
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Re: Model

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

I haven't had an issue, but perhaps your web browser needs an update or your computer? Something as dumb as that can cause issues accessing websites. Hopefully you can have a resolution soon!

Perfumes are a tricky one. if they are GOOD, they have a decent amount of "oil" or "parfume" in them, and yes it CAN and DOES go rancid if not properly kept.

On a side note, if you are looking for something fun for perfume, I'd recommend "Noteworthy" perfume. You take an online quiz about your personality and smell preferences and for $25 they send a sample kit of 4 customized scents just for you.

When I was a teen, we went on a school trip to France and of course, visited the "parfumier". I was soooo excited to buy my first perfume! I explained to the saleslady exactly what I was looking for, and after 15 minutes proudly presented me a bottle. You cannot SMELL anything in a perfume store . . . so I had to wait until we loaded the bus...

Then I opened it and took a whiff . . . it smelled like old lady. I was so sad, I think I ended up gifting it to my Grandma that Christmas!

I HATE perfume shopping. Never had one I liked. Noteworthy sent me FOUR SCENTS and i LOVED ALL OF THEM! Trying to decide which to order in a larger bottle is difficult, as full size bottles are $120!!!

And the scents don't last much more than 2 hours . . . BUT, the sample kits would make great Christmas Presents!
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Re: Model

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 8 months ago

Oh Lacy...

This reminds of the time I was watching Nite Owl when the two "gal pals" were working together all the time
Some viewer had mentioned to one of the hosts that they felt it was not right that the plus size gal was forced to wear a very small size

If I recall correctly, the skinny mess was modeling the same garment and she started bragging how she wears a size 1 or something like that (while standing right next to that plus size model)
Next thing I hear the other host started stating that the "reason" the model had on that garment was because the one size ( a small I think) was all that was available

Of course I was rolling my eyes at such nonsense excuses :roll:
That poor plus sz. model had to have been embarrassed but she was a trooper with a lot more class than both those Airheads put together
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