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Post by Sea » 8 months ago

Courtney is doing a fabulous job on covering for other host who are out sick. Love watching her she’s such a fun person ❤️
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Re: Courtney

Post by Lanai » 8 months ago

She is great!!! I think she would be so good as a full time Host. She is a lot of fun. She is there working at all hours, it seems , anyway.
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Re: Courtney

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 8 months ago

Hello Sea.....I don't recall who this gal is and I was told a new host was working with Chuck
So I went to look and she seems very nice and lady like :)
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Re: Courtney

Post by Lacy » 8 months ago

Shes a fitness, clothes and skincare model.
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Re: Courtney

Post by Lanai » 8 months ago

Penelope~Pit~Stop wrote:
8 months ago
Hello Sea.....I don't recall who this gal is and I was told a new host was working with Chuck
So I went to look and she seems very nice and lady like :)
Hello PPS,
The young lady that was working with Chuck is named, Lauren, I think. I have seen her fill in a couple of times on Sunday Mornings with Dionne over the Summer. I don't know exactly what her position with the Company is but she has mentioned that she works from home. She seems really pleasant.
2 x

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