Simple request

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Simple request

Post by Spinoza » 8 months ago

Would someone please stick a sock in S*t*e*v*e’s mouth? Everything he promotes “is to die for”! I don’t know about that but I definitely think he’s trying to kill me with his overstatements. Thanks. (P.S. If you need a sock, SLC sells some…and they’re to die for!)
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Re: Simple request

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 8 months ago

Spinoza, I haven't posted that in quite a while but I had to tell you that I thought your post about the sock in his mouth was hilarious. He receives the worst reviews on this forum and he should. He is almost the worst. I think Mr. T gets the same amount of bad reviews. Mr. T only sells high priced items so not everyone sees him but Uncle Fester, Big S., has so many names and seems to be on at every time , day and night and now on Fridays. He is therefore seen by most everyone and deserves a below even one star.
I will not forget, Sock In His Mouth, I loved it!
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Re: Simple request

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

This looks like an expensive heirloom piece!

This looks museum grade!

This should be selling for thousands of dollars!

I haven't seen this one before . . .

We are the only network to carry/offer this item . . .
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Re: Simple request

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 8 months ago

Yes, this is what he says over and over and over. I added on a couple more.
As Spinoza says, put a sock in his mouth!

Add: This is the future of jewelry....
Buy three for a real designer look
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Re: Simple request

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 8 months ago

Ok you all are cracking me up :lol: :lol:
Everything you guys are saying is so true, and the guy is relentless

Here's one for you: "we are the only ones who make their own jewelry, we are the future in jewelry manufacturing"
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Re: Simple request

Post by Lanai » 8 months ago

Everyone is so right...
Feel sorry for the other Host that gets stuck with him except perhaps the Princess.
Don't forget
"Folks, we are selling for Pennies on the Dollar, No Designer Fees"
An easy way to get him to go somewhere else, would be to put Steve with Cheryl. He wouldn't stand a chance!!
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Re: Simple request

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

I'm fairly certain there have been manufacturing companies doing jewelry for ages now, lol.

DESIGNER FEES! BAH! They don't have a CLUE what they are talking about! They just spit the same rubbish out! If you wanted to go have one item made for you, you would pay a designer fee on THAT item. If you wanted 10 more made, NO MORE DESIGNER FEE because it's been designed already. So with SLC, they don't pay their staff per item to design of course, but even if they did, it still would be cheap, because standard is $200-$400 and break that over 300 items they sell, and it's about $1 MORE per item over manufacturing costs.
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Re: Simple request

Post by Quette » 8 months ago

This is a funny thread but all the comments are true.

One of his latest obsessions is: "Let me show you something I've come up with. If you're giving a gift with gemstones this will make the gift so much more memorable. They'll never forget you gave it to them."

He then shows a sheet with the name and picture of a gemstone at the top. It includes something about the gem, its metaphysical properties, and any celebrities who wear it. The strangest thing is he acts like this is something no one ever thought about doing on their own. Yawn!!!
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Re: Simple request

Post by Lanai » 8 months ago

So true!!! I can't believe how rude he is , reading all the pages of facts, while the other Host is trying to actually show the jewelry item. He is on with Hannah right now on $10 Friday and he just compared LC's Chinese Cheap made Crystal with Plastic Base Small Touch Lamps to Waterford Crystal.
Although their cheap little lamps look cute on TV,
no doubt , they are more than likely junk. That is just an insult to Waterford Crystal. I have been a collector of Waterford for over 25 years and I can tell just by looking at the TV even if it had No Information or Price that there is no way those look like Waterford, by even a little bit. Wish he would shut up and quit commenting on everything, even doing a breakdown on dish towels....
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Re: Simple request

Post by Lacy » 8 months ago

The lamps are on T for the same or cheaper. The same microphone was under 6.00. The exact milk frother was under 5.00 on T. Actually, I checked almost every item on T that they were showing. Most are on T. With NO shipping with a 10.00 purc. Min. With free returns. I got a refund on a return the day the free label was scanned at usps. Before they received it. Their csr is good so far. Quicker results than others we know....
I get alot from items on T. Just saying.
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