Where is penn

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Where is penn

Post by BostonIrish » 8 months ago

Where are you Penn hope all is well.🤔🤗
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Re: Where is penn

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

I will let her know you are looking for her, haha! She's been busy ;) ;)
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Re: Where is penn

Post by BostonIrish » 8 months ago

Thanks Gem Happy Thanksgiving to all!🤗🦃
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Re: Where is penn

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 8 months ago

@Boston Irish ......

Good evening!
Thank you for thinking of me and thanks to GemfArMooom for letting me know you were inquiring about me :)
My gosh I have been sooooooooooo busy and just couldn't find the time to get here but I have been meaning to, believe me :)

So I have taken some time off from my projects and before I sit down to watch TV I wanted to come and say Hi to you
Hope you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving.....this year my friends and I are going to a restaurant for our dinner, we are too tired to deal with the cooking
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Re: Where is penn

Post by BostonIrish » 8 months ago

Have a good one.🤗🦃
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Re: Where is penn

Post by Serge » 8 months ago

Good to have you back as it's not the same without you.
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Re: Where is penn

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 7 months ago

Serge wrote:
8 months ago
Good to have you back as it's not the same without you.
Oh thanks Serge! I appreciate your kind comment
Been really sick now so I wasn't able to reply to your comment sooner than this
Wow, I know I will be staying off that topic of "Michele's Return"
I am too weak to fight....lol
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Re: Where is penn

Post by BostonIrish » 7 months ago

Pen I hope you feel better soon we miss you.🤗😷🤒
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Re: Where is penn

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 7 months ago

BostonIrish wrote:
7 months ago
Pen I hope you feel better soon we miss you.🤗😷🤒
@BostonIrish .....

Thanks so much and thanks for caring.....I will admit this has been a tuff one as I usually never get sick!
Finally after two weeks I am feeling better, the Doctor FINALLY gave me a Zpak!
You know I had never heard of that before until my neighbor friend told me he got one this past Monday and I immediately called my doctor, he was out but his PA talked with me and gave the pharmacy the order :)

I didn't get my flu shot yet and was afraid to after dealing with bad side effects of the Vid vaccines (never again) but I will be getting my shot as soon as possible
My doctor gave me a slew of antibiotics during this ride and NOTHING helped until yesterday!

Have a beautiful weekend....take care :)
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