Temu prices

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Temu prices

Post by eo » 8 months ago

A friend of mine showed me a beautiful 925 stering silver ring with deep green moissanite for $12 from Temu. It came with an authentic certificate. How can that be? I checked out the website and also saw moonstone 925 rings for $6. I resale jewelry and have noticed a huge decline in sales. Could this be the reason? I also just watched a few videos on youtube where they were testing the 925 silver and it showed as real. Any input would be helpful. Thank you
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Re: Temu prices

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

ok, I looked up moonstone rings on their site. Most were very thin and quite marginal as far as silver goes. I can buy thicker settings than that for $6 online. In regards to the stones, at least one was absolutely fake, although it was claimed to be real.

I know the Chinese are good at tricking customers on minerals (just look at the auction stone E). For giggles I bought a few samples from a vendor, and all but one were incorrect. The malachite was the only real stone sent. The "rainbow moonstone" was actually a common type of iridescent feldspar (NOT MOONSTONE), and actually this is likely what they are using in the smaller rings on the T site. The larimar they were selling was actually Hemimorphite, which does look similar but it's quite different chemically and harder to polish than larimar. I'd guess if you look up larimar on the T site you'll see hemimorphite masquerading as larimar.

I've bought several items from there, ALL WERE CHEAPLY MADE. Cheap Chinese JUNK. If the SLC jewelry is mediocre, just think how mediocre the T store is.
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Re: Temu prices

Post by GemfArMooom » 8 months ago

Actually I just looked at it again. The photos appear to show real stones, but if you look at the photos buyers sent in, it's all just colored glass :P
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Re: Temu prices

Post by colljoe » 8 months ago

@eo: I make and also resell and deal in all things rocks and gems. We have noticed, as well as our other fellow vendors, about a 38+% decline in sales since about August of this year. It's the economy, and peoples having to pay higher rent, more taxes, food, gas, you know the drill. No pun intended. (Not drilling is part of the problem). ;) Temu is scary cheap. And scary because they are really like a Chinese Amazon. I can see them doing bate and switch on gemstones for sure. I did see the Terahertz items and OMG! :shock: So inexpensive. Hang in there eo, this too shall pass. Or...it could get worse...but I digress.
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