Hosts We Enjoy!

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Re: Hosts We Enjoy!

Post by GemfArMooom » 7 months ago

that one got a whole can of worms going and for whatever reason a whole ban crackdown. So don't bring that one up ;)
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Re: Hosts We Enjoy!

Post by Serge » 7 months ago

My favorite host is Michele as I find her funny but also knowledgeable about gemstones. I especially like her when she's with anyone but Tony. She and Becky were on the overnight show and it was fun. I also like Chris and just wish they would let him do show at other times besides the night show. I really like most of them and I'm smart enough to not list the ones I don't.
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Re: Hosts We Enjoy!

Post by CDK » 7 months ago

@ExGemLoverover..Thank you! That's who I was talking about...Stacey...She never looked thrilled if she had to sell anything other than jewelry...
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Re: Hosts We Enjoy!

Post by TerryTalk » 7 months ago

I think Stacey went to being a part time host for quite a while—this was months ago and then I just never saw her again. Seems that happens in the tv shopping channels🤔😳
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Re: Hosts We Enjoy!

Post by pattyvic » 7 months ago

I LOVE KIM.......
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Re: Hosts We Enjoy!

Post by Bella » 7 months ago

pattyvic wrote:
7 months ago
I LOVE KIM.......
Well, I will say you’re in small exclusive group! We all have our favorites!
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Re: Hosts We Enjoy!

Post by WTFarmGirl » 7 months ago

I'd like to see David Polluck sell jewlery! He has a nice energy and despite finding skincare boring he is pleasant to listen to.
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Re: Hosts We Enjoy!

Post by Quette » 7 months ago

For me the disappearance of Stacey was "a good thing". Not to gross anyone out but she was constantly coughing, sneezing, sniffing.

As to where she is, her self-proclaimed BFF Deanna mentioned a month or so ago that Stacey was in London. Hope she's enjoying her life and has no plans to return to SLC any time soon.
Last edited by Quette 7 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hosts We Enjoy!

Post by Quette » 7 months ago

Hosts I enjoy:

All the time

Aussie Steve

Most of the time


Some of the time

"I'm not a TV shopping channel host" Tony

Don't like being screamed at - my hearing is fine and for those who do have that challenge they know how to make the appropriate adjustments. Don't like shrieking. Don't need for a host to keep repeating what someone else has already said. Not impressed by your list of former or current clients and how much money you earned brokering a deal.
Last edited by Quette 7 months ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hosts We Enjoy!

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

I need to add Deanna to my list. Never yells, screams or uses hard pressure to get you to buy anything. Also, she’s pretty darn funny when you pay attention to some things she says quietly! Seems very kind. And Loretta also seems like a sweet person. I like Hunter too but the man needs to switch to decaf! 🤣 (Slow down, Hunter, so we can understand you. It’s okay to take a breath now and then! 👍😁)
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