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Post by Shopper7192 » 7 months ago

Hey everyone,
I am coming back to let off some steam! :( I just won an auction and it wasnt showing up my cart and it was not showing up in my bid history. So I did a chat to confirm these issues. While I was in the chat it froze up with the rep that I was speaking with so I just decided to close out that browser and start all over in a different browser. I got a different chat rep and explained what happened. That I had just won an auction item for $8.00 but it wasnt showing up in my cart or in my bid history page. Obviously there is a website glitch happening somewhere. But I was informed by the chat rep that I did not win the auction and that someone else did.

I said NO, I placed a max bid at the last few seconds of the auction for $12.00 on a item that remained $7.00 until my bid went over that for $8.00 and the auction closed with me as the wining bidder of the auction for $8.00. It clearly stated MY NAME as the winning bidder of the action when it closed.

Well the chat rep wouldnt take no for an answer and asked me to provide a screenshot to validate what I was telling them. I told her that if I had known that there was going to be some kind of glitch on the website and that my auction win was NOT going to show up in my bid history or even in the cart then I would have gladly taken a screenshot but since I didnt anticipate any issues I had already closed the page out and couldnt get back to it to take a screenshot.
So all they would do it so called "escalate it to a department for review" and we all know how that goes! This is total bull "hockey"!!! The frustrating part of this is that this was a Christmas gift for my stepfather. I am so ticked off at SLC right now it isnt even funny.

I am telling the truth about this and I have never contacted customer service with any kind of bidding issue like this before as I have never won and auction before and NOT had it show up in my cart or in my bid history before.

Sorry for the rant, just letting off some steam!! They just stole my winning bids and the item I won!!
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Post by Shopper7192 » 7 months ago

Oh SNAP!! I just went into the app and found the item and the bids showing I won! :D
Took screenshots! IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!! 8-)

I will update soon.. Stand by..
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Post by BostonIrish » 7 months ago

Oh this happened to me 2 days ago! I won a pair of boots they tried to say I did not it was not showing up in my bid history. My Son took a screen shot too who do they think their kidding! I am still waiting for a call they better find the boots and sell them to me for the price so won them for I too am hot! I hope they take care of you. What kind of SCAM is this🤑🤑🤑🤑
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Post by Shopper7192 » 7 months ago

I agree! They need to fix their website! This is ridiculous... :roll:
I sent them the screenshots as proof with the case number. I will update as soon as they do something about this which hopefully wont take long! UGH!! :x
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Post by Druid » 7 months ago

It happened to me also. Sometimes or... quite often if I won the same item 2 times with different prices and I want to pay only the cheaper price, the system doesn not allow me, even though on the Bid history those won items exist. When trying to pay, I usually see the most expansive one until it is expired and only after its expiration time, the cheaper one appears in my cart. I lost many won items in the past because their system is very bad. I also had items that appeared with different prices in my cart and the right won prices only on the bid history.Sadly,a lot of "glitches" in their system is a regular thing , not the exception.
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Post by BostonIrish » 7 months ago

I don't think its glitches🤔
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Post by CDK » 7 months ago

Yeah, I'm in the auction winning and at the last minute, there's Tatanya bidding everything way up...
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Post by Bella » 7 months ago

I never had the patience to get into any online auctions. Seems like nothing but frustrations from all the people who do it. Glad I don’t! I will stick with live going to a facility antique auctions, that’s my cup of tea!
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Post by BostonIrish » 7 months ago

CDK I look at the auctions and there are some heavy hitters Jenny from the block and perlonia!😖Always making huge max bids they want it they can have it.They should know we see them.🕵
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Post by Shopper7192 » 7 months ago

BostonIrish wrote:
7 months ago
CDK I look at the auctions and there are some heavy hitters Jenny from the block and perlonia!😖Always making huge max bids they want it they can have it.They should know we see them.🕵
Yes guys, the SHILLS are still there doing what they always do. It annoys :roll: the crap outta me as well. And yes they are sooooo obvious it isnt even funny. They will even change their names but dont they realize we can easily figure them out?? Surely they know this but I dont think that they care. I am on the autopay option for my auctions and if they FORCED everyone to be on this payment type maybe it would put a STOP to these SHILLS?!! :evil:

UPDATE: ShopLC did get back to me via email and apologized about what happened with the auction. What could they say, I had proof.. They wanted me to let them know of a good time to call me to assist me with purchasing the item for what I won it for. They also said that I could go ahead and purchase the item from the website and let them know and they would "refund me the extra" paid once it is invoiced.. UMM, yeah right and NO! I dont trust them to actually do that so I think I am going to try to win the item again via auction and if I do you can bet your bottom dollar I will be taking a screenshot again in case of any more "Glitches"! :lol:
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