Host bios

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Host bios

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

I don’t understand why so many of the hosts have nothing in their bios except “Coming Soon!”. The bios that are complete are only a few paragraphs long so what’s the holdup in getting the info for the rest of the hosts?

SLC claims to sell tons of jewelry and other products every day which means they’re making oodles of $$$. Yet they have a website full of glitches, the program schedules are often blank or wrong, the hosts’ bios are missing a lot of entries — including completely missing some of the hosts themselves — and, we’ll, don’t get me started on the lack of monitors for this forum! Could they spare a few pennies of their massive profits to fix their website so it doesn’t look like it was created and operated by high school freshmen?

There. I’ve vented and now I feel better! 🤣🤣🤣
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Re: Host bios

Post by TerryTalk » 7 months ago

Totally agree! I have been wondering for years and it’s been posted before, why the lack of good camera work for their live broadcasts? It’s almost every show where hosts and guests wait for minutes and minutes for live product shots or changing camera shots to a host, etc…. Really looks amateurish and so unprofessional! Doesn’t happen on the other shopping broadcasts! And the LACK of studio preparation and host prep prior to the live shows! I am not sure why the hosts appear to not have seen some/most of the items their showing AND many times items are missing from the live shows or certificates are not in the studio, etc…. The other shopping networks usually have hosts come in PRIOR to their shows and acquaint themselves with their products, and even tryout products before they present them on air! I understand that a new product may arrive last minute and the hosts still have to present the item OR the items sellout and a new item or a couple need to get directly to the broadcast and hosts! But it really appears that most if not all of the products have not been seen by the hosts prior to the broadcast! This is an upper management decision and foolhardy in my opinion. When I first posted on this forum back in 2018/2019 I tried to point these things out and was really told by some people on the forum if I didn’t like it I should leave. I tried to be humorous about it because some of the broadcast presentations seemed like something that I would see on Saturday Night Live. Never made fun of people or products and found SLC productions, broadcasts, and set designs (or lack there of) astonishingly different and sometimes so amateurish compared to other shopping channels that I was truly amazed! I quit posting and some moderators didn’t help any situations on this forum. I have purchased some really nice and beautiful jewelry and other items from SLC—-yes, even gemstones that are very well cut and set in various metals that were very reasonably priced! I have had a few duds and have sent those back. I have had some definite customer service issues and have had to be very dogged to get the appropriate responses that satisfied me—-but eventually I did. I still tune in and watch SLC and the other shopping channels and check out other online vendors too. Guess I just needed to get this out of my system too! 😂👍. Just like anything in our lives, sometimes I enjoy watching SLC and the other shopping channels and sometimes not so much! 🤣. Sometimes I really enjoy reading this forum and some good posts and reviews and sometimes some funny comments 👍😂and other times not so much! Guess that’s why I check in and sometimes I don’t! Have a good day everyone! Thanks for reading! 🙏👍👋
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Re: Host bios

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

TerryTalk — Thanks for mentioning the lousy camera work. It drives me crazy when the host is desperately trying to show something specific about an item but a graphic remains stuck on the screen. I really think SLC skimps on hiring experienced camera men & women and producers. It’s as if everyone is a trainee and no one is a trainer. (Guess I wasn’t finished venting after all! 🤣🤣🤣✌️)
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Re: Host bios

Post by TerryTalk » 7 months ago

Thanks Spinoza! Sometimes I was thinking it was just me being a pain!🤣 but it’s soooooo frequently that I have to change channels sometimes!
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Re: Host bios

Post by GemfArMooom » 7 months ago

I agree with everyone. I keep the TV running most days and run in and out of the room. If things are stuck too long in the wrong position, out I go again and don't even consider a purchase.

I think most churches these days have a better group of people running cameras than SLC does :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Host bios

Post by Serge » 7 months ago

I too get so frustrated when a host is showing jewelry, especially earrings, and the camera takes so long to switch that I don't get to see it and it's cost ShopLC a sale many times. I know Kim must have some physical issues but she makes me nervous watching her flick back her hair constantly, and don't get me started on her stuttering and saying "right" all the time. Finally, please make Chuckie quit singing the snake song while Kimmie puts the chain in her hand. I guess I've vented enough and feel a bit better.
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Re: Host bios

Post by Bella » 7 months ago

I have complained about the host’s bios since day 1. There are many that worked for Shop Lc for years and never had a bio, just a coming soon. Then left. Look how long Chuck has been here and still no bio. There are others as well. Makes no sense. It doesn’t show the company in a cohesive light.
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