Has "It" been eliminated?

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Has "It" been eliminated?

Post by Mapper » 7 months ago

It appears a certain post has been deleted. Finally! :D
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Re: Has "It" been eliminated?

Post by Bella » 7 months ago

Well it’s about time! Those disgusting posts should have been gone on day 1. Shop LC is definitely slow in the “house cleaning” department!
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Re: Has "It" been eliminated?

Post by colljoe » 7 months ago

Let's hope so. But it took way too long. Not holding my breath though. I believe "It" and "TP" will be back to stir up more trouble.
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Re: Has "It" been eliminated?

Post by Serge » 7 months ago

Sadly I agree that they'll probably be back!
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Re: Has "It" been eliminated?

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 7 months ago


I do believe you are speaking about that horrendous thread about a certain very nice female host being back
Never did I get in the fray but I was floored at the disgusting comments by that one member :evil:

I know some of the Hosts come here all the time to make sure they are not being talked about and to me I am saddened that not one of them didn't stick up for the poor Host that was being attacked
Especially the Host who has come here to attack us and got a few removed from the group
Thankfully they are back....
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