Awaiting Carrier Pickup

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Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

I think the most important thing about fixing a problem is to be persistent. It doesn’t mean you have to call the a company/service every single day, but you should continue calling the parties involved every few days once the delay has exceeded the normal/expected time you were told it would take. And if all else fails, insist on getting your money back and cancelling the order.

In any case, be polite but firm. And when someone helps you be sure to thank them. Courtesy makes a difference! Also, do keep in mind that delays are normal this time of year; massive sales, a huge increase in shipping and deliveries and “seasonal” hiring all increase the risk of mistakes. That’s just the way it is, as much as we all hate it!

So good luck to all and don’t let anything ruin your holidays. 😁👍✌️
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Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by Shopper7192 » 7 months ago

I agree with everything that everyone has said here but I will add my 2 cents.

I do alot of shopping with SLC.. Too much really. I take a break every now and then but then come back and get back into buying too much stuff. I live about 8 hours away and because SLC wants to use SLOW POKE DHL for shipping 99 percent of everything that they ship out, it always takes me at least 2 weeks to receive my items from them even though I am only about 8 hours & 2 states away! :roll: It is utterly ridiculous..

I have asked CS many time to PLEASE use FEDEX for my shipments because there is no middle man and I get my packages within 3 days that way once SLC gives them to FEDEX. With DHL the process is horrible because they are like snail mail and then pass the packages onto USPS for final delivery so DHL is the middle man and if SLC would just cut them out of the equation it would be so much better and we would get our packages so much faster but they must have some kind of big deal worked out with DHL or something.

I have had the same issue as you with no movement on my package for 7 days and customer service always tells me they wont do anything until there has been no movement on the tracking for at least 14 days. Then and only then do they consider a package lost. I have complained about my order just sitting in the SLC warehouse because that also happens and usually once I get CS to investigate it the package will show up in the hands of DHL with a processed scan. So my advice would be to ask CS to please investigate why your package has NOT been given to the shipper yet. I agree that anything that expensive should be sent overnight or at least with signature required. So they should use FEDEX for that..

Please keep us updated on what happens with your order and delivery. I hope it is shipped out ASAP and it arrives safe and sound!😇

Whenever this happens to me, I contact CS via chat and tell them that I want them to please escalate this issue to the shipping department to be updated to priority to be shipped out since it has NOT been shipped out to me as of yet after 7 days of sitting in the warehouse. Usually after I call them out on it, they give the package to DHL within 24 hours or less.
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Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by GemfArMooom » 7 months ago

It's both sad and scary, Last year when we bought our tanzanite, they didn't have ANY options for upgraded shipping, and we had the same issue of NOT KNOWING when it would arrive. To make matters worse, our mail carrier likes to leave our mailbox open, and this was ordered in the winter when winds are very strong and snow can bury mail in an hour.

And the tracking numbers are NEVER updated correctly.

I would call and threaten to cancel my order if it doesn't ship out in 24 hrs. USUALLY upgraded shipping will be sent out the next day (that's what I have seen when I accidentally ordered upgraded).

But when you DO get your ring, PLEASE take it down to the nicest jeweler you can find and have them access it. We found out ours was full of cracked and broken diamonds and a poorly faceted Tanzanite, which drastically lowered the real value, so we sent it back. For the same price we could have had the same set-up done correctly in 14K and been worth a bit more.

You shouldn't have to pay big bucks and receive garbage.
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Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by Lanai » 7 months ago

I don't like to be Negative but I think that the Holiday Season Shipping has very little to do with your Tanzanite not yet being delivered by DHL. I have been through the same problem with SLC and DHL Shipping Service many times, Busy Holiday Shipping made No Difference. I have had this problem during all times of the year. SLC states their Computer Tracking Program Shows that Package was picked up by DHL and so I need to contact them because SLC has on No Control with Delivery Times after Carriers have Scanned Items as picked up from their Warehouses. Then it becomes the frustration of the Never Ending Merry-Go-Round between both Companies blaming each other. DHL has never once stated to me that "Package awaiting Pickup by Carrier" which is the standard, SLC's excuse, was correct. DHL, every time, stated that they never received notification for the Order/Orders with the Tracking Number/Numbers that SLC has given to be Correct and their Company has Not Been Contacted concerning need of
Pick Up and to call back SLC and give them the Info as per DHL
"Their Systems have No Record of the Tracking Number/Numbers that SLC had on Record. No Record for Pickup Delivery Requests."
Eventually, I have received the "Items" that no one claims to be responsible for, after a quite a long period of times, ranging from weeks to a Couple Months+. It always ends up with me having to tell SLC that I am going to report them for Fraudulent Charges. Miraculously, some how, the Missing Items are Delivered in just a day or two after these Conversations, unless I make them Refund my Credit Card, stating that I no longer want the order, I had already purchased from another Retailer.

Also, if requesting that the Order be Cancelled, advise if BP was used that you specifically tell SLC Rep that you want "All Previous Payments charged and payed to be "Refunded" as well as any Future Scheduled Payments to be Stopped Immediately". If Payment was made in full at the time of Purchase and Item no longer wanted, I had to do the same thing, had to demand restitution be made immediately or Charges would be Filed. Yes, they have in the past Charged my Credit Card up to 3 BP before everything was settled. That a Company has the Nerve to continue to Bill Credit/Debit Cards for Payment on Items not fulfilled/received by those Customers is not only Infuriating but Illegal These seem like unnecessary, stupid things to have to do but I am not exaggerating about how my Experiences have been with them.

I would advise that you also check your Credit Card Account or Financial Institution after a couple of days for Refund, and the Correct Refund. Been through all of this also. My Late Spouse asked me over 9 years ago, "Why I ordered and dealt with such an obvious sham of a business, especially, when or even if, the items were ever actually received were just Poor Quality Jewelry and Cheap Chinese Made Junk?? I really couldn't give him an answer.

Yet, here I am still getting burned, more often than not, by the Same Company. To make things worse, they were a much Better Company back then when he thought so poorly of them than what they have been in several years now.

All I have stated is 100% True concerning my Own Experiences and what I have been forced to do to Resolve My Issues. I am the one responsible for continuing to purchase anything from this Company, by now I certainly should have learned my lesson. I would never do business with a Local Retailer that operated with such tactics.

BTW the Heated Coat continues to have Changing Expected Delivery Dates, every few days, has a Different Date , as of yesterday, date is 12/19/23 now. I know another battle is coming and I dread it. "Constantly trying to put out fires," it seems. But this is one I can Control.
Purchased Nothing from SLC during Black Friday Weekend, Christmas Doorbusters or any other of the Neverending Daily "Special Sale Events."
Except for a few items, everything looks like the same products that keep getting recycled and the Items are NOT Holiday Sale Priced, many are higher priced than previously or the same. Free Shipping Days , nearly all the prices are raised, to compensate for the Free Delivery Offer, giving the Customer No Actual Savings. No Extended Holiday Return Policy as virtually every other Company Offers , even our Local Grocery Stores, that brought in Specialty Items, for the Holidays are Offering Extended Holiday Return Date Policies.

Seems to me, if a Company believes that they truly are selling the best items possible at the best prices, that Company Could Offer Extended Holiday Returns Especially if the Company is a Large Mega Corporation as Implied, seems odd, when your Direct Competitors, all have had an Extended Holiday Policy in place since Mid to Late September until 1/31/24, even the one that filed Bankruptcy. I believe that many of these different Specialty made to Order Items or "Closeouts" have actually never been paid for and therefore SLC must make the money from the Customers to get the Products released to them to fulfill orders.

Only thing I know for certain is I have
never had problems with the other Shopping Networks or any Retailer, like I have with this Company. Even though Peak Holiday Shipping Time , I have
received everything from every Retailer that I have ordered from including all the other Shopping Networks within 3-5 days. No hold up with shipping delays. Just received several deliveries this week from purchases made this past Friday and Weekend. Maybe I have just been lucky.

I also do not care for DHL Delivery Service. Think they are also shady. I have requested, as I read others have, for SLC to send my items by any other Carrier than DHL but evidently requests and concerns go unresolved. Just my opinion , obviously.

I do sincerely hope you receive your Tanzanite and it's everything it was advertised to be.

Please ignore typos and grammar errors. didn't have time to review.
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Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by Shopper7192 » 7 months ago

I agree with what you said and I totally identify with you on so many levels.

I have been with SLC since 2008 not long after they came on the scene.. I remember the good old days when you placed an order with them and within 2 days it was shipped out to you and you received it within 5 days or less. That is NOTHING like it is now!!

I am lucky to get my orders within 2 weeks UNLESS I get lucky and they ship with FEDEX.. Then I get my orders within 3 days of them shipping the order out. I have requested so many times to different reps via chat and phone to PLEASE set FEDEX as my preferred carrier for shipping my packages. I was constantly assured on numerous occasions that they had made that notation on my account but my orders never and rarely get shipped out via FEDEX so I am pretty certain that they were just lying to me in order to get me off the line.

SLC doesnt offer us any REAL shipping options.. It is either Free on orders over $50.00, $3.99 per ITEM which adds up very quickly or Expedited Shipping for $9.99 and if you choose that option they still use SLOW POKE DHL for that.. :roll: So I dont see the point in paying $6.00 extra for the same service. Now if $9.99 included Priority Mail or something faster than DHL then it would be better but whenever I chose that and paid extra they still used DHL for the shipper. I said I wouldnt be paying that extra cost for expedited shipping that again.. It isnt worth it to me whenever they dont actually use an upgraded shipping service.

I am still waiting on orders I placed from 11/26/23 to arrive. They are all over the place with some of my orders. Shipping newer ones out before older ones were even fulfilled!! It frustrates me whenever they do that and whenever they also dont ship all of an order and parts of the order are skipped over while they ship out the newer orders. I would prefer that they ship out all of the order at a time and not skip all over the place shipping parts of one order together with another one. It is a mess and makes it difficult to know what you have actually received from your orders and what you havent. I have to go to the website and check on orders I am still waiting on constantly. 🙃

But yes we are to blame whenever we know about all these problems and yet we keep coming back to shop with SLC giving them another chance, hoping that they have gotten better with getting on top of things in the ordering and shipping department. I guess the moral of the story is old habits die hard sometimes..😞
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Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by Bella » 7 months ago

Agree with you Shopper7192 on the sending out partial shipments and sending out newer orders first before the older orders. I hate it when they split up an order and send out your items in 2 or 3 different packages! You would think that would cost them more money to do that, also your chances of losing a package increases.
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Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by TerryTalk » 7 months ago

I truly hope you get your tanzanite ring and very soon! I have ordered a few expensive items from SLC, including tanzanite set in platinum and I have looked at them under my loupe and have taken them to two GGs that own jewelry stores in my area in Northern California. My SLC “pricey” items, including my tanzanite jewelry items were said (and in written appraisals) to definitely be worth MORE than what I paid for them. And these two GGs didn’t give me crazy appraisals, (you know where “my husband paid $3000 for this tanzanite ring and it was appraised for $30,000. Thanks ShopLC!” 🙄)
No, my items were exactly what SLC said they were and they did appraise for a good amount of money! I am always sorry to hear about someone that didn’t get what they were promised or received something that was junk! In my 30+ years of jewelry buying and collecting (and gemstones)from shopping channels, jewelry stores, pawnshops, online vendors, etc… I have been watchful and careful and almost all the time I have received what I was told I was going to get—-even from SLC! Not everything from SLC is junk or cracked or lousy. Be mindful, buy a loupe and use it, and let a GG or a experienced and knowledgeable jeweler look at your expensive pieces! Please let us know when you get your tanzanite ring and hopefully you will love it and keep it and wear it proudly and in good health! 😂😁👋
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Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

Just received an email from SLC saying my order is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow (Dec 8th). Then I clicked the tracking button and it shows DHL hasn’t even picked it up yet but shows an expected delivery date of Dec 14th. Sigh.’Twould be nice if one hand knew what the other was doing… :roll:
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Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by mcole256 » 7 months ago

My Ring Arrived this morning - sent via FedEx, overnight. It's gorgeous, and I can now state that I am so glad to have my faith in ShopLC restored. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You ShopLC !
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Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

Today I received notice from SLC that a second pkg I am expecting will be delivered by FedEx tomorrow (Saturday). But again, when I checked the FedEx site, they have no mention of it being delivered tomorrow and I’ve received no update from them about it. So now it’s two days in a row SLC has contacted me about deliveries (one by DHL, one by FedEx) yet neither carrier indicates the info is correct! This will be an interesting couple of days to see if or when either pkg is delivered as SLC has said. 🤔🤔🤔 :?: :?: :?:

P.S. So glad you received your ring, mcole256! 😁👍
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