Read descriptions

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Read descriptions

Post by Lacy » 7 months ago

D and aussie S. Are on selling a Ametrine ring in stainless. D is saying its NATURAL for 30.00.? The item desc. on air said quartz. So I looked it up, it's a triplet and under treatment it says assembled!!! The stone is (possibly white topaz) which is natural. It's not a natural Ametrine. I have nothing against triplets. I own a few but I paid 10.00.
Just say what it really is. . (Update) I checked the prev. Items, now it says triplet. Still, that's not how it was being sold on air.
Read your descriptions and the the reviews, it seems they did this before
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Re: Read descriptions

Post by WTFarmGirl » 7 months ago

I saw this happen a month ago with Dan. I even wrote in to complain about the misinformation and he got irate and went on to explain how it IS in fact real . . .

Honestly I wouldn't buy ANYTHING in stainless. While on the hand it looks nice enough, it's VERY sharp, rough and cheap. Stainless is NOT hard when it's thin. It's not DESIGNED to be made thin, so while it CAN be used at jewelry, it needs to be thicker than silver to make up for the stability.

So while the band itself might be ok, the prongs will NOT BE, and you can fully expect to lose stones on one.

I've seen hosts claim other stuff like opalite and sandstone to be natural. Fortunately they dont sell much anymore, but it's not fair to buy something that costs you $5 shipping and get it home to realize it's a man made stone...
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Re: Read descriptions

Post by christee » 7 months ago

Within the past week one of the hosts presented a gold chain necklace and said it was solid. I thought noooo way. Too obvious it wasn't due to the weight, length, and mm. Felt really bad for the customers who bought based on this false info. Also want to bring up 24k gold electroform jewelry. Do viewers think it's solid gold or do they not care the product is filled with non-precious material?
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Re: Read descriptions

Post by WTFarmGirl » 7 months ago

The product is only filled to start with, such as with lost wax. The gold is electrically bonded to the wax item similar to plating but using more advanced technology, and then the wax is burned out, leaving a hollow item that is very thin and lightweight.

Gold-filled is where they use a base metal such as copper and coat it very thickly in real gold.

But electroform 24k gold is going to be VERY soft and easy to lose it's shape. Nothing I'd do in a ring, but yet SLC does..

And I do agree, I am sure most assume their gold IS solid and not hollow (they never disclose this).
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Re: Read descriptions

Post by HS » 6 months ago

I've purchased loose gemstones and jewelry from both JTV and Gem Shopping Network since their inceptions and only just recently purchased from Shop LC (SLC).

When a representative cannot tell me where a lab grown stone is created or if a pearl is dyed and/or bleached, I'm not impressed. When they don't know the origin for a natural, Earth mined stone, I won't even consider making the purchase.

Also consistency is an issue. QVC only gives out information regarding a diamonds color, clarity, etc. for their large engagement diamond rings, not usually their Affinity line.

I don't expect every detail of an item to be on the graphics, live on air. What I'd hope to see is a detailed description on their website and if that's not available, then the representative should be able to provide that information.
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