Host Leaving

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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

I caught the end of the Michele/Tony show last night and Tony seemed to me to be getting frustrated because no one was buying his overpriced stuff. 🤣🤣🤣 Since Michele won’t be there to soothe his fragile ego after this month, maybe he’ll implode and we’ll be rid of him! 🤞🤞🤞😁

I really cannot tolerate his arrogance, his demeaning attitude and rudeness or his long-winded stories about how great he is and how many rich people he knows. 🤮

If he were half as well-known and important as he (& his suck-ups) claims, he wouldn’t be on a channel known primarily for selling knock-offs, cheap products from China and discontinued/closeout items! (Ever see Bill Gates on home shopping channels begging you to buy Microsoft??? 🤣) And he wouldn’t have the time to do it either! What rich, successful businessman can spend hours and hours just about every night sitting in front of a camera begging “peasants” to buy his stuff?! 🤔🤣🤣🤣😁✌️
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by BostonIrish » 7 months ago

I too saw how He treated Michele last night. 😥
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by WTFarmGirl » 7 months ago

She gave him a hearty welcome and asked how he was, and he popped in ignoring her greeting and turned right to the audience and told THEM thankyou and that he was doing fine, like they had been the ones to ask.

But you are right, she IS the only one to really soothe him and stroke his ego at the same time (almost like a cat playing with a mouse??? :lol: :lol: )
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Leanderlynne » 7 months ago

You are all that and more!
She knows what she's talking about and has educated all of us.
The way that she has been treated by other hosts has been horrible
yet she treated it with class and that's what I liked about her.
I remember watching Jessica and Dan making fun of hillbillies and
laughing their a@@es off, which really upset me.
My mother was from Eastern KY, and let me tell you, the people
down there have more class in their little fingers than Jessica and
Dan put together!
And what really kills me is Michele has ALWAYS been nice and respectful
to Dan!
And sending other hosts like Matt and Heather, who haven't been there
as long as Michele to Italy and Bali was wrong! Not only that, but you
never see her in any of the commercials or the Holiday commercial.
You will be greatly missed Michele and I wish you the best!
God Bless You and keep you.
Thank You for being you and for being real.
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by BostonIrish » 7 months ago

I hope She reads your post well said we all will miss Her.😪
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

Tony is all warm and friendly and polite while dealing with Jessica tonight after being a pr*ck to Michele yesterday. 😡 (I can’t watch for more than a minute before he annoys me more than I can stand!)

Again, does he have a real job? Or is SLC how he really makes his money? I swear the guy is on SLC several times every day for hours and hours! How is that possible for such a busy big shot?!? Funny, if you do a search for him, the few links that appear are almost all SLC related. Jeez, I can do a search for a peasant like me and get more results than the supposed world-reknown big shot gem expert! 🤣🤣
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by joshuatheemerald » 7 months ago

Spinoza wrote:
7 months ago
Tony is all warm and friendly and polite while dealing with Jessica tonight after being a pr*ck to Michele yesterday. 😡 (I can’t watch for more than a minute before he annoys me more than I can stand!)

Again, does he have a real job? Or is SLC how he really makes his money? I swear the guy is on SLC several times every day for hours and hours! How is that possible for such a busy big shot?!? Funny, if you do a search for him, the few links that appear are almost all SLC related. Jeez, I can do a search for a peasant like me and get more results than the supposed world-reknown big shot gem expert! 🤣🤣
I think much could be said on this topic and expanding into the smoke and mirrors of LC in general. This could also pertain to the post on the forum here about who “Modani” really is, and the credibility/value of those pieces. Remember that many of the lines sold across the different areas/departments are owned or have an exclusive deal somewhere in the pipeline that ultimately make it controlled by LC… Tamsy, Homesmart, Bali Legacy, David Pollack, and even one could argue Opatra as well. Tony’s prowess as a Gem Hunter is obviously a part of this build up of exclusivity as a sales tactic that LC tries to imprint on us as the customer to think his finds are so exclusive that they could only be sold via a shopping channel that half of America’s cable providers do not carry, and those that do have it hidden somewhere in the 1000s section of their channels (like mine does), making it almost impossible to find.

Furthermore about Tony and the personalities that appear on LC, I think it should also be remembered that so many of the LC personalities (including Tony) have only existed in the home shopping space on stations that were always very small and/or eventually went out of business. I believe Dan Dennis, Karen Connelly, Hannah and Deanna are the only LC hosts to have worked at the “big” networks of QVC and HSN. Nikki as well, but I am not sure if she is still at LC at all now that she is appearing as a brand representative on QVC the last I heard. Anyway… I think we all agree that HQ, JTV, as well as smaller networks that have since gone out of business and previously employed many of the current LC crop (Katie, Craig, Cheryl, Kim, Chuck, Matt, Sean W, Steve C) are a lower tier of shopping experience and yet the aforementioned are all the cast-offs who landed here for whatever reason. You also have others who I am not sure of their background but based on their own comments on-air or reading their bio on the website, so their credibility is a little varied. Still, I find myself liking the homegrown talent like Heather and Becky more than the K+C’s of the bunch.I have sort of skewed away from my original point, sorry about that, but when thinking about Tony and his presence on LC, he seems to check all the boxes of what makes being a customer or viewer of LC not a pleasant experience. And sorry for Michele to having to be dismissed by working with him. She is not one of my favorites but I do feel bad for her and any female host who gets totally belittled by their interrupting male co-host (Marva with Steve, Hannah with Matt, Heather with Chuck, etc). LC obviously must be run similarly behind the scenes because it’s very apparent they don’t see a problem with the actions of the male hosts.
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

Saw Michele on with Aussie Steve late last night/early this morning and they were HILARIOUS! Joking around, dancing, singing, making animal noises, etc. I was LMAO! 🤣🤣🤣

Lordy, I’m gonna miss her! ☹️😢
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by WTFarmGirl » 7 months ago

Steve does seem more at ease with her than other hosts. I did see them together for a hot second but didn't get to settle in and watch :(
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by BostonIrish » 7 months ago

WTFarmgirl I love your ring😊 What kind of stone is it?💍
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