Host Leaving

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Host Leaving

Post by Lanai » 7 months ago

Hello everyone,
Just thought I would post a short message for those who didn't watch Michele and Matt on The Night Owl Show. Michele stated she was Leaving the Company sometime next month. I know she is the Favorite of many on the Forum. More on the convo between she and Matt posted already on "Buy Now or Else"
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Koalagirl » 7 months ago

Michele is going to be missed big time. I really like her, she is entertaining. Just hoping to posts did not influence her leaving.
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

I saw part of her show last night but don’t recall her mentioning anything about leaving. Are you sure she wasn’t just kidding around with Matt? 🤔
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Mapper » 7 months ago

If you noticed, Hunter and Matt both relocated to Texas recently. Michele lives in L.A. and is away from her home and family alot. If she is leaving, it could be that her contract is ending and renewing it may require that she relocate to Texas. I can't see her doing that.

If you remember, Shawn Wilsey was brought back during the last time Michele was off for an extended period. When it was later announced that Shawn and Dan would be doing Tuesdays and Fridays regularly, I had a feeling that something was brewing. I could be wrong but who knows.
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by WTFarmGirl » 7 months ago


I saw your post . . . I think you are spot on. Now, for certain she has been "off" for at least a year . . . she had originally been one of my favorite hosts (until she began kissing up to Tony that is). She has been missing, late and un-put together for a while now, and while I can understand where SLC might only reward those hosts who "meet proper expectations" I would have to assume that she PREVIOUSLY had met them in prior years, and SLC just snubbed their nose at her.

Perhaps, her odd behavior is a RESULT of being pushed aside by SLC execs ... I could see that being a tipping point . . .

It's possible her contract IS up for renewal, but I don't think they can require her to move . . . I think the others CHOOSE to move to make it easier. I think her contract was up and SLC chose not to renew it, I think they had been planning this awhile, hence the new hosts. I also think Michelle knew about it for a while too, and perhaps that's why her behavior was so strange.

In regards to her birthday, I had noticed all the hosts announcing DAYS ahead of time that their birthday was coming up. Personally I think that's tacky. Reminds me of Tiktok streamers begging for gifts.

I think if someone were so obsessed with a host or anyone else that they wanted to send them a gift, they'd follow them on social media and pick up on it quickly. Nothing wrong with a casual comment, but lately it seems like they are making a huge deal of the birthday thing.

But the REAL question on everyone's mind . . . what will Michelle do now? Will she finally carry herself properly and find a job that fully utilizes her talents and personality?

Hold my seat, I'm off to grab some more popcorn!
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Lacy » 7 months ago

I really like Michele, quirks and all. She is the only host I tune in for. Except for the occasional Friday if there is free shipping. IF she's moving on, we really don't know why. That's her personal reason. Who's to say that this isn't her decision. If so, Good for her if she is not happy with LC. I will miss watching her. I think she is funny, not so serious. Most of the other hosts are like corporate robots. Buy now, buy all, never seen on air before, genuine stones, etc. pushy hosts. (Not Michele) I wish her luck and good wishes with what ever she does next.
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

Totally agree with you, Lacy.

If — IF — she’s leaving next year it’s her business as to why. No need to speculate or assume it’s something bad. We don’t even know if it’s true yet!

IMO, she’s a breath of fresh air on SLC, though I understand she’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But she’s far more relaxed and down-to-earth than any of the other hosts who are, as you said, often way too pushy or blah, cookie-cutter corporate robots. Plus she’s often hilarious and gets her co-hosts to join in the fun!

Anyway, I suggest we wait and see what’s what before we write her obituary and decide the cause of death without knowing any of the private details. 😁🤣✌️
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by DrJon » 7 months ago

A very accurate statement in your last paragraph! Thank you for stating that!!
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Lanai » 7 months ago

Spinoza & Drjon,

Michele, is the one who stated she was leaving, casually. She mentioned that would miss hearing Producer Glenn singing the words Ground Control to Major Tom in her ear, with his heavy accent to mess with her and then later her and Matt tried numerous times to get him to come out and sing the words if they sold certain items out. Never happened. I didn't know if I heard it right at first and then over the next couple of hours or so several viewers obviously sent Instant Messages to the Hosts, because she would read her iPad and then Directly Address the Name of the person who messaged and stated several times Yes, I am leaving, sweetheart, not right away, sometime next month, and that she would miss them too or that she loved them too. Footage from the previous shows can be watched on YouTube, you will have to watch the whole show, because it was ongoing subtle things said except her outright questioning Matt about How many places had he already gotten to go and she had never gotten to go anywhere. I don't know if she will end up actually leaving or not but that was Statements That She Was Making. I think she should do what she needs to do for herself. Watch and determine for yourself if you need to verify that these things are true.
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Re: Host Leaving

Post by Serge » 7 months ago

I too enjoy Michele and will be sad if she leaves. I watched some of that show but fell asleep for part of it so I could have missed it. If she does leave I hope she is appreciated wherever she ends up as she's very knowledgeable about gemstones and is funny! I can't think of any other host announcing that they were leaving until the last couple of days except for Karen. They gave her a nice sendoff after all her years there which she deserved. I'll just hope that Michele stays because she's one of the few hosts that doesn't drive me crazy!
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