Merry Christmas

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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by William » 6 months ago


To Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a dear friend -- Let's just call her "M" because she is quiet and would not like that I am bringing her up --- She was recently diagnosed with a very bad form of cancer that has spread. Please keep her in your prayers if you could! She is lovely Nice Kind and a beautiful light in the world and we will all be less when she is no longer here. I Hope and Pray that that will be a Longer time than shorter! Thank You ALL!!!

I Hope that Everyone has a Wonderful And Healthy 2024!

Always nice to see -----everyone------ here!
----ExGem Lover Boston Irish Kat125 WTFarmGirl Druid Bella And Penelope

Also --- Serge- KoalaGirl Lacy JoshuaTheEmerald Mapper Spinoza CollJoe GulfWaterLady
CatWoman CarribeanGirl Lah2001 Lanai CDK JonArts Rolltide Mayflowers D-Flawless Hot4Tener TeacherGirl Frack ToTheMoon DiamondGoddess Chicago Spooky Margui

Gypsy---Always Nice to see you --Thank You So Much for the poem!!!

And To ANYONE who I missed --So Sorry---did Not mean to leave you out!!!! (I can't remember everyone) (And IF Gemsnob JQ Or Sissy happen to see this --- Shout out to you TOO You all are Not forgotten!)

Take Care ----Everyone !!! Thank You All! ------------------- William
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago

Hi William....
Thank you for the lovely greetings

You are always so kind to us in this forum
I will keep your friend M in prayer....bless her heart
Have a Happy New Year :)
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by WTFarmGirl » 6 months ago

Hi William, I will certainly keep her in my prayers, cancer is an UGLY beast :cry:

Wishing you the best this New Year season!
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Gypsy » 6 months ago

Good Saturday Morning to one and all !!


I had to get out the BIG cups this morning!

Are you ladies still happy dancing or at least doing your "little butt wiggles" !!! 💃💃💃

I hope that everyone had a wonderfully blessed Christmas and hope that EVERYONE has a safe and Happy New Years celebration

Hello William..... I am so sorry to hear about your friend "M" being ill. I am going to tell the other girls so we can include her in our prayers.

I'll also pass along your greetings to them 😊
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by William » 6 months ago

Thank You ALL SO Much !!!
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Kat125 » 6 months ago

Happy New Years blessings to everyone
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago


I always like your fun greetings and wish I drank coffee cause it looks so good :)
Tea is also something I wish I could drink but I can't
Of course hot chocolate is my favorite but I have to be careful consuming too much Chocolate :lol:

Have a wonderful New Year!
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago

@Kat125 ....

Thank you for your nice greetings and Happy New Year's to you and yours :)

@Serge ....

I have been meaning to wish you both holiday greetings but time got away and like you I was busy too
So now I will wish you a Happy New Year
Can't remember which post you came in and said "hello" to all of us so I am using this post to write you
Have a great weekend......
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

William —

Thanks for the wonderful greeting/wishes for everyone! That’s very nice of you. ❤️ I wish the same for you and everyone else and will include your friend “M” in my prayers! 🙏✌️❤️
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Catwoman48 » 6 months ago

And I echo exactly what @spinoza just said, couldn’t say it better!

Christmas blessings to all of you. Let’s hope for a better New Year for all of us.
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