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Post by Lacy » 7 months ago

Has anyone else noticed that the final price is only dropped between 5 to 10 dollars from the previous price. A few are higher. But Not many. But it doesn't seem to be deep discounts for a clearance. It's like its a 10%coupon discount. Also what's up with the buy all of 5%???
Hardly worth it. Why the games? Just saying.
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Re: Prices

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 7 months ago

Hi Lacy....

I get a kick out of all their game playing, especially some of the bad acting
A friend of mine emailed a question to a Host asking why they acted "so surprised" when the co host suddenly dropped the price to unbelievable and never before prices!
Of course the the female Host replied that "she swore she didn't know he was going to do that, and neither one of us knew they would "receive" a phone call at Midnight"

You are correct about the small price drop, it's like they think we are not going to notice the "favor"
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Re: Prices

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 7 months ago

Every one one is right on about the pricing games that they have been playing for YEARS. Every one knows they do it, & we have talked about on here, you know that they know that we know. WHY do they keep doing it, do they really think that we are that stupid? The ones that do not come on here & talk probably do not know as much as we do. But you know it is only common sense right? If we could band together & have them to STOP playing these games with us.I have NEVER thought of writing any thing like this about the Q, or the H home shopping network because they do not play games like this network does. I have seen items from 2 or 3 clearance sales before that did not sell but they keep putting them out there instead of marking them down low enough to sell. And this gem they call TANZANITE what is the deal with that? They have been hollering for years we can not get any more, the mine is closed. But they sell it day after day after day after day, & so on. If it is that rare wouldn't they want to keep it for them self? If we have heard it once we have heard it a million times that the last time this was on air it was, & they would give a crazy price & the final price they give would be more than the price was before. They think they can fool us???? You know what they say fool me once? I am tired of them trying to fool us. Don't they get tired of it, & don't the host's get tired of lying. Isn't LYING a " SIN " ? So when some one asks them what they do for a living they say, I LIE, or I guess it could be I am in sales & I LIE. One thing that REALLY BOTHERS me is they give you a price when the item is on air, but by the end of the show, the day or in 24 hours is goes back up to the crazy price. What do you think about this? I have never wrote to or thought about another home shopping network like I do this one. Have A Happy New Year, & Let The Games Begin.
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Re: Prices

Post by christee » 6 months ago

I couldn't remember how to make an original post so I chose here to complain. There's a ring new this week and I put it in my cart. At that time it was $79.99 but 2 days later I checked my cart and it was $139.99. Last night it dropped to $99.99 and every time a 25% promo code would apply.
---today it was presented on air and priced $87.99 for the brief presentation and of course the 25% doesn't work.
----also while it was in my cart the past few days it had 2 in stock, right after presentation it's 4
very difficult to know the right time to make a purchase because of erratic pricing (now regret not buying it at $79.99 plus 25% code)
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Re: Prices

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

Whether there is an actual rhyme or reason to the fluctuation of pricing, I’m not sure if there is any hard model they follow. Sometimes I think the dropping price/Smackdown music is a buffer for them to see how many people they can get interested in a price and sometimes they have enough interest at a higher than intended price, so they keep it there instead of “dropping” it to the intended sale price.

Overall I agree that I’ve seen some items obviously change in price. One example that stood out to me was those $9.99 ceramic desk clocks that were fairies, flowers, etc. … they were in the clearance section of the website here for $3 and some change for awhile and then they were back on air for $12.99 last time I saw them. I guess if you’re happy with the price you see onscreen that’s all that matters!
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Re: Prices

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Was just noticing some prices on items on my Wish List have changed. (All increased of course.) I guess that’s so they can eventually put them “on sale” back to the original prices. 🙄🤣
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Re: Prices

Post by Lacy » 6 months ago

Many 10.00 items are now double at least. Unless they are base metal, silvertone, goldtone. They stay 10.00. I've noticed that sterling and stainless steel have all gone up. Under 10 Is low end items. I don't like tone jewelry.
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Re: Prices

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Yes, prices are definitely going up in general. 🫤 But as you said, the 10-and-under items remain pretty stable. They need them for the Friday shows where we’re all supposed to be shocked that items on a “$10 and under” day sell for…***drum roll***…$10 and under! 🤣
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