OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

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OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 7 months ago

What in the h... is he thinking!
I know the Host like to have fun once in a while but this behavior is just plain ridiculous and childish!!

I can't remember why he did it, something to do with getting sales or whatever but the next thing I see is him standing in front of a plain background and said here I go and proceeded to do the Cartwheel
Of course his head gear, and all his necklaces fell out of place
But when the stomach started falling out for all to see is when I gasped....ugh :roll:

Never in all the years of watching shopping channels have I seen such nonsense
Last edited by Penelope~Pit~Stop 7 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

Post by pattyvic » 7 months ago

chill out
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Re: OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

Post by christee » 7 months ago

Some seem to find him annoying but I actually like his personality. The person presenting an item isn't going to have any influence on my purchase decision. I appreciate Hunter for not acting like a know-it-all, been around the the world braggart like some of the other male hosts.
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Re: OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

Post by colljoe » 7 months ago

Oh! My kingdom to have seen that! :shock:
I do like him too BUT...the things we used to do when we were younger, just don't quite work out the same way when we get older. Especially when you mentioned his stomach falling out. Yeah! That's why, when we get older, we just...don't. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

Post by WTFarmGirl » 7 months ago

:shock: :shock: :shock:

WHY do I MISS all the GOOD shows?! I'm probably half his age and even I wouldn't do a cartwheel on national TV :lol: :lol:

On a side note, I did watch QVC the other day, and WOW, it was night and day different!
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Re: OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

Post by BostonIrish » 7 months ago

Penn I missed that one🤓🙈🏃🤸🤸🤸🤸
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Re: OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

Post by Spinoza » 7 months ago

Guess I’m in the minority but I like Hunter. Seems like a nice fun guy not afraid to laugh at himself or get a little goofy. Sure, he gets a little loud and hyper at times but I still prefer that to hosts who seem to be talking down to viewers. But to each his own! 😁✌️
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Re: OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

Post by Koalagirl » 7 months ago

OMG am I so happy I missed the cartwheel! That would have been so gross! Hunter thinks he is the bomb, well he isn't. I have never seen such an obnoxious host in all my years watching home shopping channels.
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Re: OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

Post by Lacy » 6 months ago

He was on with Jessica the other day and was pretty pushy with his air time. Almost taking over and not letting her speak. This is not how I've seen him be before, as if he knew everything and Jessica was just there to model. Maybe it's a day time tactic he is doing. I don't like it.

I think he speaks before he thinks. He's almost.. slightly... insulted a female host while on air. Then laughed and said just kidding. We are friends.
It's a joke .

I do hope he realizes that playing the joker isn't always funny. But offensive.

Theres a time and place....
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Re: OMG! Did Any of You Just See Hunter Doing a Cartwheel?

Post by HS » 6 months ago

Gasp! I'm clutching my pearls right now...sooo tight. LOLOLOL

Where are the screenshots? Love me some Hunter.
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