Price drops

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Price drops

Post by Lacy » 3 months ago

They are showing the same item over and over. Many of us have seen the presentation last week. But, they play these pricing games. The price is online for 29.00 reg. They inch by inch dropping it from 259.00. Then hype it up. Finally they get to the sale price of 19.99. Are they trying to extend the time out. I thought air time was expensive. It drives me crazy. I'm glad my tv is on mute.
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Re: Price drops

Post by WTFarmGirl » 3 months ago

I actually lucked out at Auction (so far, we'll see if it actually ships or magically disappears), I bought a 10K gold band ring for the husband's bday for $125. Nothing normal price on SLC or on the Big River store for that price.

Last week was a BUST with their stupid diamond rings . . . once again I fell for it, they had a band ring that APPEARED to be full of diamonds, but really it was a carving trick and only had one tiny nip of a diamond stuck in there just to be able to CALL IT a diamond ring. I was hopping mad, I had bought a bunch for my gift shop. ONCE AGAIN IT PROVES I cannot trust SLC as a re-saler supplier (NOR WOULD I AT THIS QUALITY). Michelle keeps hyping people up to buy 2 or 3 to "sell to a jeweler". I'm sorry, NO JEWELER in their right mind would BUY from someone walking in their door. They want something with a guarantee which YOU cannot offer them. Heck, my local guy refused to even LOOK at my gemstone contacts overseas.

Anyway, the rings were cheap enough, but I cannot BELIEVE their lies and selling tactics! NEVER EVER would I EVER do that to my customers. When I say I'm going to treat my customers like family, I ACTUALLY mean it. I don't want to be part of SLC's family if LYING and deceit are part of the relationship.

-- end of rant. Sorry LAcy, that was brewing for a bit :lol: :lol:
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Re: Price drops

Post by Druid » 3 months ago

@WTFarmGirl Sorry to hear about your misfortune with the band with the tiniest diamond. I would be very cautious when buying diamonds from them, their stones are usually the lowest possible quality I3. I bought some champagne diamond items on auction at a low price knowing about their quality, because I would never pay their full or even on sale prices for what they offer.I also bought on auction some polki diamonds at a very low price and they look sparkly enough, some have some tiny creaks,I am not crazy about I just wanted to see , they are wearable enough…
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Re: Price drops

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 3 months ago

@Druid ....

Happy New Year first :)
Secondly, I see you said that some Polki diamonds were purchased by you!
I have always wondered just how pretty there were in person and now you have given me an inkling!
Thanks for sharing this, do they look like real diamonds in person though?
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