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Re: Hannah

Post by colljoe » 6 months ago

I got my popcorn out. :lol:
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Re: Hannah

Post by BostonIrish » 6 months ago

Me too!🎭🎭🎭🎭
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Re: Hannah

Post by Lacy » 6 months ago

Just when one is gone... Another starts up drama, attacks on other forum members and bulls..t. IDK why it's necessary. Just let it ride out, don't respond, Ignore them. They will move on too.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Koalagirl » 6 months ago

My apologies to everyone, I will no longer engage with HS. I just felt Hannah was being criticized for nothing and I like her. No more. Again my apologies.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

Why do I get the feeling of everyone being so suspicious? HS talked some nonsense on another thread and I confronted her on it. She apologized. I feel it’s going to be the same old people posting all the time if we scare off new forum members because of paranoia. The same old posts talking about different hosts and chest hair, singing, doing cartwheels etc is getting boring and repetitious. Let’s face it there are host some like and some don’t, who cares? If it is a new “it” persona so be it. In the end it will all work it’s way out. At least it’s not boring!
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Re: Hannah

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago


I think it’s great when there are new members or dormant members who join the conversation. I am kind of new myself having joined a few months ago.

I think the problem is the tone and aggressive nature of HS’s post… of which, the posts came fast and furious today from HS were all very slanted in opinion and then, sorry to use this again, aggressive when anyone tried to give their counter opinion.

I saw the post where the mutual respect among veterans was acknowledged and I appreciate that without a doubt. But the context and content of HS’s posts out of the blue and, to be frank, rude in tone when we as a collective have been pretty united in making sure this was a place we could speak our opinion (which HS is allowed to do) without the kind of attacks the HS has put out to anyone who responded differently to their opinion.

And taking it back to the host observations and critiques…. To say Hannah needs singing lessons when it’s easily discoverable that she’s been on Broadway and cruise ships, etc. is a stretch. To dig up an old clip of Karen Connolly and point it in a political position seems calculated. To criticize the young girl Lauren who is obviously inexperienced and learning on the job is without much grace or kindness. But to ignore interrupting Steve and always-on Hunter’s flaws themselves is just odd to me after finding such fault in so many others.

To me, personally, it seems intentional… the aggression, the pettiness and the intent to derail and divide.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Lacy » 6 months ago

Conversations not Confrontations. We all have a voice.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Druid » 6 months ago

I don’t have an opinion about the hosts because I rarely watch live presentations, I find them all boring with pitches to sell the most. I follow the forum regularly even though I don’t pop in often.So, after reading todays posts, I think HS is just a provocative troll looking to catch some controversy with an arrogant attitude. Everyone is free to express their opinions by being polite and respectful towards all.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

I certainly do see your side as well Joshuatheemerald. I agree the posts were very strange. The only reason I confronted her was she was being sarcastic to me so I called her out. I agree with you Druid as well!
Also a case in point…my down the way neighbor, who knows I purchase from Shop LC and knows I’m on the forum asked awhile back if I think she should join the forum. I asked her why would you ask me that? Of course you can join. She made it clear that she was asking because she was afraid that people may not like her, or be mean to her. She is from Sweden and is somewhat shy but is the sweetest lady ever, so I can certainly understand her hesitation. I just hope there isn’t others out there who feel the way she does.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Druid » 6 months ago

Hi Bella,
Tell your friend she is welcome to join and just ignore if someone is mean or provocative, they usually don’t last after emptying their bag. By ignoring them with silence, they soon get bored and disappear.
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