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Re: Hannah

Post by HS » 6 months ago

I get it now! The answer to any "contrarian" viewpoint is to badger and bully them into leaving the forum. Interesting.
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Re: Hannah

Post by HS » 6 months ago

Oh, and by the by...Hannah cannot sing.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

HS why be the bull in a China shop? Why would you want to alienate yourself? We really aren’t your enemy. Why would you think we are? You say you have never posted on a forum before and that’s your excuse, that’s just odd. Some of your posts are pleasant others, not so much. Two words CHILL OUT and change the attitude, otherwise you will be ignored.
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Re: Hannah

Post by HS » 6 months ago

Bella, I have no problem being ignored. What I won't be is bullied for having an unpopular opinion. Surely you can see that?
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Re: Hannah

Post by HS » 6 months ago

Bella, if people say things that are too irresistible to ignore.
Alright, for you, Bella, I'll try to chill. KG needs to back off though. LOL
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Re: Hannah

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

Having your own opinion is fine. If you say Hannah can’t sing so be it, why beat a dead horse? Personally, I hate hosts singing if I want to hear it I’ll go to Karaoke. Hey, I don’t always agree with everyone on here either, but being rude is no excuse. Have a good evening.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Bella wrote:
6 months ago
Personally, I hate hosts singing if I want to hear it I’ll go to Karaoke.
🤣🤣🤣 Agreed! Well, unless they’re doing it just to be funny. (OCCASIONALLY!)

Agree also with the idea of not being rude if you disagree with someone. No need for it. It only reflects poorly on you. Much better to be civil, polite, agree to disagree, etc. But bullying, intimidation attempts, “piling on”, “mob mentality”, attacking fellow posters, etc, is exactly what ruins boards and prevents people from joining/posting. Just my opinion! 😁✌️
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Re: Hannah

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

So agree Spinoza especially with the mob mentality bit. I’ve always said we need to agree to disagree. I’m not sticking up for a host if someone doesn’t like them and others do it’s childish and a waste of time. You really think people will change their mind? Demanding everyone have your opinion on “your” host is unrealistic. Then I think some come on just to stir the pot. I don’t feel like cooking today!
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Re: Hannah

Post by colljoe » 6 months ago

@Spinoza: Ha? 🎭 ??? But being a "Snitch", "Finking", Tattletailing on your fellow posters to Big Brother is okay? "Agree to disagree" so you say, doesn't mean you go running to Big Brother to have our posts taken down, because you decided it was "getting nasty". That "ruins boards and prevents people from joining/posting". Speaking of which I haven't seen Penelope-Pit-Stop or WTFarmgirl on her lately. Wonder why.
Just my opinion. 😁🤣🙄✌🏼✌🏽
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Re: Hannah

Post by BostonIrish » 6 months ago

I was wondering where they were too🤔 I hope they are not gone.😪
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