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Re: Hannah

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

colljoe —

This is the only time I will address this with you and it’s only because you continue attacking me which is getting repetitive and boring for me, and perhaps others, to read. Afterwards, feel free to continue chasing me around the board, calling me names, mocking me and trying to provoke me if you want. That’s up to you. I can take it. 👍

First, I didn’t “snitch” on anyone. The comments were posted for days for all to see — including SLC employees — so I didn’t tell them anything they didn’t already know. Ergo, no snitching or finking or tattling or whatever you want to continue calling it, happened. All I did was ask them to take a look and see if it would be better for the thread to be removed since it was getting nasty and personal. And this was after I posted a request on the thread that we all stop things from getting worse and start fresh in 2024. That comment was posted for days too and I received several “likes” in response — and not one single objection. That signaled to me that everyone was in agreement. So again, no harm was done by asking if the thread should be removed.

Second, I had posted comments on that thread too. None were attacks or mean-spirited, but still, I was part of the thread. So I’m sorry if you were personally devastated by its removal, but no individual or individuals — including you — were singled out, nor did I exclude myself. I attacked no one. I criticized no one. I merely asked SLC to decide if it should be removed, which I believed would be fine with everyone. (Again, based on the “likes” I received and the total lack of objections to start fresh in 2024.)

Sadly, I don’t expect this to be enough to calm your vitriol towards me and I do expect the attacks to continue. But it’s the best I can do to pacify you. The rest is up to you — your decision, your choice, your right to say whatever you like — and I won’t address you again concerning this. Have a nice day. ✌️
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Re: Hannah

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

I had hoped this was over, not only for you Spinoza but for the forum in general. I hate all the negativity and drudging up crap. It’s done and over with, you have explained your side and it is what it is. I guess some will not get over it, oh well. I do support you in not having to defend yourself over and over (been there done that) and as far as I’m concerned it’s over and done with.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Kat125 » 6 months ago

Just when we thought it was safe to get back into the water🦈…..
or post something positive
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Re: Hannah

Post by Mapper » 6 months ago

After a while, "It" comes across like the school teacher in the Peanuts cartoon.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Kat125 wrote:
6 months ago
Just when we thought it was safe to get back into the water🦈…..
or post something positive
🤣🤣🤣 It’s safe! Dive right in! Positive comments are always welcome and often sorely needed. Have a great day!😁✌️
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Re: Hannah

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago


Thanks and I agree. The ship has sailed! 😁 ✌️
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Re: Hannah

Post by colljoe » 6 months ago

@Mapper: And I literally "felt" that too...x 2...🤨
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Re: Hannah

Post by Rolltide » 6 months ago

Just so EVERYONE realizes, they r still all among u posting with multiple identities, is why I will never be back. There is no one minding this store, nor do they even care about what should count. I’m out!
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Re: Hannah

Post by colljoe » 6 months ago

@Rolltide: And I, for one, miss you! 😊 .
Oh! And you are right! Let those who have the eyes to see!
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Re: Hannah

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Rolltide wrote:
6 months ago
Just so EVERYONE realizes, they r still all among u posting with multiple identities, is why I will never be back. There is no one minding this store, nor do they even care about what should count. I’m out!
Please don’t go, Rolltide. Don’t let anyone drive you away. Your comments are always welcome and this forum needs all the active members it can get. 😳

When I first joined I thought it was very odd that there were so few people posting, considering SLC has thousands and thousands and thousands of viewers. I quickly found out why. 🫤 But I adopted the Pat Benatar attitude of “Hit me with your best shot! Fire away!” and I ain’t goin’ anywhere! 🤣 So have a great day, I hope to see you here and best wishes whatever you decide is best for you! 😁✌️
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