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Post by Koalagirl » 6 months ago

Does anyone know where Hannah is? I haven't seen her in ages.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Last time I saw her she was on with Bald Steve (last week, I think) and I believe she mentioned she had a few days off coming up. Hope that helps a little! 😁✌️
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Re: Hannah

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago

Hello Koalagirl....

I believe she was on last week cause I remember seeing her
She is such a good Host with no drama, a real class act :D
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Re: Hannah

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

I also noticed she has been gone for awhile. She mentions she sings concerts and on cruises so maybe she is off doing that? Hannah is one of my favorites. She along with Heather and Chris I think should be moved into the “better” or consistent slots held by some of the screamers, shouters and braggarts that you see too often.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Koalagirl » 6 months ago

Thanks everyone, I miss seeing Hannah. She is a happy go lucky person with no drama.
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Re: Hannah

Post by Luvgems » 6 months ago

She is on live stream right now
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Re: Hannah

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Koalagirl —

Agree, she is a pleasure to watch. Very upbeat and unflappable even when she’s constantly interrupted by my least fave host, Bald Steve. 🤣 😁✌️

joshuatheemerald —

LOVE your suggestion re replacing some hosts with others! My ears will be thrilled if it ever happens! 🤣😁✌️
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Re: Hannah

Post by Koalagirl » 6 months ago

I would Love, Love, Love to see less of Hunter and less of bald Steve, and More of Chris and Hannah.
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Re: Hannah

Post by HS » 6 months ago

I would love to see more Hunter/Hannah pairings. It's so cool how Hunter schoolz her and puts her in her place. She's left dazed and confuzed and predictably clueless!
Hunter is like Muhammad Ali in the ring with Hannah...
'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee'

Both Chuck and Hunter ask her to sing songs and she's always clueless and never heard of any song that came out before 2010 LOLOLOL.
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Re: Hannah

Post by HS » 6 months ago

Spinoza wrote:
6 months ago
Last time I saw her she was on with Bald Steve (last week, I think) and I believe she mentioned she had a few days off coming up. Hope that helps a little! 😁✌️
Steve is bald? Never noticed. His voice is so good! Would love for him to teach Hannah how to sing. She uses too much head voice. Typical.
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