I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

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I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 6 months ago

Sorry I am late, but I feel the same way as Colljoe, WTFarmGIRL, Koalagirl, & Lacy. I have been on here a long time also, & this is a first for me. Never had any one run & SNITCH, I BELIEVE that is what it is called. Changing the subject, did any one see Kim this morning? She was on with Chuck, she seemed to be VERY happy. It was very strange. Then they started selling clothing, U heard a loud sound like some one knocked some thing over, then Kim was gone. Chuck went back to selling earrings, then LoLo came in. Like she was called in. It may be nothing, it wast strange the way she was acting & then she was gone. Talk to you all later
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Re: I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

Post by WTFarmGirl » 6 months ago

I didn't see Kim, but did see Chuck awkwardly try to present a ring that would not even fit on his pinky finger, but was trying to make the best of a tough situation. Then Lolo came on and Chuck couldn't even remember her name (I get it, happens to me allll the time, but was still tough to watch), and she mentioned she had to run in to help cover. I don't know if Chuck has worked with Lolo much, I certainly have not seen it.

Other than that I didn't see anything crazy. (Again, I miss all the GOOD shows, lol)

Good to see you back @CaribbeanGirl
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Re: I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

And now Hannah is on with Chuck… a lot of customer comments were acknowledged on air from Hannah asking where she has been. She was sort of dancing around the subject with her responses… it was interesting to hear.

But with K …. she is another one who I sometimes worry about her health and how she appears on air. I think it’s been said that she has some ongoing health concerns. But I would just say to her that if being on TV is something that your health issues prevent you from being able to perform, perhaps looking into a behind the scenes job or something might be in order for you? Your health should be more important than your “fame”.
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Re: I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago

@CaribbeanGirl ....

Nice to see you back...hope all is well :)
I like your choice of words...SNITCH
Perfect description and whether a person exposed themselves or not the dirty deed has been done!!
I guess we have a "Baby-Sitter" now to make sure we all play nice :lol:
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Re: I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

I don’t mind babysitters as long as they don’t act like Jr. High school girls.
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Re: I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

Post by Mapper » 6 months ago

Bella wrote:
6 months ago
I don’t mind babysitters as long as they don’t act like Jr. High school girls.
...and emoji overkill!
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Re: I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

My comment what NOT directed towards Spinoza or her emojis. I think there funny!
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Re: I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

Post by Mapper » 6 months ago

Bella wrote:
6 months ago
My comment what NOT directed towards Spinoza or her emojis. I think there funny!
My comment was not directed towards anyone specifically.
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Re: I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Bella —

No sweat. I knew what you meant! 👍😁✌️
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Re: I AM A little Slow ,But Count me In

Post by Lanai » 6 months ago

Penelope~Pit~Stop wrote:
6 months ago
@CaribbeanGirl ....

Nice to see you back...hope all is well :)
I like your choice of words...SNITCH
Perfect description and whether a person exposed themselves or not the dirty deed has been done!!
I guess we have a "Baby-Sitter" now to make sure we all play nice :lol:
I have been trying to catch up on what has been going on for the past couple of weeks. Wow. Have to agree with you as well as
Colljoe, WTFarmGIRL, Koalagirl, Lacy,
CaribbeanGirl and joshuatheemerald.
Something seems amiss and have to admit somewhat confusing on what seems to be double standards for some who apparently think it is okay to Post their thoughts regardless of what they may be but . obviously "police" what others opinions are.
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