Where is everyone?

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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by BostonIrish » 6 months ago

Penelope and Wtfarmgirl Don't leave because them 😥
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago

@BostonIrish ....

Oh I will still be here dear, just won't be as visible when the hard core drama "surfaces" again
We all like to submit our opinions and observations regarding ShopLC and have a good time discussing many likes or dis-likes
However when downright mean and evil people come in here to destroy our flow is when I will stay out of it :roll:

I have good people like you, @Lacy, @WTFarmGirl, @joshuatheemerald, @William, @CaribbeanGirl, @Gypsy, @Greeneyesbluesighs, @ExGemLover, @colljoe, @Druid, @Bella and MANY others that I enjoy seeing their posts and comments :)
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago


See? I was right. 😁

Unfortunately we all have to live with trolls, paranoia and cheap shots cuz they will always continue, but whatcha gonna do? 🤔 The strong survive, the trolls & troublemakers eventually disappear and life goes on! 🤣 👍 After all, this silly little board means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Nobody’s perfect and all opinions are welcome. If anyone takes things too seriously or gets really upset/nasty/angry/bitter/holds grudges, etc, about anything it’s a shame. 🫤 Life is too short! 😁✌️

Have a great day Bella — and EVERYONE! 😁✌️
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by colljoe » 6 months ago

HE who just joined 4 months ago! Really? This "silly little board," ... meaning "our opinions" on here, don't really matter? And, "Nobody's perfect and all opinions matter"... except when YOU decide it's time to REPORT us "silly little board members" ... who "take this board too seriously, and who "get's really upset"
Your verbage sounds very much like...hmmm...JS, HS...TP..... JUST SAYIN'...
I do believe you just exposed yourself Spinoza!!! Uh huh!
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

colljoe —

100% wrong. Have a nice day and please do try to move on for everyone’s sake. Thanks.
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

Here we go again… thinking someone is someone else. Paranoia is exhausting! Can’t we just let it go? Holding grudges over stupid s#$& is a waste of time. If the Jr High School stuff continues I don’t see myself posting much either. It’s boring nonsense dredging up past crap!

Spinoza… In the grand scheme of things (meaning life) you ARE correct the forum is not that important. God, family and country are, not some forum offered by Shop LC! People need to keep things in perspective! Everyone have a good evening.
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Druid » 6 months ago

@Bella You are spot on. Jr High School mentality and nonsense fights are so boring and have no place in this forum. I think it’s a pity interesting discussions and arguments as well as information about gem stones and other topics are at this time rarely discussed. I am looking forward to better times and topics before joining again. Wish everyone all the best possible.
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