Where is everyone?

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Where is everyone?

Post by BostonIrish » 6 months ago

Where is everyone? I Better not have been removed!😡
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Welp, I dunno if you can see this now but here goes…

Your posts are showing up just fine so obviously you haven’t been “removed”. Not sure why you can’t see posts yet you were able to see and maneuver your way through the board otherwise and able to create a new topic and post it. Sounds like it could be a Settings issue. Perhaps something you accidentally turned off while doing something on the board. Hmmmm. 🤔 Would need more info to help but don’t know how to contact you. 🫤
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Druid » 6 months ago

Posts are not interesting enough for more participation, in my humble opinion.
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

Couldn’t agree more Druid!
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by BostonIrish » 6 months ago

S I did not turn anything off.🤔
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

I’m wondering where a Farmgirl and Penn are…
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by BostonIrish » 6 months ago

I was wondering the same thing🤔
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

BostonIrish —

Glad to see you can see/read posts again! 👍😁

Probably a software and/or compatibility prob that corrected itself after you logged off the board or turned your device off or something along those lines. Dunno if you have automatic updates on your device, but if so, they can sometimes do weird things to your system temporarily. Anyway, whatever it was I hope it doesn’t happen again! 🤞🤞🤞😁

Bella —

I suspect both are choosing to get away from the recent drama. Just a guess. Or maybe the board is just too boring to bother with! 😴😴😴 (as someone posted elsewhere) Anyway I bet both will return when there’s something worth posting about. 😁 ✌️

P.S. HS, our newest member, dropped out of sight too. Hope she returns as well. 🫤
Last edited by Spinoza 6 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

Well I hope nobody’s “gun shy” or are afraid to dip their toes in the water.

On a different note has anyone else been getting a lot of real short Shop LC surveys by email? At least there not the long drawn out ones.
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago

Bella wrote:
6 months ago
I’m wondering where a Farmgirl and Penn are…
@Bella .....and @BostonIrish

Good afternoon to both of you :)
Thanks for asking about the both of us, @WTFarmGirl is extremely busy as usual and I have been busy also
However the other reason for not showing up is the continued "drama" that is seeming to be the norm

After the exposure of finding out we have no opinion here and those opinions will be removed if not to the "liking" of someone the fun has left the building
I came here to visit last week and was surprised see another "troll troublemaker" has surfaced
How sad to see that newbie came blasting with full force and started attacking every comment ANYONE made!

So I am sure I will be attacked as well for this post but I won't get into "back and forth" with senseless folks
I do believe that we have another Host disguising themselves, the "over the top" love for a certain other Host is the indicator :lol: :lol:

The Princess is still lurking as well as the Minions and that is the norm but this new member has really turned this forum into a s...show and I just don't have the interest anymore when maniacs like that are around
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