Michele’s last day on SLC

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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

joshuatheemerald —

I think it was less than two weeks ago that Bald Steve was lecturing Deanna about taking zinc to help her because she was losing her voice. He went on and on about how he takes zinc and he never gets sick. “Never!” 🙄

Welp, he’s on TV again now and he’s still sick! Guess he must have missed a few doses of zinc! 🤣 😁👍
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Quette » 6 months ago

Quette wrote:
6 months ago
I was also watching last night when Michele was on with Steve. He seems to be totally unaware of boundaries and sensitivity. I thought he mentioned Michele's son first as the reason she was leaving. I could feel myself falling asleep so I reached for my remote to record the hour. Haven't watched it again yet...
I have now watched the part of the recording and can confirm that it was Steve who first stated "Michele has a sick kid". Then ~ ten minutes later he made the statement that about two dozen letters had come in which was followed by "I'm in shock too. I wish it was different but she's got so much going on with her kid. It's unbelievable what she goes through. I don't know how she does it. Michele I wish you well..."

I've never heard Michele say her son was disabled. The first time I remember her mention her son specifically was probably late summer. She was doing a Friday show and she showed a crystal on a chain. She started talking about the metaphysical properties of crystals and one is that they help to ground some people. She said something like "Maybe I should buy this for my son. He could use some help." My initial thought about that is the same one I have now. Some people just struggle. There could be a medical reason why but there might not be. I don't want to speculate. The things I can do are wish her well and hope that whatever is going on with her son is resolved or at least becomes more manageable.
Last edited by Quette 6 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Quette —

Well said! 👍 And thanks much for reviewing the recording and letting us know what was/wasn’t said. 😁 ✌️
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Serge » 6 months ago

I too am going to miss Michele terribly and I hope they'll let her do remote shows as ShopLC desperately needs her honesty and humor. She does a great job presenting the jewelry and even puts on the earrings rather than use those silly plastic things that don't really don't help! Bald Steve needs to take a class on manners and maybe he would quit asking personal questions and rudely interrupting his cohost. Hopefully Michele's son will get better as that has to be tough for her especially being away. I'm wishing her the best in whatever she does!
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Kind of a weird exchange going on between Michele and Bald Steve at times today. She’s been a little testy with him cuz he’s still interrupting and talking over Michele. She kind of makes a joke about what she says to him but it sure seems like someone has told him to stop stepping on every host he works with because today he actually shuts up. Well, for a few seconds! 🤣

Or am I imagining it? 🤔🫤
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Lacy » 6 months ago

I just tuned in, Michele is adding her 2 cents to his comparison of tanzanite to sapphire claims. She's right, why compare the two.?

Why is Steve saying he's waiting for the buyers to price it. That they watch every show. Really ..

Michele, said..make it up..love it. He knows the lowest price.

Just drop it, with no extra callers needed etc...
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by christee » 6 months ago

She's on with Steve now and he will not stop talking!!!!! :roll: Currently she's staying quiet and he just keeps going on and on. Bless her for being so patient and waiting for a turn.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

christee —

Saw that. It was weird! She was 100% silent for about 10 minutes, I think. Seemed even longer and it was a very obvious and awkward silence. And even though she says she likes Bald Steve (as a person), I swear he drives her nuts when she hosts with him! 🤣

Regardless, and nice guy that he may be, he’s 100% clueless when it comes to taking hints. ☹️ He just keeps rambling & mumbling or doing some math that puts everyone to sleep. And Lordy, he sucks up to anyone he hosts with by throwing out compliments…then follows that by rudely ignoring them when they’re speaking! Oh, and one last thing… Sometimes he gets upset and mumbles strange comments about emails they get: “This isn’t a talk show.” 🤔🫤

Sorry for MY rant. Once again it’s JMO! 😁✌️
Last edited by Spinoza 6 months ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by RubyTuesday » 6 months ago

Sorry, folks, but let's get real here. Michelle host remotely?? Have you forgotten what station this is?
ShopLC has got to be the most backward, sexist shopping channel available in my area. First, I can think of only two instances where 2 "teams" of the same gender work on air together: Becky + __fill in the blank__, or most recently Shawn and Dan-in-FL. Everyone else has a female who does all of the product description, modeling, demonstration, etc and the male is supposedly in charge of the financial side, dropping prices. His female co-host, meanwhile, gasps, at his boldness and taking charge.
The only way Michelle could co-host remotely would be if she was treated equally to her male counterparts. And as someone already mentioned, who would handle the jewelry demonstrations? Surely no man could be demoted to that level. He is too busy with the $$. And Lord knows SLC is too cheap to hire a 3rd person. They won't even invest in manicure and hair styling -- even though hands, ears/faces, and necks effectively become display props.
Sorry for the rant, but this woman knows sexism and stereotypes when she sees them. I have more jewelry than I can justify. They want to sell to me - basically, a female audience. But I doubt they would treat us as professional peers. I've had enough. After Michelle leaves, so do I. -- and good luck to Cheryl Els!
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

RubyTuesday wrote:
6 months ago
…His female co-host, meanwhile, gasps, at his boldness and taking charge…
Nailed it! I’d laugh at the description of the subservient female role…except it’s dead-on accurate. ☹️ (I like Jessica but her predictable little shrieks and big gasps are the most annoying to me.)

No doubt the channel is sexist. They don’t even make any effort to hide it. IMO, Michele is the only female who somewhat defies the 2nd banana/sidekick/pretty-but-ignorant-underling stereotype — but her male co-hosts still get the power. (Including the power to talk over her and/or ignore anything she says to him. 😡) Thankfully at least some of the men are polite and treat the women with respect and as equals. (e.g., Aussie Steve, Chris, Shawn & Dan)

Anyway, yes, the odds of Michele doing any remote hosting are definitely slim but I still see a glimmer of anti-stereotype hope — ONLY because she’s so popular and SLC is apparently always short-staffed re available hosts. 🤞 😁✌️
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