Michele’s last day on SLC

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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by christee » 6 months ago

So obvious they prefer a man to be 'in control' of the presentation and money equates power. Apparently SLC believes women are incapable. Why is the man always to the right of the female in presentations?
But here's a suggestion to them: Have both hosts act as if they don't know the final price and they engage in a price drop battle until one appears to 'win'. At least don't let the man win every time. We already know the hosts are well aware of the final price beforehand even though bald Steve's a natural at pretending he has no idea what the price will be.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by kitty7 » 6 months ago

I didn't know she was leaving!I could only stay up so late,but watched part of the show that night.Will be sorry to see her go,hope she is given the time if she wants to do some shows!
She is very knowledgeable about gemstones!Wish her and her family the best !
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Quette » 6 months ago

I wanted to add on to those who have correctly commented the channel seems to be short of hosts. Agree but the hosts they need the most are ones that present in studio. That's why Michele was awakened out of a sound sleep around 10 the night we've been discussing and asked if she could be on air in an hour. They needed someone who could show the jewelry.

Wonder how many people were contacted before they got to Michele. I'd like to think she was first but somehow I doubt that.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

I wonder if they called her and there was no answer. Seems a little odd that they would have someone (who she didn’t even know) drive out and knock on her door without first trying to call, but who knows? 🤔

SLC really needs to hire more hosts or at least do a better job of scheduling. It seems like they have far more substitutions and last minute fill-ins than any business I know of. 😳

JMHO! 😁✌️
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by William » 6 months ago

Gee? They could always have ---

ONE HOST!!??!!

In the old days it was always ONE host and the hosts who have been there longterm can ALL Host alone --- they used to do it every day and they ALL did a Great job when they did !!!

just sayin?

Hope EVERYONE are Well!!!! Thanks All ------------------ William
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Glad you mentioned that, William. 😁

I wondered about that myself. 🤔
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

I think you’re so right William.

If anyone here watches the livestreams on social media, you’ve probably noticed they’ve started putting two hosts on those as well! It looks a little silly with two grown women or a man and woman trying to squeeze together in the little vertical screen area.

They could easily have one host and then either the model or a “junior host” like QVC is doing with their new crop of hosts. Courtney the model/host could really benefit from being eased into being a host rather than thrown in. She is mostly just repeating things we’ve heard Mr C over and over again. And Lauren the young lady who is mostly on the livestreams is almost a deer in headlights when she is on the actual TV show. LC is doing them no favors.

Also, anyone else noticing a lot less time for Heather, Hannah and Chris recently? Karen Connelly via satellite also seems to be less and less. I seem to feel like I’m never seeing them on at all.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Lacy » 6 months ago

Heather was on with Hunter yesterday, I think til 3am. He must have been spoken too. He let her do most of the talking and hardly interrupted. He was just the price dropper and some info given. Not his overbearing self. (I don't know if he knows that he comes off that way) I actually watched it. It was nice for a change. Hunter did a good job. He should keep up the effort.

Regarding the hosts. We have been say this for years. A single host, if its a male that they may need a jewelry or fashion model. If a female host like Becky, Michele, Marva, Jessica, Katie, Cheryl etc. were to work alone. They would NOT need a jewelry model. (Maybe for fashion)

Having 1/2 the host on per day would be amazing, also for their sake.
It would save the host from burning out. Maybe just give them less shifts per day. Happier hosts that don't look like they never sleep with blood shot eyes all the time. Hosts that are overly hyper from caffeine to stay awake, Etc.........We all know the observations.

BTW it's no different from the livestream that has shorter shifts, as stated prior. 1 host, its is managable. LC knows it works.

The reality is that they don't need a person to dramatically drop the price because it's done by another person or a computer. I shop on my laptop or my roku streaming, the price is dropped before the host does. Saying, I can't go lower unless you call in or just got a call to go lower, Right.

On my laptop, its already dropped. So No, they don't need the 2nd host. One host can play the price game(hopefully not for long) and wait for the computer to do the rest.

Sorry for the Rant.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by WTFarmGirl » 6 months ago

Lacy wrote:
6 months ago
Heather was on with Hunter yesterday, I think til 3am. He must have been spoken too. He let her do most of the talking and hardly interrupted. He was just the price dropper and some info given. Not his overbearing self. (I don't know if he knows that he comes off that way) I actually watched it. It was nice for a change. Hunter did a good job. He should keep up the effort.

Regarding the hosts. We have been say this for years. A single host, if its a male that they may need a jewelry or fashion model. If a female host like Becky, Michele, Marva, Jessica, Katie, Cheryl etc. were to work alone. They would NOT need a jewelry model. (Maybe for fashion)

Having 1/2 the host on per day would be amazing, also for their sake.
It would save the host from burning out. Maybe just give them less shifts per day. Happier hosts that don't look like they never sleep with blood shot eyes all the time. Hosts that are overly hyper from caffeine to stay awake, Etc.........We all know the observations.

BTW it's no different from the livestream that has shorter shifts, as stated prior. 1 host, its is managable. LC knows it works.

The reality is that they don't need a person to dramatically drop the price because it's done by another person or a computer. I shop on my laptop or my roku streaming, the price is dropped before the host does. Saying, I can't go lower unless you call in or just got a call to go lower, Right.

On my laptop, its already dropped. So No, they don't need the 2nd host. One host can play the price game(hopefully not for long) and wait for the computer to do the rest.

Sorry for the Rant.

I agree Lacy, when Dan and Steve work together (which is absurd considering how helter skelter they are with hosts, but those two DO do well together), they had some sort of female modeling the jewelry. I'm not sure WHO it was, but I'm guessing it was a last minute deal as this woman had the most awful color of nails I had ever seen (GREEN) and they were ridiculously LONG and also quite grown out. I don't blame her for not showing her face. I think SLC should have some sort of requirement for non hosts (women) that they keep their nails natural, and IF they need to be thrown onto TV for some reason, SLC keeps a standby stock of press on nails READY TO ROLL so those little mittens can LOOK GOOD instead of "thrown in there". Although, I suppose you could argue they don't look worse than everyone else's "norm", . . . then again, I feel like MOST hosts have been doing a better job of keeping their nails looing nice. Except for C . . . I don't think she puts any time into hers and also why she always takes on the GUY'S job of price dropping instead of modeling . . .

And yes William, that was my first thought too reading about Michelle "getting pulled in". JUST USE ONE HOST!

ALSO on a side note, what's with all the ladies NOT styling their hair lately? I've noticed several over the week just pulling back into tight buns or ponytails . . . strikes me that they all were last minute pull ins and only had time for makeup and not hair . . .
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by RubyTuesday » 6 months ago

Re: fingernails - I have already written feedback to SLC TWICE that, in my opinion, they need to make the modest investment of having hair/makeup stylists available. But more importantly, if hands are going to display rings, bracelets, etc, then they need to provide PROFESSIONAL manicures for both men and women. The hosts' hands are being used, in effect, as display items. If SLC can buy other equipment, they need to provide "maintenance" of the hosts' hands where they will be used as display equipment. Smeared nail polish, clashing colors, jagged nails, and hangnails/rough cuticles detract from the jewelry. But hosts should not have to pay out of pocket for manicures when SLC certainly could afford such a minor expense.
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