Michele’s last day on SLC

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Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

FYI Michele fans —

According to what Michele just said, her last day on SLC will be Feb 4th. She said she’s “retiring from the business” though, as she’s said before, she would do remote but hasn't been asked. (Yet?🤞🤞🤞)

She also said she might do an occasional show (“maybe on a holiday”) or a guest appearance or something like that. She wasn’t sure about those possibilities.

She said she didn’t want to dwell on leaving but Bald Steve kept asking her questions and singing her praises and telling her several times she has the “largest following on SLC by far”.

She tried to drop the subject a few times after saying said she was truly touched by people wishing her well and them telling her how much they loved her & would miss her (and then she repeated how much she would miss her “peeps”) but Bald Steve would NOT stop talking about it. 🫤

After a while it was getting a bit uncomfortable for her, IMO. She was tired (as in “sleepy”) and just trying to do the show. Bald Steve kept talking about it and even mentioned her husband, saying he was an executive in LA. (Michele acknowledge he was an executive at FOX for 35 yrs.) Then Bald Steve would tell her that she’s breaking people’s hearts and “please don’t go” over and over even though she was trying her best to change the subject and do the show. I can’t believe how patient and nice she was with Bald Steve who was getting annoying (IMO) by not taking her hints to stop. 😐

If anyone else was watching and can add to what I’ve said or correct something I’ve said, please do. I could have misheard something. 😳 Thanks! 😁✌️
Last edited by Spinoza 6 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by RubyTuesday » 6 months ago

I heard it, too. Excellent synopsis! Thanks, Spinoza.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

You’re very welcome, RubyTuesday. 😁 And thanks for confirming it actually happened! 🤣 😁✌️
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

P.S. Michele just said she’s not leaving because she wants to, but her son isn’t as well as she’d like him to be and she needs to be there for him. Then she said she had to stop talking cuz she didn’t want to cry. ☹️

She also said that doing a remote is up to the VOP… “Voice Of the People”. In other words, if people want her to keep hosting they can call or email SLC & request that they have her do remote! 😁

So there’s hope for all of us Michele fans! 🤞🤞🤞😁✌️
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by DesertPrayer » 6 months ago

Thanks for posting this Spinoza, as I wasn't aware.

I'll miss her because I like Michele very much and admire her...she seems quite genuine. Many times I've thought how hard it might be for her to have a dis-abled child, be away from her hubby so much and have to keep a smile on her face. May God bless her.

'Bald Steve', lol (Steve Cardone).
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

I was watching last night and also thought Michele handled it very much in a classy way when Steve would not leave it be. I think Michele handled it well under the circumstances because I believe (?) she wound up filling in at the last minute for Hannah, who had been previously with Steve in the earlier hours. Speaking of Steve being uncomfortable to watch, I also thought it was a little inappropriate for him to be talking about being sick on air while also still coughing and sniffling while sitting next to Hannah and then Michele. If you’re sick, you shouldn’t compromise your co-workers (even the ones behind the scenes) when you’re visibly not well and saying on camera to all the viewers that you’re taking medicine to supress your ailments in order to work. I was very turned off by that.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Quette » 6 months ago

I was also watching last night when Michele was on with Steve. He seems to be totally unaware of boundaries and sensitivity. I thought he mentioned Michele's son first as the reason she was leaving. I could feel myself falling asleep so I reached for my remote to record the hour. Haven't watched it again yet.

I think Michele may have a better chance of doing some guest hosting whenever she's back in Austin rather than working remote only because she's best when she can handle the jewelry, measure, give the stats, and share some facts and history with the viewers. She would need to work with someone who does the first three things and the truth is there aren't many who handle that part of a presentation with the ease and knowledge as Ms Michele. I already know my viewing won't be nearly as much without her as it is with her.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

I do think LC is making a mistake in not outwardly trying to accommodate Michele to still be part of their presentations. At first I thought that Michele was perhaps pining for the opportunity to work remotely as a negotiating tactic on air. She seems savvy enough to know that taking her situation to the airwaves is probably a risky move, but I agree with everyone that she is genuinely herself and being BOLD is certainly part of that. But now that she has given her end date and is still making the same overtures about staying on as a remote guest, or now as she is saying, coming in for special appearances, etc. … I think all signs point to LC leadership or Ankor not being interested in it. Remember Nikki Stanzione also was making the same sentiments on air for the brief time she came back to LC after her time at ShopHQ. And now Nikki is totally gone from LC I think. I understand the business concept that “no single person is bigger than the business”…. But Michele and also Nikki were mostly adored by a majority of the audience (this is coming from someone who is NOT the biggest fan of either), so I can’t understand why LC would want to alienate such a segment of their viewers. Meanwhile the screamers, shouters, liars and lazy ones are all over the screen, all the time…. bizarre if you ask me.
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago

It will be a sad time when Michele is finally off the air for many of us :cry:
Boy if I had seen the show I would probably have emailed in a nasty note to that in-sensitive braggart!!

Here's what I didn't know about Michele: that she has a disabled Son :cry:
Thanks to @DesertPrayer and @Quette I learned this and I agree with your thoughts
This is another reason why I love Michele....she apparently didn't WHINE about her personal family life whenever I watched her because I had no idea about him
Unlike another "poor me Host" who constantly brings up family and the whoa's regarding it I never heard Michele speak about it

She is on right now with who else? Hunter!
So I am keeping the volume on low so I can hopefully enjoy her and not get a headache from the other side :lol:
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Re: Michele’s last day on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago


Loved your comments and agree with them. 👍😁 Hopefully SLC figures out a way to allow Michele to do shows remotely that makes them all happy. Maybe they can get a model to show the products as Michele describes them and entertains us with her wit and humor! 🤔 It won’t be as good as having her model jewelry on her own “neckage” (🤣🤣🤣) but it could work if that’s the only reason they haven’t asked her to do remote! 😁✌️
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