@Boston Irish

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@Boston Irish

Post by WTFarmGirl » 6 months ago

@Boston Irish

Hi Boston, you had asked in a much later post (I had missed it I'm sorry) about my ring in my photo. That is one of my Nurielite gems in one of my personally designed ring mounts. I just got my order back a few weeks ago and sent them all off to my puppy customers as Thankyou gifts :)


My apologies at being away, I was finally able to get my resin 3D printer rolling and my 3D scanner for gemstones arrived, so I've been picking away at learning both so I can finally craft my own items for jewelry. After 3 failed attempts by the "real pros" to actually produce my designs (the one is the photo was a bit close, but still poorly done), I realized it will be better (and cheaper in the long run) to produce them myself. Eventually I'll be producing my own line of Nurielite engagement rings as a better alternative to diamonds, a bit like morganite is being pushed right now, but more color neutral ;)

It will be some time before I get there since there is MUCH to learn with manufacturing your own stuff, but some day you'll see my ads pop across your Facebook page, hahaha!

Usually I stop in to the forum when I get "stuck" or "frustrated" on the computer, but now my "stuck time" is going to learning programs and design, so I'm not ON here much :)

And I've got another litter of Frenchton Bulldog puppies on the way end of February, so I racing to get stuff done, haha! (each dog only does 1 litter a year)

But I wish you all well!
3 x

Posts: 178
Joined: 9 months ago

Re: @Boston Irish

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago

@WTFarmGirl .....

Oh my goodness, another litter of Frenchton's arriving soon
I can't wait to see them :lol: :lol:
1 x

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