Goodbye, “Modani”

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Goodbye, “Modani”

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

SLC will no longer be working with Modani. Whatever they have in stock is it. When it’s sold, that’s it! The contract with Modani is up and no new one is on the table.

Cheryl is announcing it and the explanation is…um…let’s say “odd”. 🤣

I have a funny feeling there will be more to this revealed in the future! 🤔😳 Just a wild guess on my part. 😉🤣
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Re: Goodbye, “Modani”

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

I’ll be interested to see how this unfolds. There is part of me that thinks maybe Cheryl was using this as a pressure sales tactic. They said they would no longer carry Swarovski and then continued to sell it for months and months… And then, depending on the hosts, I’ve heard them still refer to crystal pieces as “S” brand or dancing around the name… or some even still just flat out still saying Swarovski..
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Re: Goodbye, “Modani”

Post by Lacy » 6 months ago

I'm sure your both right. They may not be getting anyone new modani. But I bet they have a lot left. I don't doubt that we will be seeing it and hearing the "bye modani cry" and hurry, hurry our prices are the best and lowest...for a while. Don't be fooled. ..
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Re: Goodbye, “Modani”

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Welp, Modani is the one who doesn’t want to deal with SLC any more so the supply of Modani jewelry is definitely limited to what they have in stock. (And it’s not a never-ending supply like they have of Tanzanite and Sleeping Beauty turquoise! 🤣) And yes, they’ll no doubt use that as a sales pitch. (“Last time you’ll ever see this Modani piece here once they’re gone!”) But it’s very, very unlikely Modani will ever offer them another contract, IMO. It’s all about Modani $$$ now…Well, and possibly other news about Modani in the future… (Ahem!😉)

Also, I heard SLC won’t be selling lab grown diamonds anymore. They’re going to focus on Moissanite and real diamonds. (That includes lab colored real diamonds.)

Lots of changes coming to SLC in 2024… 😁✌️

P.S. The sooner they run out of Modani pieces the better as far as I’m concerned. Don’t like the jewelry, the prices on the Modani website are ridic and the Modani website looks like a three dollar bill to me… 🤔 🤣
Last edited by Spinoza 6 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Goodbye, “Modani”

Post by BostonIrish » 6 months ago

Not foe Me😏
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Re: Goodbye, “Modani”

Post by mpompadour » 6 months ago

I've been away from Shop LC for a long time. I decided to return to see what has been going on. OMG who do they think they are, Tif*anys, Cart*er, Harr* Winst*n? The prices are ridiculous on a WHOLE lot of stuff. There are still SOME good deals, but they are FAR and FEW between. Just a couple years ago I could spend a good chunk of time shopping and get a lot of really nice stuff and not spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars. Sometimes they spend a whole day or more on a LOT of stuff that is priced in the THOUSANDS, item after item. Do they think we are nothing but rich people loaded with money? Sorry for the rant, but I just had to get it off my chest!
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Re: Goodbye, “Modani”

Post by BostonIrish » 6 months ago

I would not spend that kind of money online🤑
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Re: Goodbye, “Modani”

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

mpompadour —

Agree with you. I hate shows with nothing but high priced items. Booooorrrriiinnng! 😴 They stay on some megabuck items forever, begging and pleading for callers and buyers even when it’s obvious nobody is interested. 🙄

BostonIrish —

Agree with you too. I don’t buy big ticket items online/on TV for several reasons. And even if I decided to, expensive jewelry would be at the bottom of the list. I need to see that in person. 😁✌️
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Re: Goodbye, “Modani”

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

So glad you popped in Mpompadour it’s been a long time! Don’t be a stranger!!
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Re: Goodbye, “Modani”

Post by mpompadour » 6 months ago

Hi Bella!!! Thanks for the welcome back. I think I'll hang out here more often. See you soon!
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