Michelle Told Steve The Other Night

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Michelle Told Steve The Other Night

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 5 months ago

It may have been Michelle's & bald Steve's 1st. evening show on Sun. They were showing a piece of jewelry I do not remember what is was. Michelle said it looked like some designer did it, & she gave a name. Steve said no way, she came back with yes. With every word she said he disagreed with her. Finally in a big voice she said Steve you would argue with dry toast & it went quiet it was so funny. I LOVE how she is speaking her mind. If I was leaving there I think I would have a few words to say before I left. There is not a Host any where that I enjoy watching more than Michelle. I will miss seeing her & laughing with her. She has filled many lonley nights for me.
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Re: Michelle Told Steve The Other Night

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

I saw that show and I literally LOL when she said that! 🤣 Bald Steve was being extra obnoxious that night and had it coming, IMO. And she was a lot more polite about it than I would have been! 😉

It’s only because Michele is leaving soon that I watched the show in spite of Bald Mr.-Know-It-All and his chronic interruptions, arguing, mumbled comments, etc. 🫤

I wish he was leaving and Michelle was staying. There, I said it! 😁✌️
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Re: Michelle Told Steve The Other Night

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 5 months ago

Hi Caribbeangirl....

I saw that show and was laughing cause I knew she didn't give a rats * what she said to him but keeping it at a low roar.... :lol:
Maybe she is being cool in case the company changes their mind and asks her to work remotely.....(wishful thinking)
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Re: Michelle Told Steve The Other Night

Post by Tina » 5 months ago

CaribbeanGirl wrote:
5 months ago
It may have been Michelle's & bald Steve's 1st. evening show on Sun. They were showing a piece of jewelry I do not remember what is was. Michelle said it looked like some designer did it, & she gave a name. Steve said no way, she came back with yes. With every word she said he disagreed with her. Finally in a big voice she said Steve you would argue with dry toast & it went quiet it was so funny. I LOVE how she is speaking her mind. If I was leaving there I think I would have a few words to say before I left. There is not a Host any where that I enjoy watching more than Michelle. I will miss seeing her & laughing with her. She has filled many lonley nights for me.
I don't know why they wouldn't allow Michele to host remotely, she's awesome. If 'on here on there' and 'by the way' every other word and constantly giving out her social media info and the other host's is still on the air after all of her drama- surely Michele can host remotely. I think D is one of the worst hosts ever. I hope she stays on overnights. She's a bad look for the organization.
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Re: Michelle Told Steve The Other Night

Post by WTFarmGirl » 5 months ago

Tina wrote:
5 months ago
I don't know why they wouldn't allow Michele to host remotely, she's awesome. If 'on here on there' and 'by the way' every other word and constantly giving out her social media info and the other host's is still on the air after all of her drama- surely Michele can host remotely. I think D is one of the worst hosts ever. I hope she stays on overnights. She's a bad look for the organization.
I also found it strange that D's constantly pushing her social media info. The ONLY host I have ever seen do it. I'm sure from TIME TO TIME others do it, but with her it's CONSTANTLY. And to "try to make it less about her" D will also throw in the other hosts' social info too, while stating again VERY CLEARLY SPELLED OUT what hers is, lol. It makes no sense to me. If you are not on a paid platform, why haggle for followers? It only invites drama!
Last edited by WTFarmGirl 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Michelle Told Steve The Other Night

Post by Koalagirl » 5 months ago

I think SLC is doing their customers a disservice by allowing Michele to leave. She is one of the only ones who tell it like it is. As for D, I turn the channel since I cannot bear to hear about her constant problems, I have my own.

Another thing, have you noticed that only the "pets", ie Cheryl and a few others get to go on remote travel and not Michele? LC never treated her right.
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Re: Michelle Told Steve The Other Night

Post by WTFarmGirl » 5 months ago

Koalagirl wrote:
5 months ago
I think SLC is doing their customers a disservice by allowing Michele to leave. She is one of the only ones who tell it like it is. As for D, I turn the channel since I cannot bear to hear about her constant problems, I have my own.

Another thing, have you noticed that only the "pets", ie Cheryl and a few others get to go on remote travel and not Michele? LC never treated her right.

We never heard a peep out of Michelle regarding her family, not much until just before she mentioned leaving then we find out her family is in CA. And then with D the whole world knows her business :lol: :lol:
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Re: Michele Told Steve The Other Night

Post by Quette » 5 months ago

I have wondered who makes the decisions about who goes on location and/or to events and what the criteria is. At first when I noticed Cheryl seems to go to a lot of the jewelry shows I thought it was because she is GIA certified and also has been there a while. Then I realized Matt went to Italy and somewhere else and he hadn't even been a SLC host for six months; however he makes reference to all his contacts and wealthy clients so maybe TPTB are trying to take advantage of that. Hunter is also making the rounds and so is Heather.

I do agree that Michele was underutilized while at this channel. Maybe when she leaves they will realize her worth. Unfortunately that happens to those of the female gender often.
Last edited by Quette 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Michelle Told Steve The Other Night

Post by Koalagirl » 5 months ago

Yes, Cheryl has gone to every remote and when they show the promos she is always shown with Ankur. Now Hunter is in Arizona, why. Also like Quests mentioned, Matt went to Italy and Heather to India, and lets not forget Maths went to Bali. Not sure how long Larva has been with LC, but the others are less than 2 years. You would think longevity would matter.
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Re: Michelle Told Steve The Other Night

Post by Serge » 5 months ago

I agree with everyone and regarding D always spelling her name. I counted and she did it 4 times in 45 minutes. I thought lady you're the only host that does that and frankly who cares how to spell your name!
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