Newer host Miss C.

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Newer host Miss C.

Post by Lacy » 5 months ago

She is OK so far. But, I wonder why she doesn't have to work the night owl shift like all the other new hosts while training. She has day shifts with Mr C. only, that I have seen so far. She won't learn her own way of doing things. Just the way Mr. C does it.... Working with other hosts would benefit her. I want to watch David's shows but I don't, It's too much with the both of them... Just saying.
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Re: Newer host Miss C.

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

Maybe she’ll start doing the night owl shows after Michele leaves? 🤔 Aussie Steve can help her but if she gets paired with some of the other males hosts she’ll be trampled on. 😳

Mr. C is okay but you’re right, she needs to learn from a variety of others hosts, including other women. And I mean some of the more assertive females, not only the “just smile, giggle & act shocked” ones. 😐✌️
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Re: Newer host Miss C.

Post by joshuatheemerald » 5 months ago

It is very obvious that Mr + Miss C are paired together because Mr C can “smoke and mirrors” his way around the fact that the new Miss C is cheap labor to fill the impending gap left by Michele and presumably Hannah (have not seen her since the thread about her with Kim Gravel on QVC). Someone else mentioned the Indian culture of never recognizing the value and contribution of a woman, and this is a perfect case. They will replace the void of well seasoned and professional hosts with someone unqualified but willing to do the job and do it for presumably a low wage due to no relevant experience
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Re: Newer host Miss C.

Post by WTFarmGirl » 5 months ago

It's strange that we never heard much about Hannah leaving, but plenty of warning ahead of time for Michelle . . . reminds me of when Stacy disappeared . . . Maybe they "cut them off" if they are switching to a different network?
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Re: Newer host Miss C.

Post by Koalagirl » 5 months ago

I too think Courtney should work the night owl shows, most of the others have or do, like Heather. She has only worked with Chuck and I find her annoying to be honest.
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Re: Newer host Miss C.

Post by colljoe » 5 months ago

I agree with above. Watching her with Chuck the other day was annoying. She is worse than Kim with him in my book. Both talking at the same time. I'm not impressed, but apparently Mr. C is very impressed with her, that's what he said anyway. Shop LC has gone down hill and not hiring a seasoned professional host is just another mistake.

And, by the way, Chuck said he was going to be retiring and moving to Florida. They were showing a manicure set and he mentioned how he told his manicurist, whom he has had for years while living in Texas, that he will be leaving and she got very upset about it. So, wonder when that will be. Maybe the end of the year, or? But for him to mention it to his manicurist one would think it might be soon.
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Re: Newer host Miss C.

Post by WTFarmGirl » 5 months ago

:lol: :lol: Well I'm glad he HAS a manicurist! Maybe he can give his spot to one of the ladies!

I guess I'm not surprised about FL, he seems to be best pals with David and was visiting him there over Christmas. Perhaps getting a job working with him? Who knows, maybe just retiring for good and golf with Mr. D. Maybe he can hang with Tony too while he's there!

Gosh, if Chuck is leaving, and Hannah is gone, plus Michelle . . sounds like things are going to be EVEN MORE CRAZY with the schedule! UGH. Does this mean more camera time for Mr. T????

But Heather seems to do nice on her own, and really has taken on a more professional and confident air about herself :)
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Re: Newer host Miss C.

Post by Lacy » 5 months ago

I like Miss C but, They have been on for hours today. Miss C does not describe or inform anything about the products, she just reads reviews and parrots Mr C. She smiles, agrees....

She Is still doing a model's job IMO. If Mr. C goes, Miss C will be lost. She will have to work with other hosts, as a host. And actually present and inform without all the hand holding. Know about the products. I feel bad for her. Maybe she doesn't realize how poorly he is training her on live tv.

Let Becky train her. She'll be better for it. Miss B will have her more involved. If that what a host is. LC is in trouble. .

Last night Angie the other new host actually presented items, was more involved in a few presentations than Miss C all morning. I don't get it.
Maybe its favoritism....
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Re: Newer host Miss C.

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

Oooh, yes, Becky might be the perfect person to train her. 👍 I wish her the best of luck but she’s not learning much by just sitting there agreeing with whatever Chuckie says. I don’t understand that pairing at all! Maybe they want her to take over after he leaves but, jeez, she needs to actually DO something in terms of presentation and descriptions, etc. JMHO! 😁✌️
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Re: Newer host Miss C.

Post by William » 5 months ago

In the past --- when a host left --- most often --- they JUST disappeared. On one day and then gone and never seen again --- AND ---NEVER mentioned!
Like they really didn't exist! It was ALWAYS wierd--- A FEW would give the viewers a "heads up" and say they were leaving literally 2 or 3 days before they left ( Michelle Stoffel or Jean Paul) But MANY would just --- Disappear---

This goes back years ago to the end of the time of TJC America--- and through the time of LC--- and into the time of ShopLC--- (and there have been a lot of hosts that I have seen come and go!) Anyway -- I am glad that we KNOW we are losing Michele---I Will certainly miss her--- I wish Hanna well --- Anyway -- Like I said in the past ---It is their network and ------ they can do whatever they like

I Hope Everyone are Well!!! Take Care All!!!! Have a Nice Weekend!!!
---------------------------------------------------------------------- William
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