If it couldn't be Aussie Steve

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If it couldn't be Aussie Steve

Post by Quette » 5 months ago

I'm glad Michele's last shows tomorrow will be with Tony. Regardless of how some feel about him, Michele likes doing shows with him. Even though he seldom acts like it I think he has come to enjoy co-hosting with her. He recognizes her love and vast knowledge of gemstones. It's something they share. Tony's going to miss her too.
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Re: If it couldn't be Aussie Steve

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

I agree with you. Though I’ve trashed Tony (Baloney!) in the past, I’ve learned to tolerate him. Dunno if he’s gotten better or if I’m getting mellower! 🤣 Of course Bald Steve still remains the host I like the least (by far!) so that helps Tony look better in my eyes. 😁

That said, I think it’s appropriate that Michele does her last show (for now!) with Tony. Their relationship is special somehow and I think that will make it a little easier for her to sign off without bawling uncontrollably…even though viewers might be shedding tears as she says her goodbyes. 😢 (But hopefully not for good!🤞)
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Re: If it couldn't be Aussie Steve

Post by Serge » 5 months ago

This is the perfect way for her to leave and I agree that Tony has come to enjoy shows with her. At least she makes him laugh which is something I never saw him do . I too hope this won't be the last we've seen of Michele and if SLC has a brain they'll use her remotely!
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Re: If it couldn't be Aussie Steve

Post by Lanai » 5 months ago

Last nights 11pm - 2am time slot with Bald Steve and Michele was surprisingly a good show. I saw a completely different side to him. I think she is one of the few Female Host that he likes and respects. He pretty well let her take control of their last show together and he seemed to be thoroughly entertained and even laughing at times especially when someone wrote something negative and extremely mean spirited in to Michele and she read the email out loud and then told the person off and called them an A**hole while they were Live On Air and addressed the person by Name.
He joked with her that their show may be her last show and not Saturdays and told her to ignore rude comments, that those people didn't even know her.
She also jokingly was saying different items would be great going away gifts and on one of the items he just simply stated to her, done. They joked around the whole show, she sang and rapped. He said they were Friends because they were both Crazy.
He said he would miss her and see her before she left on Saturday and he didn't want her to go. He also stated he was going to be making some calls and she said fine, for him to go ahead. He has said more than once that the relationship between Modani and other NY Closeouts were more related to him than Ankur's history with various Designers. Never know if it's just him being braggadocios or if it is completely True and him just be himself, or a little of both.
Tonight while Hosting with Tony, Michele did state that Steve had brought her in a Cake. I thought that was quite Nice. (If it would have been Mr. C leaving, there would have been a Marching Band and Parade) They have both mentioned many times about how they had worked together for over 8 years previously and had been Friends for years. Their relationship reminds me of the one between Michele and Tony. She puts them in their place in a Funny way that earns their Respect by Not letting them run over her.
I was somewhat confused at some of the Conversations between Tony and Michele this evening. Like when she asked him if he got her New Address and he said Yes and No, that his Email automatically deleted items and that he would get it sometime next week and she joked it was just like a man. She did mention to him it was her last show and he said very Complimentary and Kind things about her upon signing off but then she also had previously mentioned that she would look forward to Hosting with him again as always.
Bald Steve is presently on Air with Miss D and he referred to himself as "Uncle Fester" and she looked obviously shocked and asked him if he just referred to himself as "Uncle Fester" and he said Yeah, I don't care. I don't care what people write in or say about me. Maybe other Hosts should take that same Philosophy, if you choose a Profession that puts you in the Public Eye then you have to be able to deal with people's opinions whether Positive or Negative.
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Re: If it couldn't be Aussie Steve

Post by WTFarmGirl » 5 months ago

Lanai wrote:
5 months ago
Last nights 11pm - 2am time slot with Bald Steve and Michele was surprisingly a good show. I saw a completely different side to him. I think she is one of the few Female Host that he likes and respects. He pretty well let her take control of their last show together and he seemed to be thoroughly entertained and even laughing at times especially when someone wrote something negative and extremely mean spirited in to Michele and she read the email out loud and then told the person off and called them an A**hole while they were Live On Air and addressed the person by Name.
He joked with her that their show may be her last show and not Saturdays and told her to ignore rude comments, that those people didn't even know her.
She also jokingly was saying different items would be great going away gifts and on one of the items he just simply stated to her, done. They joked around the whole show, she sang and rapped. He said they were Friends because they were both Crazy.
He said he would miss her and see her before she left on Saturday and he didn't want her to go. He also stated he was going to be making some calls and she said fine, for him to go ahead. He has said more than once that the relationship between Modani and other NY Closeouts were more related to him than Ankur's history with various Designers. Never know if it's just him being braggadocios or if it is completely True and him just be himself, or a little of both.
Tonight while Hosting with Tony, Michele did state that Steve had brought her in a Cake. I thought that was quite Nice. (If it would have been Mr. C leaving, there would have been a Marching Band and Parade) They have both mentioned many times about how they had worked together for over 8 years previously and had been Friends for years. Their relationship reminds me of the one between Michele and Tony. She puts them in their place in a Funny way that earns their Respect by Not letting them run over her.
I was somewhat confused at some of the Conversations between Tony and Michele this evening. Like when she asked him if he got her New Address and he said Yes and No, that his Email automatically deleted items and that he would get it sometime next week and she joked it was just like a man. She did mention to him it was her last show and he said very Complimentary and Kind things about her upon signing off but then she also had previously mentioned that she would look forward to Hosting with him again as always.
Bald Steve is presently on Air with Miss D and he referred to himself as "Uncle Fester" and she looked obviously shocked and asked him if he just referred to himself as "Uncle Fester" and he said Yeah, I don't care. I don't care what people write in or say about me. Maybe other Hosts should take that same Philosophy, if you choose a Profession that puts you in the Public Eye then you have to be able to deal with people's opinions whether Positive or Negative.
woooooow, that sounds like a good few hours worth grabbing popcorn for! I have seen Steve and Michelle a few times, and did notice that he seemed more at ease with her. And maybe that's a lot of his problem is he's very self-conscious? Michelle putting him at ease likely helps calm his high strung tenancies and bring out his true self :)

Self conscious people tend to brag ;)

Anyway, I do applaud him for setting the record straight on comments with D :lol:

But on a side note, I feel he might do amazing embracing his inner Fester . . . he could design a product line "Adam's Family Gothic Themed" and peddle it online and at shows (not on SLC). There is a big market for that "darker" (gothic style) jewelry, and he could really do well selling it. I just don't think he has the confidence in himself though. He needs a Michelle in his life to help steer his career ;)

I just don't think a shopping channel is the best fit for him, but he loves jewelry . . .
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