Female hosts on SLC

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Female hosts on SLC

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 5 months ago

Feb. 24, 2024
I am dating this post because I like to read old posts. I want to see change within this company. I want to see what year it is in the posts so I can tell. Unfortunately, I never see change.
We know when SLC first aired it was very different than other shopping channels. But, it followed the American format. Later it changed to the Indian culture mind set. It began setting up the male and female host format. The man is the dominant host who sets prices. The woman is just necessary to showcase the item.

I stopped purchasing accept on Fridays. I always need inexpensive gifts for so many people who provide good service. The merchandise was good for the price. It is not anymore. In a few years I began to see more jewelry marked Made in China, especially stainless steel. The host always makes mention of the unique factory built in Japiur just to make stainless. They never mention that they own a factory in China. In China, they might not have ownership but the Chinese government endorses them and shares in the profit.
I rarely purchase now. I watch solely as a form of entertainment while I am doing things that don't require complete attention. This is just one of the many talents of Michele that I will miss.
She was entertaining and very knowledge.
I think Michele was under appreciated and they demanded too much from her. I wish her the very best that life has to offer. She is a very talented lady.
Now, I see that Hannah realized the way she was being treated showed little respect for her ability. I am happy she is in a better environment now. She is a very talented lady.

I realize the Shawn and Dan show is phony but it is humorous. An item was selling in great quantity so they kept extending the time. I hate when that is done. Dan mentioned that during long presentations they get bored. He said that's when Shawn and him go off the rails. When they begin to talk about crazy incidents they had at other shopping channels, their laughter is so sincere it is contagious. I find myself laughing along with them.
I laughed along with Michele.
Karen was another host who had a sense of humor when she was in the studio, not remotely.
As I dated this, I wonder how long will it be before I find that nothing is worth watching.
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Re: Female hosts on SLC

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 5 months ago

It is not Feb. 24th! It is the 10th. At least I got the right year.
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Re: Female hosts on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

Shawn and Dan have become my fave hosts. Sure the humor is corny but they KNOW it’s corny and that’s why it works. You have to laugh at them because they both seem like really nice guys just trying to entertain us with their silliness — while still selling things of course! But they’re not high pressure or braggarts or screamers/shriekers so I’m thrilled about that! 😁

And I agree that my purchases have also now been pretty much just odds & ends/low cost little gifts from the Friday shows. I also pick up some little things on the $1 auctions. You’d be shocked at how many nice things I’ve gotten for just a dollar! 😃 But the high ticket auction items hold no interest for me and the screwy bidding is more than just a little suspicious. 🤔 Plus, all too often the quality just isn’t there on SLC. I don’t want to spend a lot of money on products from China or India! And while hosts brag about SLC making their own jewelry much of the time, to me that’s just saying “we make cheap knock-offs of the high quality items found elsewhere”! 🤣 JMHO! 😁✌️
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Re: Female hosts on SLC

Post by WTFarmGirl » 5 months ago

I will fully admit I have mostly stopped watching. I used to always keep it on for background noise and in case they showed something worth buying. Now I play music on my phone.

I am realizing nothing is exactly a steal here, you DO get what you pay for, the exception WAS the auctions, but I stopped as soon as they took off free shipping for orders over $50, and when they cancelled my GOOD wins, well then I was flat out DONE.

I can't stand the constant smoke and mirrors, and honestly, I put a pair of "sterling silver" earrings in the other day and one of my ears reacted to it, making me wonder if it's actually sterling . . .

I shouldn't have to question what I am buying. It's like going to a fast food restaurant and wondering what percentage of BEEF is contained in the burger . . .

They DO still have good prices on sterling chains last I checked, and a few other items, but it's hard to find.
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Re: Female hosts on SLC

Post by mpompadour » 5 months ago

I agree with you. I'm tired of Tanzanite, I don't think they will EVER run out of it, LOL, Sick of Shungite and Terahertz too. Also tired of the long, drawn out selling of items. They will present one item for sometimes almost an hour. But the one thing that hacks me off is the constant stream of several thousand dollar items. They have really forgot whom their audience is. Most of us want something pretty at a reasonable price. That's why I used to shop here more. They tout Shop LC as low cost, well they need to change their name to Shop HP (high price). Now I shop Fridays because every now and then you can get a nice item at a good price and I shop the $ Auctions regularly. But you have to be careful on the $ Auctions as some bidders lose their minds bidding WAY above what the item is worth or mess around sport bidding so no one will win good stuff. I've kind of found a little trick I use when I see something I like on the $ Auctions. That is, when I have my eye on an item, I'll keep an eye on the bidding, but in the meantime I go check to see if it can be bought the regular way or cheaper and I buy it. Sometimes the item is on clearance, YAY. I can't tell you how many times I have watched an item I want go for WAY more than just outright buying it. I just laugh at those bidders that pay more than they had to in the first place. I USED to spend hours and hours on here and back in the day bought SO many NICE pieces of jewelry for truly reasonable prices. Looks like sadly those days are gone.
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Re: Female hosts on SLC

Post by Koalagirl » 5 months ago

I basically just check to see who is hosting, otherwise I am not watching like I use to. I find I cannot watch most of the current hosts and no longer trust their jewelry. I have been watching the Q or the H more but with the new season starting up its doubtful I will watch as often. Right now my favor female host is Heather.
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Re: Female hosts on SLC

Post by Mapper » 5 months ago

mpompadour wrote:
5 months ago
I agree with you. I'm tired of Tanzanite, I don't think they will EVER run out of it, LOL, Sick of Shungite and Terahertz too. Also tired of the long, drawn out selling of items. They will present one item for sometimes almost an hour. But the one thing that hacks me off is the constant stream of several thousand dollar items. They have really forgot whom their audience is. Most of us want something pretty at a reasonable price. That's why I used to shop here more. They tout Shop LC as low cost, well they need to change their name to Shop HP (high price). Now I shop Fridays because every now and then you can get a nice item at a good price and I shop the $ Auctions regularly. But you have to be careful on the $ Auctions as some bidders lose their minds bidding WAY above what the item is worth or mess around sport bidding so no one will win good stuff. I've kind of found a little trick I use when I see something I like on the $ Auctions. That is, when I have my eye on an item, I'll keep an eye on the bidding, but in the meantime I go check to see if it can be bought the regular way or cheaper and I buy it. Sometimes the item is on clearance, YAY. I can't tell you how many times I have watched an item I want go for WAY more than just outright buying it. I just laugh at those bidders that pay more than they had to in the first place. I USED to spend hours and hours on here and back in the day bought SO many NICE pieces of jewelry for truly reasonable prices. Looks like sadly those days are gone.
I never cared for Tanzanite and don't own Shungite so I don't watch those presentations. I do own Terahertz and like to watch for new items but prices have gone too high and the "Hairahertz" presentations have become too obnoxious. I don't and won't do auctions on any website and Shawn and Dan are about the only ones I watch these days.
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Re: Female hosts on SLC

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

mpompadour —

Agree completely with everything you said! 👍 SLC keeps bragging about how big they are and how fast they’re growing but I keep thinking their meteoric rise is going to end in a huge “crash and burn” if they don’t change some things! And if the supplies of tanzanite and sleeping beauty are soooooo limited why hasn’t their “big box” competition bought it all out by now to sell at the much, much higher prices SLC uses as comparisons? 🤔 Something doesn’t add up… 😉

Oh and the $1 auction bidding often gets ridic! I too marvel at how some people overpay for items. 🤪 It’s sad when I see people bidding $20+ for items STILL being sold elsewhere on SLC for $20 or less! And the outrageous FAKE bidding on some jewelry is downright insulting. 🙄😡 Does SLC think we don’t see what they’re doing? 🫤
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Re: Female hosts on SLC

Post by RubyTuesday » 5 months ago

I too marvel at how some people overpay for items. Unlike eBay and other auction sites, SLC allows you to bid whatever ridiculous amount you want and then you are under no obligation to follow through with payment. Your "winning bid" just expires and then they relist it. So I figure SLC just has some bogus bidders out there to keep premium items in circulation in the auctions.
-- Oh, and remember that it takes TWO bidders to get the price that high. If one bids $1,000 but the highest other bid is $25, it should just go to $26. So it take some collusion (dare I say, "conspiracy"???) to get auction prices far above their regular price 🦨 🤧 🐟 🐠
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Re: Female hosts on SLC

Post by CDK » 5 months ago

I love me some Tanzanite...I've been watching documentaries on YouTube about it...it's amazing when I'm holding my Tanzanite and think what these men in the mines go through to obtain this stone...It's very interesting...and those 9.99 little crystal lamps I bought last week are pretty awesome 😍
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