Miss C

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Re: Miss C

Post by Bella » 5 months ago

AKA on the job training. Or as the military puts it OJT. That’s what Shop LC is doing with her. I rarely watch but I hope she exceeds their expectations she deserves it.
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Re: Miss C

Post by BostonIrish » 5 months ago

Miss C I have not been watching much but I wish you the best of luck and I know you will SMILE.🤗 I know in many jobs sometimes you just have to wing it I know I have in the past🐥💚
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Re: Miss C

Post by colljoe » 5 months ago

Business is business. Hiring a professional Host is to the best interest of Shop LC and it's customers. Shop LC decided not to do that. Especially with Michele and Hannah gone. There is quite a void. It appears most of us do appreciate the knowledge of an experienced and educated host, concerning all things gems and minerals.
Getting the education first should be how it's done before declaring a model, Courtney, an actual Host. I do believe Chuck had something to do with this because he really likes her. Sometimes, it's who you know.
But the good news is, we can always change the channel.
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Re: Miss C

Post by joshuatheemerald » 5 months ago

I think it was admirable of Courtney to come on here and state her willingness to be better… especially when her coworkers have come here to shut down any critiques, criticism, commentary, etc. we as the viewers have shared.

I do have to agree with colljoe though in the sense that LC’s whole pitch to the customer is that their whole team is a bunch of experts in fashion, makeup, decor, and of course gemstones and jewelry. The promotion of Courtney as a model-into-host totally blows the entire premise of the channel. If Tony or Cheryl with their expertise will sell something that Courtney is also going to sell and recite talking points over, whatever shred of authenticity this channel had is gone.

I do believe that MrC played a hand in this as well… if you noticed he was paired with Dionne for a long time during the day, then went to evenings with Hannah, moved onto Kim back during the day, and now he and Miss C are getting the regular pairings. Either the girl gets sick of him or vice versa…. He needed someone new to sit with him and he found that shiny toy…

I have been less involved in the conversation here because I am honestly watching less and less LC than ever. The products are uninteresting, the pressure sales tactics are off-putting, and the hosts are unbearable. You’ll hear them say things like “we are the most profitable shopping channel”, “the fastest-growing network”, “I could have sold this gemstone to another home shopping channel for way more”… what does any of this mean to me as a customer when I think your products are junk, your hosts are obnoxious and the “savings” aren’t as obvious on the things I WOULD consider buying…

Sorry for steering off into other points but I’m just losing interest in this overall. And it’s sad because I like being part of this community but I just can’t spend money here any longer.
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Re: Miss C

Post by WTFarmGirl » 5 months ago

I only saw Miss C a handful of times and not for very long. I stopped watching just because I was sick of the same ol singing monkey.

I can HONESTLY say, I got MOST of my knowledge from watching SLC. Usually Cheryl and Tony, but sometimes others. When someone acts arrogant I always double check the facts they state. So I LEARNED A LOT, and I also learned that a good deal of what they claim is grossly untrue. BUT, it served a purpose, and that was to DRIVE ME to do the research myself. Educate myself.

Over the course of a year, I dove into plenty of random gemology rabbit holes and began buying up my own collection of loose gems to later mount and sell. The more I learned, the more I WANTED to learn, especially important if planning to SELL down the road.

Personally, I think SLC might have ruined what could have beena great host (Miss C). No one should have to start a job off on the wrong foot and fight their way back up again. Should have sent her to a gemology school (not chuck), so she can gain real knowledge. However that wouldn't serve SLC at all since they don't operate on real knowledge. Just scare tactics.

My guess is, Miss C will have a shakey start at SLC and be eaten alive while learning the skills needed. Once she gets those skills she'll move to a better network and then actually be appreciated as a quality host.

Miss C (like many of the hosts) seems like a nice lady. It's just very a unfortunate situation at the moment :(
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Re: Miss C

Post by Koalagirl » 5 months ago

Just think that SLC is doing a disservice to both their consumers and hosts by having uninformed hosts selling their items. It is not only frustrating to the buyers but the hosts as well. I do agree, Mr. C had a lot to do with it.
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Re: Miss C

Post by Jo » 5 months ago

If you're talking about Courtney, I agree she's not very good as a host. She hardly shows the backside of the rings which is something I always want to see. Plus she and Chuck talk over each other constantly. Ugh!
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Re: Miss C

Post by CDK » 5 months ago

I swear, if I hear one more host state "what I need to know"...Also when they have one of the rarest gems in the world and yet they set it in vermeil...Anything set in vermeil, gold tone or gold overlay, in my opinion is throw away jewelry...eventually the overlay wears off...
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Re: Miss C

Post by Bella » 5 months ago

I know that vermeil, gold overlay, goldtone/silvertone gets a bad rap on the forum and I get it. I would never purchase a rare gem in those settings. But there are times depending on where I’m going (especially with the current crime rates) that I’m not wearing my “good stuff.” This past year I went to a swamp buggy festival down south (not my idea was my partners) and I took all my junky jewelry with me and I still received compliments on it. There is a time and place for certain types of jewelry. I will be at the Kentucky Derby this year (my idea, I go every year he’ll tag along) and I will wear the “good stuff.”
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Re: Miss C

Post by Lacy » 5 months ago

Bella, I agree. I bought many items years ago. Though I don't wear the same ring every day. I usually only bought sterling with beautiful stones. But some of my rings are vermeil that hasn't worn off.. I have used clear nail polish on the band. Which helps it's longevity with the gold wearing. I haven't tried the vermeil chains.

I have ion chains that haven't worn off either. (No nail polish coating) I did wear one for a wedding and got plenty of compliments on the chain. No one knew it was ion plated. I never buy tone jewelry.

I only use a polishing cloth to clean on all my jewelry. Never jewelry cleaner. And a soft brush on the stones if necessary.
Either way, I always get compliments.

As you said. "A time and a place".
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