Miss C

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Re: Miss C

Post by Quette » 5 months ago

Quette wrote:
5 months ago
...That blond is truly not her color but that wasn't the worst of it. She has a limited vocabulary and knowledge describing jewelry. Working with Chuck almost exclusively is not doing her any favors...
I always like to be fair in my posts so returning to give additional input which is more positive. Saw Courtney briefly with Chuck this morning but am watching more intently now while Batch is on. She is doing a much better job discussing these products as she does with all the beauty gadgets. Like most of us when Ms. C has knowledge about what she is presenting her confidence comes through and she is able to express her own thoughts without parroting Chuck. She doesn't seem to have gem and jewelry basic knowledge so she needs to take some beginning courses if she's serious about becoming a full service host. Watching YT videos doesn't count.
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Re: Miss C

Post by joshuatheemerald » 5 months ago


I like your take on this situation! I think Miss C does have to own the responsibility of the job, which is to present whatever they have to sell at any given time. We all know LC is mostly jewelry so she can only be shielded from it for so long (or as we’ve now seen, no longer). But I will say this: LC ownership/managers also need to shoulder some blame to be OK with putting her in what is obviously an uncomfortable position. It’s obvious to us as the viewers that’s the situation and they should be a little more compassionate to help her be the best she can be for herself and for us as the audience.
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Re: Miss C

Post by CDK » 5 months ago

The constructive criticism is good for her...it builds character...
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Re: Miss C

Post by Serge » 5 months ago

I hope she'll take our criticism better than another blond host and will learn from it!
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Re: Miss C

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

I agree with some others that Chuckie is NOT the right mentor for her. He may have a good amount of knowledge but the way he speaks and often cuts her off doesn’t leave much room for her to say anything more than “Yes!” “Great!” “Oooh, ahhh!” and read emails. 🫤

I don’t know if she has what it takes to be a good host or not but since she’s done modeling, let her do clothing shows and maybe she’ll relax talking about something she’s more comfortable with. 🤔

And again, pair her up with a different co-host! Sheesh! JMHO 😁✌️
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Re: Miss C

Post by Lacy » 5 months ago

C is on with Shawn. She said. baguette are faceted....In the first 10 mins. I am so glad Shawn is taking over the show. She really should take some classes. Please, Don't make us be her classroom audience! She should do the right steps to be a host for jewelry. I am sure with taking the time to get an actual gemology course, get an education. Then, maybe she should do live streaming with a host beside her before putting her live on air for a while. She will have earned her Hosting legs and possibly be good at it. Don't just throw her into the fire for all of us to watch.
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Re: Miss C

Post by joshuatheemerald » 5 months ago


I’m also seeing what you are. Being with Shawn is perhaps the worst combination for her to be in because Shawn is so well-spoken and does not play any of the smoke and mirrors games: no listing the customers and making comments on the town they live in, no throwing it over to a model, no obsession over the amount of callers, etc. It is clear LC is scrambling to fill the spots left by Michele and Hannah, as I think a lot of the “usual” pairings have been thrown off recently and it’s making for some awkward shows with hosts who are not used to each other.
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Re: Miss C

Post by Lacy » 5 months ago

Agreed but they should just have her model and let shawn sell. They don't need completely inexperienced people as a host on the show. Until she is ready.
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Re: Miss C

Post by joshuatheemerald » 5 months ago

Hey Lacy, I totally agree with you! I think she is just willing to do whatever they ask (which overeagerness is not always a good thing), so they use her for whatever they need done. I agree more training and off-camera help is needed before she should be on regularly. I have just lost faith in LC recently with the increase in pricing overall, the long-winded presentations, the quality of items I have purchased seemingly less-than from previous purchases and also this puzzling sequence of personnel moves.

They let go of Shawn Wilse, only to bring him back a year later and have him on no regular schedule, even though he is just as knowledgeable as a Cheryl or Tony, while also being extremely less polarizing than those two.

Nikki came back with the red carpet rolled out with commercials and lots of celebratory messaging to at she was “back”, and she was gone again within a matter of a month or two. I understand we discussed her need to be with family, but surely if LC wanted her for a few days here and there she could make it work. But instead she is doing various other shopping and TV projects we see on social media, including on QVC as a brand representative.

Hannah also was last seen on QVC with no real notice she was leaving LC.

Then of course Michele who openly pined for the ability to still work with LC, but as of her last airing, she was still “hopeful”. What a shame.

Anyway, I haven’t had my morning coffee yet and I was up late last night so maybe I’m just a little cranky! :)
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Re: Miss C

Post by Serge » 5 months ago

I truly hope SLC wises up and brings Michele back however they can get her and be glad she'll work remote. I really miss her sense of humor as SLC needs it and not just people laughing at how bad the shows have become. I find myself watching 1 of their competitors more and more just because I can't handle having to watch their bad hosting!
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