Give your furry friends a hug today

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Re: Give your furry friends a hug today

Post by William » 5 months ago

Bella I am So Sorry for your loss!!!

Gyspy I am sorry that you to recently lost a kitty!!

Blessings to you both! I am happy that they had such beautiful and wonderful furparents---
I can't imagine how much you guys loved them and how well you guys cared for them!
You were able to give them happy lives just as they gave you both love and happyness!

Again --- I am So Sorry!!!
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Re: Give your furry friends a hug today

Post by Bella » 5 months ago

Thank you so much William. Always such sweet and kind words.
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Re: Give your furry friends a hug today

Post by joshuatheemerald » 5 months ago

I’m very sorry to read of the sad news.

I’ve never been able to have a pet of my own due to allergies as a child and then I traveled a lot for my job in engineering so pets didn’t really have a stable environment.

Wishing everyone peace and comfort
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Re: Give your furry friends a hug today

Post by BostonIrish » 5 months ago

Bell I just saw your post.😪 I am so sorry for having to say goodbye to your baby. I had two dogs and was lucky to have each one for 13 years. I never wanted another because the pain was to hard. I know it is like losing part of you and has left a hole in your heart. I think Isabella was a lucky little girl to have you for a Mom.
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Re: Give your furry friends a hug today

Post by Bella » 5 months ago

Thank you so much BostonIrish your words do help. I’m sure your two dogs were so happy that YOU were by their side as well.
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Re: Give your furry friends a hug today

Post by WTFarmGirl » 5 months ago

Bella wrote:
5 months ago
I hope all of you that have a special pet give them a HUGE hug today. After a 4 year battle with kidney disease I had to have my 18 year old Italian Greyhound Isabella euthanaized. She fought the disease like a trooper. She never whimpered or whined through it all. All the fresh organic meals and top of the line kidney supplements with exotic mushrooms, trying Reiki and using CBD tinctures helped her live her last few years fairly normal. She became deaf and blind in her later years but it never seemed to dim her spirit. She was dearly loved by all the nursing homes in the area for all the joy and happiness she gave to the residents as a therapy dog for 15 years.
So to all of you with a furry friend give them a hug from Isabella and me.
I'm glad she was able to live such a nice, long and mostly healthy life! I see too many that limp their ailing pet along only because they don't want to part with them. But it sounds like your buddy stayed strong the whole way through!
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Re: Give your furry friends a hug today

Post by Bella » 5 months ago

Thank you FarmGirl for the kind words. It was the last couple of weeks of her life that she really went downhill. I knew it was time. Again thank you.
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Re: Give your furry friends a hug today

Post by Druid » 5 months ago

@Bella I am so sorry for your loss. It has been now 2 years since our dear beloved lab retriever, Patou , who was also 18 years old, was put down. His last months were very difficult, he had lost weight so much, was blind, had arthritis everywhere, he could not even wag his tail anymore but I still could not bring myself to put him down. Every night he came panting and asking for his CBD med, than I passed the nights giving him Reiki. 2 years ago, the next day after my older daughter’s birthday, he could not get up anymore and do his business so, we finally decided it was time.He passed away at the vet with all of us around him and my other daughter from Texas on the video telling him how much he was loved and what a good and handsome boy he was.We had 18 years of pure joy with him. Now we have a shelter rescue mix and recently a golden retriever. I often think of our beloved Patou and cannot help crying my heart out. So, yes, your dog was very much part of your best possible family, he showed you only unconditional love for 18 years.May he rest in peace!
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Re: Give your furry friends a hug today

Post by TARD » 5 months ago

I'm so sorry Bella. I lost my 18 1/2 year old Westie just before Christmas and I know how shattered your heart is. Thinking of you!
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Re: Give your furry friends a hug today

Post by Bella » 5 months ago

Thank you so much Druid and Tard for sharing your stories of loss. I just realized that this is the 1st time in 36 years that there is no dog or cat in the house. Just doesn’t seem the same. It’s amazing how much they become a part of your everyday life.
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